Figure 2 - uploaded by Jan Blommaert
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A sociolinguistic perspective on key concepts from sociological theory has important revisionist effects on such concepts. This paper examines the sociological notion of "integration" and confronts it with the communication universe of two contemporary diasporic subjects.
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Context 1
... that the lingua franca in that laboratory is English, not Dutch, it is doubtful (certainly for the Flemish nationalist MP we quoted at the outset). What we observed in both cases does not fit the conceptual scheme presented in Figure 2: there are multiple "host societies"; there is no real rupture between the local "host society" and the translocal societies of "origin" since all these arenas form part of the social world of our subjects; and within each of these societies, our subjects were part, to different degrees of intensity, of specific communities. The "mainstream", we can see, is hardly a realistic sociological unit. ...
... By liking Zuckerberg's post (without reading it), a Facebook user is expressing in one's social network that he is interested in the IT industry and IT-related content. The phatic mode of communication on digital media thus leads to the formation of loosely connected social groups such as local hipster communities (Maly & Varis, 2016), migrant labor online forum (Blommaert, Brandehof & Nemcova, 2018) and people who are interested in IT. In comparison to the "thick" sociological categories such as class, gender or race, digital communication allows users to constantly opt-in and opt-out from different light groups with varied degrees of integration or attachment . ...
This edited volume investigates the role of digital communication in relation to linguistic diversity and language education in today’s digitally networked world. It aims to examine (1) how language(s) are (re)contextualized and (re)localized concerning other languages, multimodalities, semiotic resources, genres, and repertoires in various domains of digital communication and (2) what pragmatic functions digital communication may serve in terms of language education – both in and out of classroom – and pedagogy. The collection includes contributions exploring diverse digital venues in which language has multiple different roles and functions, illustrating micro- and macro-linguistic practices in varied areas of society, including education, politics, technology, media, and popular culture.
... Klasické pojetí integrace jako zapojení jedince do hlavního proudu společnosti se v důsledku toho stává neudržitelné, protože v současné situaci lze hlavní proud jen stěží definovat (srov. Blommaert -Brandehof -Nemcova, 2017). Moderní podoby integrace tak přispívají k rozvoji "společnosti sítí" (network society; viz Castells, 1996). ...
En el presente trabajo se describen los usos que hacen los miembros de las comunidades indígenas de Salta de las publicaciones en páginas de Facebook. Para ello se recolectó el corpus a partir de un recorte sincrónico de 22 meses que incluye solo aquellas publicaciones provenientes de páginas administradas por indígenas salteños. Se analizó este material desde una perspectiva pragmático-discursiva a fin de exponer dichos usos y de describir sus particularidades lingüísticas.
El objetivo es analizar la adaptación de la propuesta teórica del esquema usuario como nodo de interacciones (Yus, 2007), en tanto herramienta metodológica de producción colaborativa de datos, en una investigación de corte etnográfico sobre las prácticas comunicativas de adultas mayores. En el estudio, se articuló el usuario-nodo con el mediagrama, propuesto desde la sociolingüística como instrumento de recolección de datos. La implementación permitió graficar la integración de las tecnologías en las prácticas e interacciones con diferentes interlocutores y según el ámbito de uso, dando lugar a procesos reflexivos de las participantes y la producción de nuevos datos derivados de la visualización.
The purpose of this article is to highlight the fact that the fertile learning circle of creative production/cultivation and technology in the organization and implementation of school projects by secondary schools for students aged 12–18, is aimed at the management of digital content, not just by using ready-made applications, but also by emphasizing the “we” in the use of technology. This entails focusing on a pedagogical notion of the efficacy of art, and also expanding the concept of the artwork by investigating it as a participatory practice, studying the relations between multiple nodes, the dynamic potentials and practices of composition in the media. Artwork as a rhizome, complex, pluralistic emerges as an open-ended assemblage and reorients the way of teaching. The dynamic field ‘Art and Technology’ as a field of synthesis, convergence, a modality of happening, and as a means of acquiring the skills and extensive knowledge necessary to bring about change, is based on technological, experimental, interactive and procedural technologies that involve the actions and/or influences and input of multiple persons as well as the machines. A new reality is built, encoded, recorded, and students are actively involved.
Emerging as an important field in the 21st century, family language policy brings forth core challenges of language ideologies, practices, maintenance, shifts, losses and transmission at the micro-level unit of the society. This special, first-ever bilingual French-English volume illustrates a range of issues exploring immigrant and transnational families facing the survival of their own ancestral language in the face of the hegemony of the language of their host country. The comprehensive introduction puts at centre-stage the studies made in this field in France and discusses recent scholarship. In its thirteen chapters, contributors have stressed crucial aspects of the dynamics of language interplay, with illuminating case studies from around the world in the field of family language policy.
Champ d’études important au XXIème siècle, la politique linguistique familiale soulève des défis essentiels s’agissant des idéologies, des pratiques, du maintien, des changements et des pertes linguistiques ainsi que de la transmission au sein de ce microcosme de la société qu’est la famille. Ce premier volume bilingue français-anglais illustre tout un éventail de questions relatives à l’étude des familles immigrées et transnationales confrontées à la survie de leur langue ancestrale face à l’hégémonie de la langue du pays d’accueil. Articulée autour de recherches menées en France, l’introduction détaillée de l’ouvrage présente les derniers travaux réalisés en la matière. Au travers de ces treize chapitres, des contributeurs mettent en lumière des aspects cruciaux de la dynamique de l’interaction langagière grâce à des études de cas éclairantes effectuées dans le monde entier sur la politique linguistique familiale.