Recent publications
Integral Experiment Request (IER) 538 is part of a series of dose characterization and nuclear accident dosimetry (NAD) exercises performed under the Department of Energy (DOE) Nuclear Criticality Safety Program (NCSP). This is the second NAD exercise using the Godiva-IV critical assembly and the third NAD exercise overall. The participating laboratories provided their own dosimeters that were mounted on the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) BOttle Manikin ABsorption (BOMAB) phantoms and aluminum plates. The BOMABs and plates were placed at two, three, and four meters away from the center of Godiva. Alongside the NADs, there was a LLNL Passive Neutron Spectrometer (PNS), Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) PNS, and Y-12 Sphere present to measure the neutron dose from Godiva-IV. Two irradiations were conducted to test the NAD performance from each laboratory and assesses their performance to the DOE-STD-1098-2017 part 515 criteria. Neutron and gamma doses were measured prior to this exercise. This work presents a model for the neutron and gamma dose respectively to serve as the reference value. A code written in C/C++/ROOT was used to fit the measured neutron and gamma dose with the new models. It was assumed that the neutron and gamma doses are proportional to the change in temperature of Godiva after a burst irradiation. Uncertainties for the reference values were calculated using error propagation of the model’s parameters. Preliminary results (within twenty-four hours) and final results were compared for each laboratory. On average of all the participating laboratories, 32% of neutron doses and 78% of gamma doses were outside the DOE standards. One laboratory did not report their dose readings and were not included in this average. There is a bias for a lower neutron dose and a higher gamma dose based on the distribution of results. In comparison with the past Godiva-IV NAD exercise, there is an improvement in neutron dose readings by 20%.
For quantitative analyses of data acquired from x‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) instruments to be globally comparable across industry and academia, a consistent and traceable intensity calibration method is required. ISO 5861 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 201 Surface Chemical Analysis, Subcommittee 7, Electron Spectroscopies, and describes an intensity calibration method for x‐ray photoelectron spectrometers that use quartz‐crystal monochromated Al Ka x‐rays. The method employs low‐density polyethylene reference spectra that are corrected for any instrument geometry and are traceable to the true reference spectra for gold, silver and copper held by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), UK. This international standard generates a spectrometer relative response function for use in quantitative XPS analysis that is consistent with NPL's intensity calibration method to within 5% relative error.
A full aperture backscatter system (FABS) is currently in development on the Orion laser at AWE to measure scattered light from the stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) processes. The light is to be collected through the full aperture of the final optic assembly and traverse back down the beam path, with fractions of this light being directed to an optics table. By measuring the energy of this backscattered light, it is possible to gain insight into some of the laser-plasma instabilities that are present on the laser system and should give an indication of some of the scattered light losses due to the SBS and SRS processes. The uncontrolled scattered light can lead to hotter electrons, which then preheat the target causing a degradation in compression and can inhibit ignition in inertial confinement fusion experiments, as well as secondary instabilities whereby the scattered light may in itself cause further LPIs, such as two-ion decay or the Langmuir decay instability. The FABS diagnostic on Orion is planned to enhance the plasma diagnostics suite available and provide quantitative guidance on increasing the energy coupling. Current progress includes the characterization of filters and, hence, a broadband xenon lamp to be used in measuring the transmission efficiency of the optics chain, desktop alignment of the backscatter optics, and characterization of the streak cameras.
Despite making up 5–20 wt.% of Earth's predominantly iron core, the melting properties of elemental nickel at core conditions remain poorly understood, due largely to a dearth of experimental data. We present an in situ X-ray diffraction study performed on laser shock-compressed samples of bulk nickel, reaching pressures up to ~500 GPa. Hugoniot states of nickel were targeted using a flat-top laser drive, with in situ X-ray diffraction data collected using the Linac Coherent Light Source. Rietveld methods were used to determine the densities of the shocked states from the measured diffraction data, while peak pressures were determined using a combination of measured particle velocities, shock transit times, hydrodynamic simulations, and laser intensity calibrations. We observed solid compressed face-centered cubic (fcc) Ni up to at least 332(30) GPa along the Hugoniot---significantly higher than expected from the majority of melt lines that have been proposed for nickel. We also bracket the partial melting onset to between 377(38) GPa and 486(35) GPa.
X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) sources coupled to high-power laser systems offer an avenue to study the structural dynamics of materials at extreme pressures and temperatures. The recent commissioning of the DiPOLE 100-X laser on the high energy density (HED) instrument at the European XFEL represents the state-of-the-art in combining x-ray diffraction with laser compression, allowing for compressed materials to be probed in unprecedented detail. Here, we report quantitative structural measurements of molten Sn compressed to 85(5) GPa and ∼ 3500 K. The capabilities of the HED instrument enable liquid density measurements with an uncertainty of ∼ 1 % at conditions which are extremely challenging to reach via static compression methods. We discuss best practices for conducting liquid diffraction dynamic compression experiments and the necessary intensity corrections which allow for accurate quantitative analysis. We also provide a polyimide ablation pressure vs input laser energy for the DiPOLE 100-X drive laser which will serve future users of the HED instrument.
Indirect Drive Inertial Confinement Fusion Experiments on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) have achieved a burning plasma state with neutron yields exceeding 170 kJ, roughly 3 times the prior record and a necessary stage for igniting plasmas. The results are achieved despite multiple sources of degradations that lead to high variability in performance. Results shown here, for the first time, include an empirical correction factor for mode-2 asymmetry in the burning plasma regime in addition to previously determined corrections for radiative mix and mode-1. Analysis shows that including these three corrections alone accounts for the measured fusion performance variability in the two highest performing experimental campaigns on the NIF to within error. Here we quantify the performance sensitivity to mode-2 symmetry in the burning plasma regime and apply the results, in the form of an empirical correction to a 1D performance model. Furthermore, we find the sensitivity to mode-2 determined through a series of integrated 2D radiation hydrodynamic simulations to be consistent with the experimentally determined sensitivity only when including alpha-heating.
The evolution of observed dominant frequencies from a high-intensity infrasonic pulse with receiver range and stratospheric temperature is investigated using direct numerical simulations of the two-dimensional unsteady compressible Navier-Stokes equations. There is a high level of uncertainty in estimating source dominant frequencies based on received signals at sparse points on the ground. Nonlinear propagation effects in the ground-level thermospheric arrivals are found to significantly alter dominant frequency measurements compared to stratospheric arrivals with smaller amplitude sources. With a larger amplitude source, variations in observations are minimized as a result of nonlinear effects being ubiquitous across all atmospheric components of received signals but have a greater offset to the source dominant frequency. An approach to determine the source dominant frequency and minimize atmospheric variability is presented by calculating a source-to-receiver spectral transfer function averaged across the atmospheric states. This method reduces atmospheric variability in source frequency estimates within the pseudo-linear propagation regime and the average error to the known source frequency with a large amplitude source. The reduction of errors in source frequency estimates demonstrates the feasibility of using remote infrasound measurements as an indicator of source frequency and, in turn, the explosive yield of clandestine nuclear weapon test explosions.
Indirect Drive Inertial Confinement Fusion Experiments on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) have achieved a burning plasma state with neutron yields exceeding 170 kJ 1, 2 , roughly 3 times the prior record and a necessary stage for igniting plasmas. The results are achieved despite multiple sources of degradations that lead to high variability in performance. Results shown here, for the first time, include an empirical correction factor for mode-2 asymmetry in the burning plasma regime in addition to previously deter- mined corrections for radiative mix and mode-1. Analysis shows that including these three corrections alone accounts for the measured fusion performance variability in the two highest performing experimental campaigns on the NIF to within error. In this work we quantify the performance sensitivity to mode-2 symmetry in the burning plasma regime and apply the results, in the form of an em-pirical correction to a 1D performance model. Furthermore, we find the sensitivity to mode-2 determined through a series of integrated 2D radiation hydrodynamic simulations to be consistent with the experimentally determined sensitivity only when including alpha-heating.
HAXPES measurements were carried out using a Scienta Omicron HAXPES instrument to provide reference spectra for depleted uranium dioxide. High purity uranium dioxide, as confirmed by trace elemental analysis and x-ray diffraction, was synthesized via the integrated dry route from uranium hexafluoride. The material was fixed on double sided carbon tape for the analysis with charge control measures in place. The expanded energy range, using a Ga Kα x-ray source, presents core level photoelectrons not observed in traditional XPS. In addition, a region associated with the x-ray induced Auger transitions MNN is evident at binding energies only achievable with HAXPES. The reference spectra presented here act as the first in a line of proposed investigations into the comparison of XPS and HAXPES from surface to bulk as well as a fundamental understanding of the electronic structure of uranium materials.
We present a novel diagnostic system, based on the principle of capacitive sensing, capable of detecting the conduction zone of detonating explosives. The method relies on measuring the change in the capacitive coupling between a printed circuit and its surroundings, induced by an increase in local conductivity. A high frequency wave generator provides the driving signal, which is modified by the change in coupling. This method boasts greater sensitivity than existing conductivity-based techniques, with comparable spatial and temporal resolution. The subject material was pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) powder, pressed into low density (50%–85% theoretical maximum density) cylindrical columns. Previous attempts to measure the reaction zone of low density PETN have faced difficulties because of its short length and low conductivity compared to other explosives. The PETN was initiated using a laser flyer detonator in order to reach detonation promptly and with a minimum of electrical noise. Application of the capacitive sensor diagnostic and subsequent analysis yielded a density dependent steady-state reaction zone length of between 45 and 78 μm.
This work presents the results of a theoretical study of the electronic structure of two actinide metals, α-U and δ-Pu. We compare our ab-initio results obtained with the recently developed self-consistent Vertex corrected GW approach with previously published experimental measurements such as Photo-Electron Spectroscopy, for the occupied density of states, and Bremsstrahlung Isochromat Spectroscopy and Inverse Photo-Electron Spectroscopy, for the unoccupied density of states. Our ab-initio approach includes all important relativistic effects (it is based on Dirac’s equation) and it represents the first application of the Vertex corrected GW approach in the physics of actinides. Overall, our theoretical results are in good agreement with the experimental data, which supports the level of approximations which our theoretical method is based upon. By comparing our vertex corrected GW results with our results obtained with less sophisticated approaches (LDA and self consistent GW), we differentiate the strength of correlation effects in Uranium and Plutonium. Also, our theoretical results allow us to elucidate the subtle differences between the previously published experimental Bremsstrahlung Isochromat Spectroscopy and Inverse Photo-Electron Spectroscopy data on the unoccupied density of states in α-U.
Individual monitoring of external radiation is an activity usually regulated by national regulatory bodies in most countries. Regulations generally contain technical requirements to be met by the individual monitoring services (IMS), in order to ensure that the measurements are correct and therefore the dosimetry results are reliable. In some countries, the requirements include or even consist of the accreditation of the service according to the standard ISO/IEC 17025: ‘General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.’ It is a fact that accreditation is a growing trend among European IMS as a way to guarantee confidence in their technical competence. The acceptance of the dosimetry results between countries and their indentation in the respective National Dose Registries is facilitated if laboratories conform to the ISO/IEC 17025 standard. In the framework of the activities of EURADOS (European Radiation Dosimetry Group) working group 2 ‘Harmonization of Individual Monitoring in Europe’ and attending to the concern of many European IMS in the process of accreditation, a guide has been prepared. The purpose was to assist and encourage IMS to apply for accreditation and to share the authors’ own experience with the process. The guide intends to be a practical reference for IMS on how to interpret and implement the ISO/IEC 17025 requirements to the specific activity of a personal dosimetry service for external radiation, emphasizing those aspects of special interest. It includes examples from dosimetry laboratories already accredited. The major novelties from a new edition of ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 are also identified in the guide. Finally, the guide aims to assist the auditing process, giving examples of auditor’s questions and how to show evidence of compliance. The main findings are presented.
Direct evidence of inertially confined fusion ignition appears in the abrupt temperature increase and consequent rapid increase in the thermonuclear burn rate as seen in the reaction history. The Gamma Reaction History (GRH) and Gas Cherenkov Detector (GCD) diagnostics are γ-based Cherenkov detectors that provide high quality measurements of deuterium–tritium fusion γ ray production and are, thus, capable of monitoring the thermonuclear burn rate. Temporal shifts in both peak burn time and burn width have been observed during recent high-yield shots (yields greater than 1017 neutrons) and are essential diagnostic signatures of the ignition process. While the current GRH and GCD detectors are fast enough to sense the changes of reaction history due to alpha heating, they do not have enough dynamic range to capture the onset of alpha heating. The next generation of instrumentation, GRH-15m, is proposed to increase the yield-rate coverage to measure the onset of alpha-heating.
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