there is no significant difference between the level of internet addiction of males and females among undergraduate students of Kwara State Colleges of Education.

there is no significant difference between the level of internet addiction of males and females among undergraduate students of Kwara State Colleges of Education.

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The study investigated the influence of locus of control on internet addiction among undergraduate students in Kwara State. A descriptive survey design with one research question guided the study. Two hypotheses were formulated and tested in the study. The population comprises all full-time undergraduate students at Kwara State College of Education...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... Two: there is no significant difference between the level of internet addiction of males and females among undergraduate students of Kwara State Colleges of Education. Table 5 reveals the result of Hypothesis 2, which stated that there is no significant difference between the level of internet addiction among male and female undergraduate students at Kwara State Colleges of Education. The result shown in Table 5 gives a t-calculated value of 1.610. ...
Context 2
... 5 reveals the result of Hypothesis 2, which stated that there is no significant difference between the level of internet addiction among male and female undergraduate students at Kwara State Colleges of Education. The result shown in Table 5 gives a t-calculated value of 1.610. The corresponding critical value is 1.96 at 0.05 levels of significance and 498 degrees of great freedom. ...

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This study explores the prevalence of internet addiction among undergraduate students in Kwara State and examines the potential effectiveness of cyber counselling in addressing this issue. The paper commences by providing a precise definition of internet addiction, proceeds to assess its prevalence among undergraduates in Kwara State, conducts an in-depth review of existing research on the factors contributing to internet addiction, and outlines the adverse consequences associated with excessive internet use among students. Based on this thorough analysis, the research emphasizes the crucial role that cyber counsellors, professionals trained to offer therapeutic guidance and support for individuals struggling with internet addiction, can play in helping individuals manage their addiction and improve their overall well-being. Furthermore, the study advocates for a collaborative approach, bringing together cyber counsellors, educational institutions, and other relevant organizations, to raise awareness about the risks of internet addiction and to develop initiatives and policies that promote a healthier and more balanced internet usage among student populations