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Статья посвящена раскрытию связи между постоянной Планка h гравитационной постоянной G. В настоящее время постоянная Планка h определена с большой точностью. В отличии от неё точность измерений постоянная гравитации G на несколько порядков ниже точности других физических величин, в том числе постоянной Планка h. В статье раскрывается связь между вышеуказанными постоянными .
BACKGROUND: The analysis of the frequency responses of pulse-width converters is necessary at the stage of their design in order to ensure their stability. The most accurate results can be achieved using nonlinear dynamic mathematical models of such systems. Today, the construction of the frequency response of pulse-width converters is carried out using models created in the existing software that uses numerical methods for solving systems of differential equations to calculate electromagnetic processes, which leads to the accumulation of errors in the calculation of time dependencies, and also requires significant computer time to obtain the result, so the development of a mathematical model that eliminates these shortcomings is an urgent task. AIMS: Develop a nonlinear dynamic mathematical model of a DC/DC converter with a closed automatic control system with feedback on the output voltage when exposed to measuring signals from a frequency response analyzer. METHODS: The methods of mathematical modeling of electronic circuits and the theory of differential equations were used. The frequency characteristics were calculated using a program written using the C++ language. The results obtained using the proposed mathematical model were also compared with the results obtained using the model in MatLab Simulink and using analytical expressions. RESULTS: A mathematical description of electromagnetic processes in a push-pull bridge DC/DC converter on the interval of invariance of the structure of the power section in analytical form is given. Nonlinear transcendental equations are also given, allowing to calculate the moments of switching the circuit valves. The frequency responses were calculated using the proposed mathematical model and a comparative analysis was carried out with the frequency responses obtained using other methods and the correctness of the developed model was confirmed. Thus, it is shown that the calculation speed increased more than five times compared to the calculation carried out using the MatLab Simulink model. CONCLUSION: The results obtained in this work allow for large-scale studies of the frequency responses of push-pull DC-DC converters at an acceptable calculation speed. The calculation program based on the developed model can be implemented in any high-level language, as well as in the built-in MatLab language.
One of the urgent problems in developing the subsoil mineral resource potential is the lack of reliable information on the volume of forecasted resources and the potential possibility of their transfer to conditional reserves for some types of mineral raw materials. The heterogeneity and diversity of information sources sometimes makes it impossible to create a model of a single information repository with its attributes and connections. The traditional approach to organizing an information storage system based on a relational database cannot be applied in this situation. Therefore, it is urgent to find an alternative to both the data storage system itself and the approaches that are used in its filling and updating. We propose to use an ontological model to solve this problem, as a way to organize a storage system and systematize heterogeneous sources of information. At the same time, taking into account a fairly large number of alternative options for constructing an ontological model, we propose to base it precisely on the concept of mineral resource potential.
The article discusses the device and method of creating an electromagnetic force having a strictly defined action vector. In conventional electromagnetic suspensions, the magnetic field created by the electric charges of one conductor acts on the electric charges of another conductor, while a force arises in it. The second conductor creates its own magnetic field, which acts on the charges of the first conductor and creates a counteracting force. In this case, two acting opposite forces balance each other in the system under consideration. The proposed design separates the paths of propagation of magnetic fields in such a way that the opposing force does not arise and does not manifest itself inside the device in question, and the principle of operation of the emerging force and counteraction to it is not fulfilled.
Purpose of research. Currently, mathematical methods of video sequence analysis represent a structured set of approaches to image recognition based on the difference in the glow of different image areas. Many of these values are described using mathematical dependencies, however, existing approaches work only for standard images obtained during video data processing. The purpose of this study is to develop a new approach to analyzing images obtained, including those using terahertz radiation, which has specific characteristics, both physical and mathematical.
Methods. The following theoretical and empirical scientific methods were used in this study. Analysis (the analysis of the currently known mathematical methods of image processing in order to recognize images is carried out). Synthesis (a fundamentally new approach to security systems is proposed, which is a single system consisting of separate interconnected subsystems). Modeling (an information model of a security system based on ACS has been developed using a system for analyzing and recognizing potentially dangerous objects based on a real-time video stream).
Mathematization (the image analysis system is described in the language of mathematical laws and formulas).
Results. As a result of the research based on the analysis of modern materials, the concept of a security system based on real-time video sequence analysis with the use of advanced object scanning technologies is proposed in the future. As the main innovation, an improved Viola-Jones image analysis method is proposed using an additional set characterizing the feature space of objects in the terahertz radiation range.
Conclusion. The use of high-frequency scanning technologies with intelligent object image recognition systems in real time will significantly reduce the risks of intruders entering protected facilities, as well as increase the safety of citizens with relatively low costs for the development and implementation of upgraded security systems.
The purpose of the presented research work was to evaluate various factors affecting the wear process of parts with cylindrical friction surfaces, which will allow to simulate their contact interaction taking into account the parameters of roughness and physico-mechanical properties of the surface layer.
Methods. Modeling of the process of contact interaction of cylindrical surfaces is performed by considering the sliding contact of two cylindrical surfaces, represented as the contact of a smooth elastic sleeve and a shaft with the given (equivalent) values of roughness parameters. The modeling takes into account elastic deformations of conjugate bodies, as well as elastic-plastic deformations of micro-dimensions. When modeling a geometric contact, a certain section of the cylindrical surface is considered, located along the plane forming in the section of the cylinder passing through its axis. This section of the cylindrical surface is considered as an elementary area of the total geometric contact area of cylindrical surfaces and is a section of a cylindrical surface, the width of which is determined by the length of the larger axis of the ellipse at the base of the elliptical paraboloid when modeling a rough surface.
Results. Based on the modeling of the contact interaction of cylindrical surfaces, the main factors influencing the process of their wear are established, such as: the actual contact area; the amount of convergence of the contacting surfaces; the actual pressure; the intensity of wear of the mating cylindrical surfaces. A kinetic wear model is proposed that takes into account the parameters of the roughness and physico-mechanical properties of the surface layer.
Conclusion. Based on the proposed model of wear of parts with cylindrical friction surfaces, taking into account the parameters of roughness and physico-mechanical properties of the surface layer, it became possible to provide the required intensity of wear of cylindrical friction surfaces.
The views of domestic and foreign psychologists on the nature of patriotism and patriotism of the individual are analyzed. A generalized system of indicators for measuring patriotism is presented, which is being developed in the works of domestic scientists. A questionnaire for express diagnostics of a person’s patriotism has been developed.
The subject of the study is the construction and application of visual models using the concept of visualization metaphors in the context of exploratory analysis of heterogeneous data. This study considers improved variants of the previously proposed visualization metaphors that can be used as a basis for building visual models. A technology for exploratory analysis of heterogeneous data based on the joint use of different visualization metaphors is proposed. The process of visual data exploration at the stage of exploratory analysis using the proposed technology is demonstrated to be iterative and multiscenary, contingent upon the analysis goals. The software tool developed to implement the proposed technology is described, along with its additional functionality to calculate and export quantitative characteristics of the visual model. The software tool is then considered in the context of exploratory analysis of a synthetic data set. The future direction of the proposed approach to the construction of visual models, the technology of exploratory data analysis and the software tool for its support are determined.
In present study the total ionizing dose effects in a positive low-dropout linear voltage regulator IS-LS1-3.3V was investigated experimentally using the developed the X-ray research complex. It is established that the output voltage is changed slightly in all total ionizing dose intervals and voltage regulator preserves a functional state without failure. The analytical functional dependence of the output voltage on the total ionizing dose is determined. The circuit diagram and voltage regulator SPICE macromodel for circuit simulations taking into consideration total ionizing dose effects have been developed.
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Bryansk, Russia