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Exploring smartphone applications for effective mobile-assisted language learning. Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning, 15(1), 31-57. The widespread use of smartphones has brought numerous mobile applications to L2 learners, but discussion about its effectiveness has not been settled yet within the field. This study attempts to broaden this discu...
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... As people move from CALL to MASLL, this area is becoming a relevant field of research as supported by English language teaching and learning. MASLL offers English language learners the benefit of mobile technology portability, flexibility, manageability, and a variety of mobile applications (Kim & Kwon, 2012;Persson & Nouri, 2018). In addition, mobility, learning through real-life situations and self-regulated learning are not available in CALL whereas, all such access is possible in MASLL (Persson & Nouri, 2018). ...
With the progression of various mobile technologies, mobile applications have tremendously increased, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, and such applications have been exploited much in teaching and learning. This study explores the educational potential of using mobile applications in English language teaching (ELT) or Mobile Assisted Language Teaching (MALT). A critical review of the research in mobile applications in English language teaching is explored in this study, specifically from the published papers since 2015. Initially 131 articles were selected from ScienceDirect, SAGE, IEEEXplore, and Google Scholar. However, only 13 articles matched the inclusion criteria. These articles were analyzed and reviewed using the following categories: the role of mobile technology, pedagogical practices, research methodologies, the context of usage, and outcomes. The research found that mobile technologies in teaching language are increasing, and it is expected to rise in the future. In addition, teachers use different technologies to enhance English language teaching in the settings of inside and outside classrooms. During the COVID-19 pandemic, schools have closed indefinitely. This unexpected situation has forced students to stay at home, and online learning seems to grow exponentially. Thus, through this research review, significant educational outcomes are identified for future investigation practices.
... Current research focuses on the impact of open educational sources, including online platforms, on language learning and underscores the potential of online sources in fostering autonomous learning (Suryatiningsih, 2019). Additionally, a study by (Kim & Kwon, 2012) explores the use of mobile applications for language learning, emphasizing the flexibility and individualization that mobile platforms offer to learners. ...
This study investigates the case of an Indonesian English learner who increased her linguistic proficiency through the self-taught use of mobile applications and identifies insights into the potential of mobile technology for autonomous language learning. Employing an instrumental case study approach, this qualitative research explores the strategies and features within mobile applications that were most effective in fostering self-taught language learning and developing communicative skills. The subject of the case study was an undergraduate teacher-trainee majoring in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) who demonstrated an exceptionally high increase in proficiency in English acquired independently using mobile applications over a three-year period. Data was collected through in-depth interviews to provide details of the subject's language learning journey. Thematic analysis revealed that a combination of interactive communication practices, immersive learning environments, social learning, motivation, and consistent practice were pivotal in enhancing the increase in the subject's language proficiency. Language input from Fondi's virtual spaces (Plaza, Lounge, and Bar) and a variety of English-language media significantly improved comprehension and fluency in speaking and listening. The study highlights the importance of incorporating interactive and gamified elements, real-time feedback, and personalized learning experiences via mobile language learning apps. Future research should focus on longitudinal studies and include diverse learner populations to expand the applicability of these findings. The insights from this study lay a foundation for further innovation and research, aiming to enhance the effectiveness and accessibility of autonomous language learning technologies.
... This study is important as it will try to present an effective material design for ESL learners that make use of the digital features of today's mobile technologies. Kim & Kwon (2012) in their study suggested that effective design and use of mobile applications for ESL learners should be continued to study to get the right direction to effective MALL. Therefore, this current study is expected to contribute to the development of MALL materials to provide more attractive and effective ESL learning. ...
... The materials will be delivered through Task-based Language Teaching and integrated with mobile phones and the internet. H. Kim & Kwon (2012) mentioned the studies on MALL that they reviewed did not use the specific recognizable methodological approaches because there were various methods in the implementation. However, the most frequent one was Task-based Language Teaching. ...
The development of technology has brought significant impacts on education. This creates much potential for the teaching and learning of English as a second language. With the great capability of the internet, educators can design powerful materials for efficient and effective learning. Mobile-assisted Language Learning (MALL) has become one of the popular research areas on technology in education in recent years for its advantages of flexibility of time and place. However, much only focus on a single application or platform implementation for the learning. This proposed study intends to integrate multiple internet-based platforms to support ESL learning. It aims to develop attractive and interactive learning materials that utilize Mobile-assisted Language Learning. This research uses the ADDIE method in developing the materials. To evaluate the materials, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) will be adopted to investigate the participants’ perceptions of their experience of using the MALL materials. The participants of the study will be 7th-grade students of SMPN 4 Satap Sejangkung. These materials are planned to be a product that can make use of the advantages of mobile devices, in this case, flexibility and usability.
... This kind of approach to mobile learning is one that is tailored and one that takes into account the experience of adult learners. Kim and Kwon (2012) further explain that vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation are the most targeted areas on ESL mobile applications. Also, the language skills demanded through applications are also more focused on reception rather than production. ...
The technological revolution, particularly pertaining to smartphones, has revitalised the means by which educational methodologies were approached and implemented, most notably with respect to English language learning. This study explores the effectiveness of mobile applications in the improvement of English vocabulary acquisition among university students. The present study is about the perception and usage of mobile application patterns used in learning English vocabulary. It is based on a structured survey carried out on undergraduate students, of which the sample was selected from various disciplines at a private University. This paper outlines a survey on preferences for mobile apps against traditional methods of learning and finds out at what frequency, duration, and even perceived benefits of such tools in language learning. These indicate a strong preference for such apps to learn vocabulary, with overwhelming numbers of students in big schools, far and near, using these apps daily or at least weekly. The results put emphasis on the fact that mobile apps provide easy ways through which students can learn vocabulary flexibly and efficiently. The features of gamification and the required pronunciation help are most appreciated when built inside mobile applications. This shows that interactive elements with audio-visual effects are doing their work in learning engagement and effectiveness.
... Through the comprehensive literature review, the findings provide valuable insights into the potential of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) applications in developing English vocabulary skills(Hashim et al (2017),Kim & Kwon (2012), andZain & Bowles (2021)). The results highlight the effectiveness, advantages, and challenges associated with the integration of MALL applications for vocabulary acquisition.1. ...
This literature review aims to investigate the potential of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) applications in the development of English vocabulary skills. As mobile devices become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, their potential as tools for language learning has gained significant attention. This article explores the current research and examines the effectiveness of MALL applications in enhancing English vocabulary acquisition. The review highlights the advantages, challenges, and implications of using MALL applications and offers recommendations for educators, researchers, and developers to optimize the utilization of these applications for improving English vocabulary skills. Abstrak Tinjauan literatur ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki potensi aplikasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Berbantuan Seluler (Mobile-Assisted Language Learning/MALL) dalam pengembangan kemampuan kosakata bahasa Inggris. Seiring dengan semakin terintegrasinya perangkat mobile ke dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari, potensi mereka sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran bahasa telah mendapatkan perhatian yang signifikan. Artikel ini mengeksplorasi penelitian saat ini dan meneliti efektivitas aplikasi MALL dalam meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata bahasa Inggris. Ulasan ini menyoroti keuntungan, tantangan, dan implikasi dari penggunaan aplikasi MALL dan menawarkan rekomendasi bagi para pendidik, peneliti, dan pengembang untuk mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan aplikasi ini untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kosakata bahasa Inggris. Kata kunci: Kecerdasan Buatan (AI); Bahasa Inggris; Pengajaran dan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris
... Mobility of MIM allows learners to practice listening at anytime and anyplace (Ghee et al., 2019). This is also supported by Kim and Kwon (2012) where the authors added that the originality and proper scaffolding of listening audios have effective impact on ESL learners listening skills. Learners could listen to recording or audios repetitively by downloading and keeping in the phones (Fattah, 2015;Ghee et al., 2019). ...
... Here, learners could listen to audios and recordings to improve listening skills. The authenticity of the audios helps learners to have a better scaffolding of the learning materials (Kim & Kwon, 2012). Menggo et al (2023) also pointed out that the listening audios not only helps learners to improve their listening skills but also creates an opportunity for better communication among the learners. ...
... Mechanical memorization refers to the rote memorization of English vocabulary or its compulsory implantation through reading aloud, which usually belongs to forced input learning. Input learning means that learners fail to use some reasonable methods at the level of thinking, but memorize blindly, failing to integrate the memorized content with the knowledge they have already learned, and the new knowledge memorized in this way is difficult to be incorporated into the learners' existing knowledge system [9] . Mechanical memorization often takes a long time and is difficult to be stored in learners' minds for a long time, and it is also easy to make learners have negative emotions about English learning, which can discourage learners' interest in learning English and even make them bored with learning. ...
... Later on, Hubbard proposed the use of the framework for evaluating CALL tools in general (Hubbard, 2006(Hubbard, , 2011. This framework has also been adopted by the literature for other related purposes, such as analysing English language learning mobile applications (Kim and Kwon, 2012). The framework is based on six core components, briefly described in Table 2. ...
The evaluation of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) tools can be carried out from the perspective of different aspects, and there’s still no proposal from the literature for the evaluation of CALL games from the perspective of an “optimal experience”. Therefore, this paper proposes a set of 32 heuristics for the evaluation of educational games for Japanese Language Learning (JCALL). Furthermore, the heuristics were applied in the evaluation of JCALL L2 (i.e., as a second language) games in order to verify their usefulness. Findings show the heuristics provide good support in the evaluation of language learning educational games, and can collaborate in the redesign of these games in order to improve the optimal player experience. Finally, results also indicate the feasibility of using these heuristics in the evaluation of other types of CALL tools other than games.
... Today, the effective sustainability of English language skills must incorporate 21st-century technologies including mobile devices that are convenient to carry, easy to use, flexible, and always online for improving language knowledge and skills (Chen and deNoyelles, 2013;Gezgin et al., 2018;Wai et al., 2018). In this study conducted (Kim and Kwon, 2012;Martin and Ertzberger, 2013). Second, MALLIEs are mobile applications and thus are available on any mobile device, enhancing their access (Ozdamli and Cavus, 2011). ...
... Our findings supported those of Abdi and Makiabadi (2019) and Nejati et al. (2018) that organised learning using a MALL with a language application develops students' listening and speaking skills; learners studying with the MALL had greater skills than the control groups in those authors' studies. In addition, learning with MALL can support cooperative, collaborative, active, constructive, creative, and social learning (Kim and Kwon, 2012;Bii, 2013;Iftene and Vanderdonckt, 2016), which can increase students' motivation to learn well beyond the limitations of learning in normal classrooms (Lan, 2015;Gafni et al., 2017;Hsiao et al., 2017;Lin and Hwang, 2018). ...
The ability to use English has become essential for functioning in the 21st century; not only the basic skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) but broader skills in communication and collaboration will be necessary for future success in global environments. Digital transformation in learning via mobile devices helps create authenticity in English language education. They can interest and engage learners, both in and out of the classrooms, while promoting uninterrupted learning, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, advances in mobile applications and virtual learning environments have become important components of developing English language skills, allowing for asynchronous learning in convenient, flexible, and interactive environments on any of a learner’s devices. This paper reports the results of using a mobile-assisted language learning interactive environment (MALLIE), a chatbot-based application, to support the development of English language communication skills. Quantitative data were acquired from 546 higher education learners in Thailand. The information was used for the exploratory factor analysis which shall serve as a baseline for innovation development. The study briefly examined the students’ experiences with any type of mobile learning before focusing on the students’ and a group of experts’ ratings of the intervention in this study. Preliminary studies were conducted with 10 students and experts to identify factors they believed were most relevant for measuring the effectiveness of the MALLIE for English language learning in a virtual learning environment. Exploratory factor analysis of 70 variables extracted four factors with loadings that exceeded .30: MALL, VLE (virtual learning environment), 4Cs for the four basic components of language learning, and ELCS for English language communication skills; the factor loadings ranged between 0.55 and 0.81. Additionally, in-depth interviews were conducted to collect qualitative data, and the results of preliminary studies were used to design and develop the MALLIE application and test its learning effectiveness. Next, an opinion survey was administered related to a group of 105 students and experts regarding their acceptance of the MALLIE and their intentions to use it or something similar in the future; the main topics of the survey related to the perceived usefulness of the MALLIE, its ease of use, respondents’ attitudes towards its use, peer influences on respondents’ use, and respondents’ use behaviour and intention to use. The aim of the study’s surveys and analyses was to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of learning the English language via mobile language learning applications available for use on any device.
... Few studies have evaluated language learning apps in a systematic way (Burston, 2014). Kim and Kwon (2012) analysed various Android and IOS applications for MALL from the aspects of "content and design", "L2 approaches" and "technology". They found that vocabulary apps constituted the majority of English as a Second Language (ESL) apps and that there was a lack of opportunities for collaborative learning. ...
... Lastly, topic-related analysis accounts for only a small portion. Admittedly, improvements have been found in previous reading apps studied by Kim and Kwon (2012), as background information is available in the lead-in section. However, an insightful analysis of the topic and content is generally lacking. ...
With advances in mobile technology, mobile devices have been widely applied in language learning. English newspaper reading apps are emerging language learning tools for Chinese English majors. However, little has been published on reading in mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) environments. Studies of English newspaper reading are limited to the classroom environment. To explore English newspaper reading in MALL, this study analysed the features of English newspaper reading apps, usage patterns, and users’ language learning strategies by adopting both quantitative and qualitative methods. This research found that (1) apps incorporating multimedia technology mainly provide vocabulary instruction. Most English majors prefer English newspaper reading apps with explanations; (2) Learners tend to use WeChat as the main reading platform instead of utilising apps in combination; and (3) The most frequently used strategies by English majors are affective strategies, while the least frequently used strategies are social strategies, although most English newspaper reading apps support collaborative learning. The study is expected to inspire the design of English newspaper reading apps and the reform of the English newspaper reading course.