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Itchy leaves [Laportea decumana (Roxb) Wedd]

Itchy leaves [Laportea decumana (Roxb) Wedd]

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Itchy leaves or stingging nettle have been used as medicinal plants in various countries even in Indonesia. Papuans use Laportea decumana (Roxb) Wedd as traditional medicines for local people as an anti-fatigue, anti-stiff and anti-fatigue drug. The purpose of this study was to determine the antibacterial and toxicity of the L. decumana fraction. S...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... research had investigated formulation and effectivity of ointment itch leaf [20]. Itchy leaves, especially the L. decumana species, are widely used by the Indonesia Papuans as anti-pain and anti-stiff ( Figure 1). This plant is a plant where the shape of the leaves is serrated and has fine hairs along the leaves and stems. ...
Context 2
... the measurement results of inhibitory zones against S.aureus bacteria n-hexane fraction at a concentration of 500 ppm (11 mm) and ethanol (10 mm) was categorized as strong activity. Ethyl acetate fraction belong to the medium category (Figure 7-10). The positive control that used in this antibacterial activity test was ciprofloxacin. ...

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Following publication of the original article [1], the authors advised that an incorrect version of Fig. 1 had been provided. The published article has now been updated with the correct version of the figure and the corrected figure may be found below. The authors thank you for reading this correction apologize for any inconvenience caused.


... This study also showed the presence of glycosides in all the extracts of A. sativum leaf and steroids in the aqueous and ethanolic extracts of A. sativum leaf which is also similar to the study of Akintobi et al. [27] which showed the presence of glycosides and steroids in the leaf of A. sativum. Tannins can inhibit the reverse transcriptase enzyme and DNA topoisomerase so that bacterial cells cannot be formed [28]. Similarly, steroids can interfere with the lipid membrane function, which causes leakage of the liposomes so that the cells are brittle and lysis [29]. ...
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Aims: The study was aimed at evaluation of the antibacterial activities of crude leaf extracts and synthesized Ag-NPs from Allium sativum on urinary quinolone resistant E. coli. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Microbiology, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, between November 2023 and October 2024. Methodology: Confirmed Samples for this study were collected from selected General Hospitals in Abuja Municipal, Nigeria. The phytochemical screening of the Allium sativum leaf ethanolic extract (ASE) for various phytochemical constituents and detection of AgNPs was conducted using laboratory method and other methods; UV-visible spectra, and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Results: All isolates were resistant to AMP and CIP. All the E. coli isolated were MAR isolates. All the MAR isolates had MAR indices of ≥ 0.2. Most isolates were MDR isolates. There was also a PDR and XDR isolates among the selected tested E coli isolates. Phytochemical screening of aqueous, ethanolic, ethyl acetate and n-hexane leaf extracts of Allium sativum showed presence of only glycosides in all the extracts. Phenols and resins followed after as they were only absent in the aqueous extract of A. sativum leaf while tanins, steroids, saponins and pholabatanins were present in two (2) of the four (4) extract analyzed. Antibacterial activity screening of aqueous, ethanoic, ethyl acetate and n-hexane leaf extracts of Allium sativum were evaluated against quinolone resistant E. coli showed activity by only aqueous and ethanolic extracts. The ethanolic extracts were more active. Synthesized silver nanoparticles of the active extracts have shown higher antibacterial activity against the responsive isolates than their corresponding crude extracts. Conclusion: The synthesized silver nanoparticles from the active leaf extracts exhibited greater antibacterial activity against the responsive isolates compared to their corresponding crude extracts. These findings suggest that AgNPs hold potential for use in medicine to prevent both infectious and non-infectious diseases.
... There are many compounds contained in Laportea decumana's leaves such as alkaloids, glycosides, steroids/triterpenoids, flavonoids, tannins and saponins [10]. The leaves of Laportea decumana proven to have therapeutic activities such as antibacterial, antioxidant, cytotoxic, COX 2 inhibitor, wound healing, anti-cholesterol, antihyperuricemia, anti-hyperglycaemia, analgesic, antiinflammatory, antibacterial and antidiabetic [9,[11][12][13][14][15][16][17]. Medicinal plants contain a mixture of complex compounds that can provide therapeutic effects [18], but they may also induce cellular or organ dysfunction [19]. ...
... Tanaman rawa Jelatang (Laportea interrupta) memiliki senyawa alkaloid, saponin, terpenoid dan tanin yang berfungsi menghambat pertumbuhan sel dengan mengganggu proses terbentuknya membran dan dinding sel dengan cara mengganggu komponen penyusun peptidoglikan pada sel hidup, sehingga lapisan dinding sel tidak terbentuk secara utuh dan menyebabkan kematian sel tersebut, sedangkan kinerja saponin sebagai antibakteri melalui mekanisme menurunkan aktivitas bakteri dekomposisi fases pada pencernaan ulat sehingga terjadi tegangan permukaan saluran pencernaan yang mengakibatkan naiknya permeabilitas cairan dalam pencernaan sehingga terjadinya kebocoran sel (intraseluler pecah) dan cairan dalam pencernaan akan keluar melalui fases yang terjadi terus-menerus hingga serangga mengalami dehidrasi (kekurangan cairan) dan pada akhirnya mati (Safitri et al., 2018;Simaremare et al., 2020), sedangkan tanaman gambir memiliki kandungan senyawa fungsional berupa fenol yang merupakan hasil metabolit sekunder sebagai bahan penyusun tanin dan senyawa polifenol yang berperan dalam meningkatkan inflamasi dan mengiritasi pada jaringan tubuh serangga (Adria, 1998;Idris, 2015;Papanikolaou et al., 2022). ...
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To overcome the emergence of environmental pollution due to the control of pests and plant diseases from the use of chemical pesticides, preventive measures are needed by exploring the potential of endemic and non-endemic plants as the main ingredients for making organic insecticides. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of extracts from plant materials from Tanjung, Belimbing Wuluh, Jingah, Jelatang, Gambir, Ketapang, Kemang, and Pulai to be used as the main ingredients of insecticides to control the mortality of armyworm (Spodoptera litura F.) in vivo in the laboratory of Balai Penelitian Lahan Rawa. To obtain the purpose of this study, the data were analyzed by means of variance to determine the significance of the value of the treatment, if there were at least two pairs of different treatments, then it was continued with the mean difference test using the BNJ 5% model. The results showed that the 8 types of swamp plant extracts were effective in controlling armyworm pests because their mortality was above 60% in a period of ≤ 48 hours. The highest pest mortality occurred in the application of feed with Pulai plant extract, which was around 84.0% after 60 hours of application.
... Laportea decumana is a traditional medicine widely used by the people of Indonesia, especially the Maluku community, which is used as an anti-fatigue, analgesic, antibacterial, cytotoxic, and antioxidant [8], [10], [20], [21]. ...
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Background: Laportea decumana (robx.) wedd. is a traditional medicine used by Indonesian people, especially in eastern Indonesia, Maluku Ambon. But its utilization has not been based on evidence-based research, so it still needs to be developed to be used as complementary nursing therapy in the future. Aim: This study aims to determine the phytochemical content and antioxidant activity of Laportea decumana (robx.) wedd. from Ambon Maluku. Method: Extraction is done by the maceration method with 96% ethanol solvent. Phytochemical tests are performed with thin-layer chromatography (TLC) to look at flavonoids, tannins and triterpenoids, then alkaloids and saponins using tube tests. The antioxidant activity test was conducted using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl-hydrate (DPPH) method. Results: Laportea decumana (robx.) wedd. phytochemical test positively contains alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, triterpenoids and saponins. The antioxidant activity of Laportea Decumana (Robx) Wedd Ethanol Extract (LDrW-EE) 22.81 ppm, Laportea Decumana (Robx) Wedd n-Hexane Extract (LDrW-NHE) 44.89 ppm and vitamin C 6.03 ppm. Conclusion: LDrW-EE antioxidant activity is better when compared to LDrW-NHE but no better than vitamin C
... There are several types in Indonesia delivered Laportea interrupta (L.) Chew, [5], [6] Laportea aestuans (Linn.) Chew, [7] Dendrocnide peltate, [8] and Laportea decumana (Robx) [9]. ...
... ppm which is toxic [14]. The technique of fractionation will also affect the ability of toxicity of L. decumana [9]. However, no one has reported in detail about the compounds they contain specifically and as large as still in the laboratory test phase so it still needs to be done more in-depth research to get more detailed information from this plant. ...
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BACKGROUND: Indonesia with its tropical rainforest and its endemic flora, namely, Laportea decumana (Robx) Wedd. which is used as a traditional medicine. If we want to adopt it in complementary of nursing therapy as herbal medicine, it must be proven on an evidence-based. METHODS: The design in this study was a literature review article. Search for articles using relevant ones obtained from data based on Pubmed, Proquest, Ebsco, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar in the span of the past 10 years (2011–2021) obtained 248 articles. RESULTS: There are seven articles that are relevant and discuss their content and use in the health. CONCLUSION: L. decumana is found in Indonesia as well as in Papua New Guinea. L. decumana (Robx) Wedd. contains alkaloids, glycosides, steroids/triterpenoids, flavonoids, tannins, and saponins which have proven their antioxidant, antibacterial, analgesic, and cytotoxic activity.
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Kampung Wubur, Kmiwie berada di Arso II Kabupaten Keerom dimana hutan di daerah Arso banyak ditumbuhi daun gatal yang bermanfaat sebagai obat tradisional sebagai analgesik, antinyeri, anticapek, dan antipegal. Daun gatal banyak terdapat di hutan tetapi sering hanya dibiarkan kering, layu, mati, bahkan dibuang. Padahal nilai dari daun ini sangat besar jika dikembangkan, tidak hanya lembaran daun gatal yang hanya dijual Rp 10 ribu/20 lembar, tetapi produk farmasi jauh lebih mahal. Di sisi lain, daerah ini banyak lahan kosong juga yang hanya ditumbuhi ilalang dan rumput liar. Jika ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi farmasi, dan budidaya daun gatal dapat dikembangkan, maka nilai jual daun gatal bertambah dan perekonomian masyarakat dapat ditingkatkan. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat untuk membuat produk farmasi dari tanaman gatal (Laportea decumana) dan bagaimana memasarkannya. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan metode workshop/ ceramah, diskusi dan pelatihan. Kegiatan dimulai dengan tahap persiapan, sosialisasi, pelaksanaan kegiatan, evaluasi, laporan, dan publikasi. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan ini adalah tingkat pengetahuan pembuatan produk tanaman obat khususnya daun gatal meningkat menjadi 83% dan semua dari peserta menyatakan kegiatan ini sangat bermanfaat dan mau berbagi ilmu yang diperoleh kepada masyarakat lain