Center for Research in Environmental Epidemiology
Recent publications
Background Growing evidence shows that dysregulated metabolic intrauterine environments can affect offspring’s neurodevelopment and behaviour. However, the results of individual cohort studies have been inconsistent. We aimed to investigate the association between maternal diabetes before pregnancy and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) with neurodevelopmental, cognitive and behavioural outcomes in children. Methods Harmonised data from > 200 000 mother-child pairs across ten birth cohorts in Europe and Australia were available. Mother-child pairs were included for analysis to determine whether GDM was recorded (yes or no) and whether at least one neurodevelopmental, cognitive and behavioural outcome was available in children aged 3 to 13 years. Confounder-adjusted regression models were used to estimate associations between maternal diabetes and child outcomes using two-stage individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis. Model 1 included a crude estimate. The full adjustment model (model 2) included adjustment for child sex, maternal age, pre-pregnancy BMI, pregnancy weight gain, maternal smoking during pregnancy, plurality, parity and maternal education. Results Children (aged 7–10 years) born to mothers with GDM had higher attention-deficient hyperactive disorder (ADHD) symptoms compared to non-exposed controls (model 2, regression coefficient (β) 3.67 (95% CI 1.13, 6.20), P = 0.001). Moreover, children (aged 4–6 years) born to mothers with GDM exhibited more externalising problems than those born to mothers without GDM (model 2, β 2.77 (95% CI 0.52, 5.02), P = 0.01). A pre-existing maternal history of type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus was associated with ADHD symptoms at 4–6 years (model 1, β 8.82 (95% CI 2.21, 15.45, P = 0.009) and β 7.90 (95% CI 0.82, 14.98, P = 0.02), respectively). The association was no longer apparent in further adjustments. Conclusions This study found that children between 4 - 6 and 7–10 years of age born to mothers with GDM have a greater likelihood of developing externalising problems and ADHD symptoms, respectively. Externalising problems often co-exist with ADHD symptoms and precede formal ADHD diagnosis. Overall, this large-scale multi-cohort study suggested that a dysregulated metabolic environment during pregnancy may contribute to ADHD symptoms and externalising problems in young children.
Objective To explore the association between telomere length (TL) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in children at 6–12 years. Method Data from 1,759 children belonging to the HELIX project cohorts and the Asturias, Gipuzkoa and Valencia cohorts of INMA project were included. TL was determined by blood sample using a PCR protocol. ADHD symptoms were described by parents using the Conners’ Parent Rating Scale-Revised: Short Form. Multiple negative binomial regression models adjusted for potential confounders were used to estimate associations. Results Overall estimates showed no associations between TL and ADHD symptoms. However, we observed that a longer TL was significantly associated with a lower risk of presenting hyperactivity symptoms in children belonging to the HELIX project (IRR = 0.93, 95% CI [0.87, 0.99]; p = .022). Conclusion While our study did not find a consistent association between TL and ADHD symptoms across all cohorts, the significant association found within the HELIX cohort suggests that longer TL may be linked to a lower risk of hyperactivity symptoms. Further research is needed to explore this association in more detail.
Importance Climate change can adversely affect mental health, but the association of ambient temperature with psychiatric symptoms remains poorly understood. Objective To assess the association of ambient temperature exposure with internalizing, externalizing, and attention problems in adolescents from 2 population-based birth cohorts in Europe. Design, Setting, and Participants This cohort study analyzed data from the Dutch Generation R Study and the Spanish INMA (Infancia y Medio Ambiente) Project. Generation R recruited 9898 women during pregnancy or shortly after birth, with children born between 2002 and 2006. INMA recruited 2270 pregnant women from Gipuzkoa, Sabadell, and Valencia, Spain, with children born between 2003 and 2008. Individuals born from live singleton births with available outcome and exposure data were included in the study. Data were analyzed between October 2023 and November 2024. Exposure Daily ambient temperature 2 weeks, 1 month, and 2 months preceding outcome assessment was calculated between December 2015 and November 2022 at the residence at 100 × 100 m resolution utilizing the UrbClim model. Main Outcomes and Measures The primary outcomes were internalizing, externalizing, and attention problems, measured with the maternal-reported Child Behavioral Checklist for ages 6 to 18 years; raw scores were square-root transformed, with higher scores indicating more problems. Distributed lag nonlinear models evaluated the associations of temperature exposure with problem scores in each country and region. For Spain, results from the 3 INMA regions were combined using random-effects meta-analysis. Results show the accumulated temperature association over each exposure period. Results A total of 3934 participants from Generation R (mean [SD] age at assessment, 13.6 [0.4] years; 1971 female [50%]) and 885 from INMA (mean [SD] age at assessment, 14.9 [1.0] years; 458 female [52%]) were included. Most parents in both cohorts were native to the respective countries of each cohort and had relatively high socioeconomic status. Daily temperatures ranged from −5.2 °C to 32.6 °C in the Netherlands and 3.3 °C to 33.9 °C in Spain. In Generation R, the mean (SD) square-root transformed scores were 2.0 (1.2) for internalizing problems, 1.6 (1.3) for externalizing problems, and 1.5 (1.0) for attention problems, while in INMA these were 2.4 (1.2), 2.1 (1.3), and 1.5 (1.1), respectively. In the Netherlands, cumulative exposure to cold was associated with more internalizing problems (eg, 0.76 [95% CI, 0.20-1.32] higher square-root points at 5.5 °C exposure over a 2-month exposure). In Spain, cumulative exposure to heat was associated with more attention problems (eg, 1.52 [95% CI, 0.39-2.66] higher square-root points at 21.7 °C exposure over a 2-month exposure). Conclusions and Relevance In this cohort study, exposure to cold in the Netherlands and heat in Spain were associated with more psychiatric symptoms, highlighting distinct temperature exposure and mental health associations among adolescents. Future studies should explore this across diverse climates to further quantify the intricate and multifactorial association of climate change with mental health.
Children born via cesarean delivery have a higher risk of metabolic, immunological, and neurodevelopmental disorders compared to those born via vaginal delivery, although mechanisms remain unclear. We conducted a meta-analysis of epigenome-wide association studies to examine the associations between delivery mode and blood DNA methylation at birth and its persistence in early childhood. Participants were from 19 pregnancy cohorts (9833 term newborns) and 6 pediatric cohorts (2429 children aged 6 to 10 years). We identified six CpGs in cord blood associated with cesarean delivery (effect size range: 0.4 to 0.7%, P < 1.0 × 10 ⁻⁷ ): MAP2K2 (cg19423175), LIM2 (cg01500140), CNP (cg13917614), BLM (cg18247172), RASA3 (cg22348356), and RUNX3 (cg20674490), independent of cell proportions and other confounders. In childhood, none of these CpGs were associated with cesarean delivery, and no additional CpGs were identified. Delivery mode was associated with cell proportions at birth but not in childhood. Further research is needed to elucidate cesarean delivery’s molecular influence on offspring health.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, with a substantial amount of health-care resources targeted towards its diagnosis and management. Environmental sustainability in cardiovascular care can have an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pollution and could be beneficial for improving health metrics and societal well-being and minimizing the cost of health care. In this Review, we discuss the motivations and frameworks for sustainable cardiovascular care with an emphasis on the reduction of the climate-related and environmental effects of cardiovascular care. We also provide an overview of greenhouse gas emissions related to the provision of health care, including their measurement and quantification, carbon accounting, carbon disclosures and climate effects. The principles of life-cycle assessment, waste prevention and circular economics in health care are discussed, and the emissions associated with various sectors of cardiovascular care as well as the rationale for prevention as a powerful approach to reduce these emissions are presented. Finally, we highlight the challenges in environmental sustainability and future directions as applicable to cardiovascular practice.
Adult-onset asthma, notably prevalent among healthcare professionals, especially nurses, is often attributed to occupational factors such as exposure to cleaning agents. Studies consistently underscore the substantial role of such exposure in work-related asthma among hospital staff. We aimed to (a) identify and characterize current practices in cleaning and aerosolized medication administration; (b) assess changes in practices since a similar 2003 study of Texas healthcare workers; and (c) identify factors contributing to diverse exposures within healthcare job categories. We conducted focus groups with 38 participants in 6 healthcare settings, analyzing current practices, changes since 2003, and factors contributing to exposure diversity. We used a three-step approach for data analysis, including sociodemographic characterization, a scissor-and-sort technique for exposure description, and qualitative content analysis. Participants were primarily healthcare providers (76%) and housekeepers/cleaners (11%) who reported exposure to aerosolized medications, cleaning products, adhesives, and solvents. Participants reported transitioning from cleaning practices to new formulas with reduced odors and shifting from spray cleansers to wipes. Personal protective equipment (PPE) used during cleaning tasks varied, with training differing among job categories. Aerosolized medication administration varied among facilities, with reported medication types and protocol changes over time. The results emphasized the significance of maintaining uniform protection, disseminating knowledge, and consistently adhering to PPE protocols in the healthcare environment. Addressing the identified gaps in comprehension and potential sources of exposure variability requires additional focus on occupational health and safety initiatives.
Healthy, uncontaminated soils and clean water support all life on Earth and are essential for human health. Chemical pollution of soil, water, air and food is a major environmental threat, leading to an estimated 9 million premature deaths worldwide. The Global Burden of Disease study estimated that pollution was responsible for 5.5 million deaths related to cardiovascular disease (CVD) in 2019. Robust evidence has linked multiple pollutants, including heavy metals, pesticides, dioxins and toxic synthetic chemicals, with increased risk of CVD, and some reports suggest an association between microplastic and nanoplastic particles and CVD. Pollutants in soil diminish its capacity to produce food, leading to crop impurities, malnutrition and disease, and they can seep into rivers, worsening water pollution. Deforestation, wildfires and climate change exacerbate pollution by triggering soil erosion and releasing sequestered pollutants into the air and water. Despite their varied chemical makeup, pollutants induce CVD through common pathophysiological mechanisms involving oxidative stress and inflammation. In this Review, we provide an overview of the relationship between soil and water pollution and human health and pathology, and discuss the prevalence of soil and water pollutants and how they contribute to adverse health effects, focusing on CVD.
RESUMEN Fundamentos La contaminación del aire es un problema de Salud Pública de importancia global, siendo las partículas en suspensión (PM) el contaminante con mayor impacto en la salud. El objetivo principal de este artículo fue estimar el impacto en mortalidad atribuible a la contaminación por partículas en la ciudad de València en el periodo 2015-2017. Métodos Se utilizó la metodología para la Evaluación del Impacto en Salud (EIS) del proyecto Aphekom. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y para la correlación se emplearon los escenarios de reducción de la media anual de 5 μg³ en la concentración de PM10 y de PM2,5 y el supuesto de cumplir las recomendaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) vigentes en el periodo a estudio para estimar el impacto a corto y largo plazo. Resultados Las concentraciones estimadas del promedio 2015-2017 para PM10 y PM2,5 fueron de 18,4 μg³ y 12,3 μg³, respectivamente. La EIS a corto plazo, en el supuesto de reducir en 5 μg³ las medias, tuvo como resultado un total de 65,4 muertes prematuras que se podrían posponer en ese periodo (21,8 anuales), correspondiendo con una tasa de 2,8 defunciones por cada 100.000 habitantes. A largo plazo, si se hubiesen reducido las concentraciones de PM2,5 en 5 μg³, se hubieran podido posponer 124 muertes prematuras anuales. Conclusiones Las concentraciones medias anuales de estos contaminantes se ajustan a los límites marcados por la normativa europea. Sin embargo, respecto a las recomendaciones de la OMS, los niveles de PM2,5 son superiores en 2,3 μg³. Un escenario de calidad del aire conforme a las recomendaciones de la OMS se hubiera traducido en una reducción de 122 defunciones prematuras anuales.
We tested the association between early childcare attendance in the first three years of life and child development at age 3.5 years in the French context, where early childcare is subsidized. In the ELFE (Étude Longitudinale Français depuis l'Enfance) birth cohort study set in metropolitan France, children’s development was reported by parents at age 3.5 years (n = 11,033) via the Child Development Inventory (CDI) questionnaire. CDI scores were transformed into a development quotient (DQ), with a DQ < 90 corresponding to possible and a DQ < 85 corresponding to a probable developmental delay. Inverse probability weighted multivariable regression models were used to analyse whether early childcare in the first three years of life (centre-based, childminder, informal or parental care) was associated to development delay. Compared to children in exclusive parental care, those in centre-based childcare (CBC) or with a childminder prior to school entry were significantly less likely to experience possible (OR = 0.56, [95% CI = 0.51–0.61] for CBC and OR = 0.77, [95% CI = 0.72–0.83] for childminder attendance) and probable developmental delay (OR = 0.62, [0.58–0.67] for CBC and OR = 0.80 [0.76–0.83] for childminder). Informal childcare attendance was not significantly associated with children’s possible nor probable developmental delay ((OR = 0.97, [0.84–1.12]) and (OR = 0.97, [0.82–1.15]), respectively). Conclusions: Overall, our findings add to the existing scientific literature, showing that in the French context, where childcare can start as early as 3 months of age, early childcare attendance can contribute to child’s development. What’s Known on This Subject: • Studies on early childcare attendance and child development have shown mixed results, associations with better psychomotor development mainly being observed in Nordic countries, while some studies in other countries such as the USA showed no or negative associations. What This Study Adds: • In a country with broad and subsidized access to childcare such as France, access to early childhood education can positively contribute to children’s psychomotor development. However, we found that access to childcare does not appear to reduce social inequalities in children’s psychomotor development.
The interest in the impact of urban environmental exposures (UrbEEs) on mental health has greatly increased in the last two decades. Researchers have tended to measure said exposures either via objective measurement procedures (eg, air pollution campaigns and geographic information systems computations) or by self-reported techniques such as the use of scales and questionnaires. It has been suggested that studying both the objective features of the environments and people’s perceptions are key to understand environmental determinants of health and might be needed to tailor effective interventions. However, there is little guidance on how to approach this matter, the comparability between objective and subjective accounts of UrbEEs and, more importantly, suitable statistical procedures to deal with the practicalities of this kind of data. In this essay, we aim to build the case for the joint use of both sets of variables in epidemiological studies and propose socioecological models as a valid theoretical framework to accommodate these. In the methodological sphere, we will also review current literature to select examples of (un)appropriate subjective accounts of urban exposures and propose a series of statistical procedures to estimate the total, direct and indirect effects of UrbEEs on mental health and the potential associations between objective and subjective UrbEEs accounts.
Objective: This study explored the extent to which within-patient changes in processes targeted in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Behavioral Activation Therapy for Depression (BATD) are associated with changes within-patient in pain intensity and depressed mood and evaluated the extent that process-outcome relationships differed between patients. Methods: An idiographic analysis embedded within a randomized controlled trial comparing ACT, BATD, and treatment-as-usual (TAU) was conducted to examine the strength of the relationship between outcomes and process variables in patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP) plus depressive symptoms. Based on data from ecological momentary assessment in patients (n = 82), the level of heterogeneity and the pooled effects of these relationships during the intervention period (70 days) were explored. Results: Overall, a high level of heterogeneity was identified in the relationship between pain intensity or depressed mood and psychological inflexibility or behavioral activation. Individual differences in the relationships between outcomes and process variables were identified in individual people during the intervention period. These individual differences appear independent of the group (ACT, BATD, and TAU) and other definable differences (responders/non-responders, completers/non-completers, and clinical depression/non-clinical depression). Conclusions: These findings suggest the potential utility of personalizing psychological interventions according to the therapeutic needs of these patients.
Increasing evidence suggests that urban health objectives are best achieved through a multisectoral approach. This approach requires multiple sectors to consider health and well-being as a central aspect of their policy development and implementation, recognising that numerous determinants of health lie outside (or beyond the confines of) the health sector. However, collaboration across sectors remains scarce and multisectoral interventions to support health are lacking in Africa. To address this gap in research, we conducted a mixed-method systematic review of multisectoral interventions aimed at enhancing health, with a particular focus on non-communicable diseases in urban African settings. Africa is the world’s fastest urbanising region, making it a critical context in which to examine the impact of multisectoral approaches to improve health. This systematic review provides a valuable overview of current knowledge on multisectoral urban health interventions and enables the identification of existing knowledge gaps, and consequently, avenues for future research. We searched four academic databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Global Health) for evidence dated 1989–2019 and identified grey literature from expert input. We identified 53 articles (17 quantitative, 20 qualitative, 12 mixed methods) involving collaborations across 22 sectors and 16 African countries. The principle guiding the majority of the multisectoral interventions was community health equity (39.6%), followed by healthy cities and healthy urban governance principles (32.1%). Targeted health outcomes were diverse, spanning behaviour, environmental and active participation from communities. With only 2% of all studies focusing on health equity as an outcome and with 47% of studies published by first authors located outside Africa, this review underlines the need for future research to prioritise equity both in terms of research outcomes and processes. A synthesised framework of seven interconnected components showcases an ecosystem on multisectoral interventions for urban health that can be examined in the future research in African urban settings that can benefit the health of people and the planet. Paper Context Main findings: Multisectoral interventions were identified in 27.8% of African countries in the African Union, targeted at major cities with five sectors present at all intervention stages: academia or research, agriculture, government, health, and non-governmental. Added knowledge: We propose a synthesised framework showcasing an ecosystem on multisectoral interventions for urban health that can guide future research in African urban settings. Global health impact for policy and action: This study reveals a crucial gap in evidence on evaluating the long-term impact of multisectoral interventions and calls for partnerships involving various sectors and robust community engagement to effectively deliver and sustain health-promoting policies and actions.
Objectives To explore the relationship between physical activity over a 10-year period and current symptoms of insomnia, daytime sleepiness and estimated sleep duration in adults aged 39–67. Design Population-based, multicentre cohort study. Setting 21 centres in nine European countries. Methods Included were 4339 participants in the third follow-up to the European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS III), who answered questions on physical activity at baseline (ECRHS II) and questions on physical activity, insomnia symptoms, sleep duration and daytime sleepiness at 10-year follow-up (ECRHS III). Participants who reported that they exercised with a frequency of at least two or more times a week, for 1 hour/week or more, were classified as being physically active. Changes in activity status were categorised into four groups: persistently non-active; became inactive; became active; and persistently active. Main outcome measures Insomnia, sleep time and daytime sleepiness in relation to physical activity. Results Altogether, 37% of participants were persistently non-active, 25% were persistently active, 20% became inactive and 18% became active from baseline to follow-up. Participants who were persistently active were less likely to report difficulties initiating sleep (OR 0.60, 95% CI 0.45–0.78), a short sleep duration of ≤6 hours/night (OR 0.71, 95% CI 0.59–0.85) and a long sleep of ≥9 hours/night (OR 0.53, 95% CI 0.33–0.84) than persistently non-active subjects after adjusting for age, sex, body mass index, smoking history and study centre. Daytime sleepiness and difficulties maintaining sleep were not related to physical activity status. Conclusion Physically active people have a lower risk of some insomnia symptoms and extreme sleep durations, both long and short.
Socioeconomic position (SEP) may have different effects on cognitive development and family context could play a role in this association. This work aimed to analyse the role of socioeconomic positions, measured via various indicators collected longitudinally, in cognitive development at 7–11 years of age, evaluating the role of family context as a potential mediator. The study sample included 394 and 382 children from the INMA Gipuzkoa and Valencia cohorts, respectively. SEP indicators were assessed during pregnancy (family social class, parental education, employment, and disposable income) and at 7 (Gipuzkoa) and 11 (Valencia) years of age (At Risk of Poverty or Social Exclusion (AROPE)). Family context and cognitive development were measured with the Haezi-Etxadi Family Assessment Scale 7–11 (HEFAS 7–11) and Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices (Raven’s CPM), respectively. Linear regression models were developed to assess the relationships between (a) SEP-family context, (b) SEP-cognitive development, and (c) family context-cognitive development, adjusting for a priori-selected confounders. Simple and multiple mediation analyses were performed to explore the role of family context in the SEP-cognitive development relationship. Lower SEP was related with a lower cognitive score, this association being particularly robust for family social class. SEP indicators were related to subscales of family context, in particular those regarding cognitive stimulation, parental stress, and parenting. A relationship was also found between these three subscales and child cognitive development, mediating the effect of family social class on child cognition by 5.2, 5.5, and 10.8%, respectively, and 12.0% jointly. Conclusion: Both family SEP and context contribute to a child’s cognitive development. Equalising policies and positive parenting programmes could contribute to improving cognitive development in children. What is Known: • Parental social class, education, and employment status have been widely employed to measure socioeconomic position. What is New: • This work focuses on standard measurements of socioeconomic position but also other economic indicators such as the EHII and AROPE, and their effect on child cognitive development and family context. • Promotion of cognitive and linguistic development, parental stress and conflict, and parental profile fostering child development mediated the effect of family social class on cognitive development.
The Global Burden of Disease assessment estimates that 20% of global type 2 diabetes cases are related to chronic exposure to particulate matter (PM) with a diameter of 2·5 μm or less (PM2·5). With 99% of the global population residing in areas where air pollution levels are above current WHO air quality guidelines, and increasing concern in regard to the common drivers of air pollution and climate change, there is a compelling need to understand the connection between air pollution and cardiometabolic disease, and pathways to address this preventable risk factor. This Review provides an up to date summary of the epidemiological evidence and mechanistic underpinnings linking air pollution with cardiometabolic risk. We also outline approaches to improve awareness, and discuss personal-level, community, governmental, and policy interventions to help mitigate the growing global public health risk of air pollution exposure.
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