Table 4 - uploaded by Muhammad Turki Alshurideh
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It may be queried why highly-qualified and skilled employees are allowed to leave their organizations. This study aims to determine the main factors affecting employee retention and how employee retention affects organizational performance in the commercial banking sector in Jordan. The employee retention drivers that are discussed in this study in...

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Context 1
... proposed theoretical association between the study variables were checked using SEM-SPLS. Table 4 shows the path analysis values for the proposed hypotheses. It can be illustrated that all proposed relations were confirmed and found to be significant. ...
Context 2
... on the data analysis results, the hypotheses H1, H2, H2, H4, and H5 were supported where (β= 0.131, P<0.002) for the first factor, (β= 0.432, P<0.004) for the second factor, (β= 0.132, P<0.000) for the third factor, (β= 0.182, P<0.001) for the fourth factor and (β= 0.152, P<0.005) for the last factor. A summary of the hypotheses testing results is shown in Table 4. Table 5 shows the relative importance of the study's factors. ...
Context 3
... proposed theoretical association between the study variables were checked using SEM-SPLS. Table 4 shows the path analysis values for the proposed hypotheses. It can be illustrated that all proposed relations were confirmed and found to be significant. ...
Context 4
... on the data analysis results, the hypotheses H1, H2, H2, H4, and H5 were supported where (β= 0.131, P<0.002) for the first factor, (β= 0.432, P<0.004) for the second factor, (β= 0.132, P<0.000) for the third factor, (β= 0.182, P<0.001) for the fourth factor and (β= 0.152, P<0.005) for the last factor. A summary of the hypotheses testing results is shown in Table 4. Table 5 shows the relative importance of the study's factors. ...

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Training methods are essential for any business organization, especially in the case of service providers like banks. The top-level managers of the banks pay close attention to the training methods. As literature suggested, training is essential to the commercial banks to enhance their existing workers' knowledge, skills and attitudes. It is crucia...


... In the field of higher education, institutional performance is critical since companies have increasing need to offer quality education, participate in creative research, and promote society development. Attaining superior organisational performance necessitates a comprehensive comprehension of the intricate interactions among diverse elements, such as group dynamics, leadership, and strategic management (Kurdi & Alshurideh, 2020). ...
... Together with traditional financial measures, this all-encompassing approach assesses long-term viability, ethical behaviour, and community effect. Leaders that stress integrated thinking, stakeholder involvement, and responsible decision-making improve organisational success (Kurdi & Alshurideh, 2020). ...
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This study explored the relationship between group cohesion and organizational performance in Imo State University, Nigeria. Specifically, the study examined the relationship between interpersonal attraction and improved collaboration, as well as the relationship between social integration and enhanced creativity in Imo State University, Nigeria. Stratified sampling technique was used. The population of the study is 23,968 and sample size of 377 was gotten from Krejcie and Morgan table. Hypotheses were tested with Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS, version 27). Findings indicated that there is a significant positive relationship between interpersonal attraction and improved collaboration in Imo State University, Nigeria. The findings further revealed that social integration positively correlates with enhanced creativity at Imo State University, Nigeria. The research concluded that a statistically significant positive correlation exists between group cohesion and organisational performance at Imo State University, Nigeria. The study, therefore, recommended that Imo State University, Nigeria should prioritise team�building programs that cultivate interpersonal relationships to improve collaboration among staff and students. The administration of Imo State University should promote social integration via multicultural events, workshops, and joint initiatives.
... According to Balakrishnan (2014) as cited by Kurdia et al (2020), employee retention is the key to success of any perceived organizational performance and with these employees, organizations can have competitive advantage. Application of employee retention strategies that are in line with employees are what motivate the staff for performance (Gberevbie, 2010). ...
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The stability of the Sri Lankan financial system heavily relies on the sound health regarding the performance and the capital adequacy of the six largest Licensed Commercial Banks (LCBs). Those banks are described as Systemically Important Banks (SIBs). This group consists of the two main reputed public sector commercial banks which have been targeted in this study. However, the ineffective implementation of the Human Resource Management function of public sector Commercial banks has been a continuing issue within the Sri Lankan context. The current study examines how the perceived organizational performance of public sector commercial banks is linked with human resource management practices namely, Recruitment and Selection, Training and development, Performance Appraisal, Rewards management, Employee retention, and Employee relations which provides a solution for the problem of relatively low performance of state commercial banks in Sri Lanka compared to employee base. The study was quantitative and the survey method was applied for data collection. A structured questionnaire was distributed using simple random sampling and 158 clear and completed responses were returned representing a population of 750 managerial employees within two public sector commercial banks of Northwestern Province of Sri Lanka. The collected data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0. The methods used in the analysis of this study involved simple descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The findings concluded a significant positive relationship of perceived organizational performance with recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisal, rewards management, employee retention and employee relations.
... In addition, HR managers also take care of the psychological well-being of the employees, notably contributing to achieving sustainable development, harnessing technological developments and ensuring the connectedness of the organizations with stakeholders like society and government (Dwivedi et al., 2023;Tajeddini et al., 2023;Azam, 2023;Galanti et al., 2023;Marrucci et al., 2023;Zhao et al., 2023). Many studies have been conducted to establish the impact of effective HRM on firm performance and employee AQ : 7 productivity and satisfaction (Sabuhari et al., 2020;Kurdi et al., 2020;Stahl et al., 2020;AlHamad et al., 2022;Armstrong and Taylor, 2023;Kamar et al., 2023;Kravariti et al., 2023). ...
Abstract Purpose “Know thyself” helps one to decide the career goal of his/her life and enables one to become self-concordant. In this context, the present work aims to discern the childhood interests (CI) of the HR professionals vis-à-vis their relevance. Design/methodology/approach The current study is grounded on two theoretical perspectives such as Socio-Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) and Holland Theory of Career Choice (HTCC). In this regard, a mixed methodology has been applied. The research has been carried out in two phases. In the first phase, a focused group of experienced HR professionals was interviewed to understand their CI and their relevance to the HR profession through a qualitative analysis method such as narrative analysis. In the second phase, an Intuitionistic Fuzzy Number-based Full Consistency Method (FUCOM) is applied to find out the dominant CI based on the ratings given by 423 Indian HR professionals. Findings All professionals agreed that their CI have helped them perform in their profession. The research identifies five themes or main attributes of personality: Creative (Aesthetic-Non Verbal/Cultural), Communicative (Verbal/ Expressive Activities), People friendliness (Social Contribution), Socially Inclusive (Sociological leadership interest) and Physical Activity (Kinesthetic interests) with 24 subattributes (i.e. childhood interests). It is found that intrinsic interests in societal contributions have been a dominant feature since the childhood days of HR professionals. In all cases, FUCOM shows a very small DFC value <0.00005. Practical implications The research provides an important direction to the decision-makers for policy making and aspiring professionals an essential impetus to career planning. Originality/value This study is a rare one to discern CI using a mixed methodology for Indian HR professionals.
... In particular, the study noted that employees' attitudes mediating role influences the best practice in corporate entrepreneurship within the business model and is inclusive of responsible environmental management, social accountability and economic performance. It is in this regard that Kurdi and Alshurideh (2020) observed that the roles of the employees ought not to be neglected in support of the business efforts for improving sustainability performance. Employees being the core resources in an organisation particularly in the current COVID-19 pandemic, are directly affected by GHRM practices and this influences how OS is achieved. ...
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This article tested a structural model that investigates the relationship between Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) and Organizational Sustainability (OS), Green HRM and employee’s attitude during COVID-19 (CO), and CO and OS, further, the focus is on mediating role of CO in the link of GHRM and OS. Using a random sampling method, a survey was conducted on Jordanian commercial banks. In this study, the sample included 245 staff members working in Jordanian Commercial Banking. Analysis of the data involved the use of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) by using SPSS AMOS tool. The results pointed out that GHRM was positively related to OS, GHRM exerted a significant positive effect on CO, and CO had a significant positive effect on OS. In regard to the CO role mediation on GHRM and OS relationship has equally been evaluated. Based on the theoretical and practical relevance, they entail highlighting the likelihood for future research direction building an evidence-based practice is the area of focus in the evidence-based aspects focused in this study.
... A recent report by Forbes (Wallace, 2023) reported that employee turnover not only involves direct costs associated with recruitment costs and job posting costs of hiring new employee, it also involves significant hidden costs that may cause greater impact on the business's bottom line, and these include predeparture cost (e.g., reduced productivity and using working time to look for other opportunities), termination cost (e.g., exit interviews, recordkeeping cost), productivity cost (e.g., less experience of new staff to contribute), knowledge cost (e.g., loss of expertise), training cost (e.g., new hire to develop new skills), and vacancy cost (e.g., loss sales when the position remains vacant). Numerous researches also have shown that talent retention is a powerful source of sustainability and competitive advantage as high turnover will significantly impact organizational performance (Claus, 2019;Johara et al., 2019;Kurdi et al., 2020). Hence, this shows that talent retention should be the upmost focus to help improving profit and develop organizational resilience. ...
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The Malaysian government has been actively strengthening the information and communication industry’s ecosystem through talent retention to realize Malaysia 5.0 and transform the country into a developed human-centered society that balances economic advancement with the resolution of talent problems. This is done to recognize the significance of emerging in building a vibrant and dynamic economy for the country. Few of these studies, however, had developed comprehensive policy recommendations for keeping information specialists in Malaysia’s information businesses. To address this gap, a comprehensive literature review was conducted to understand the factors driving information professionals to leave the sector. The findings aim to inform talent retention strategies that will strengthen the industry’s sustainability and attract skilled leaders, ensuring the information sector’s readiness for a successful digital transition.
... Objectively, talent is considered to be an individual's innate abilities or personal characteristics, while the subjective approach considers it to be an individual who is exceptional. Furthermore, Kurdi and Alshurideh [22] compared exclusive and inclusive approaches to talent management. In the exclusive approach, talented employees are the organization's most valuable assets, while the inclusive approach considers humanistic perspectives. ...
... In the exclusive approach, talented employees are the organization's most valuable assets, while the inclusive approach considers humanistic perspectives. According to this approach, all the organizations' resources should be distributed equally among employees as each individual has potential [22]. ...
... For example, WMTNK and Dilanthi [21] showed that there was a positive relationship between employee retention and the performance of the organization. Thus, employee retention was able to positively impact the financial and operational performance of the organization, which was in line with other studies [8,22]. As a result, organizations could find it very costly to hire a new employee as a substitute for a talented employee as the hiring cost can be very expensive. ...
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The role of talent management is to ensure that employees’ special skills and talents are identified, and that the right jobs are assigned along their career paths. This study examines the relationship between talent management and employee retention within the Saudi Arabia government sector, specifically among civil service employees working for the Saudi government. A sample size of 440 participants was used in the study. The results revealed that talent management practices are positively related to employee retention. These findings highlight the importance for organizations, especially in the public sector, to implement effective talent retention strategies to retain their most skilled employees over the long term. This research contributes to closing the existing gap in understanding talent management and retention within the context of Saudi Arabia’s civil service sector.
... The need to understand the psychological and social syndromes of organization downsizing on employees is further accentuated by the need to ensure the mental and social status of employees. This is because these two factors are critical for the productivity of employees in an organization (Kurdi & Alshurideh, 2020). Andreeva et al. (2017) established that organizational downsizing without strategic approach can lead to negative psychological consequences, which can lead to psychological ill health. ...
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Generally, organization downsizing does not happen by fiat and it has its impact on the organizational employees. Hence, this review seeks to understand the impact of organizational downsizing on psychosocial wellbeing of employees. The review analyzes psychosocial wellbeing of employees, which encapsulate psychological and social wellbeing. The study found that organizational downsizing on employees’ mental health, distress, anxiety, employees’ burnout, despair, stress, depressive symptoms, deterioration in work conditions, and risk of depression. The study also showed that drugs used by employees downsized by organizations, which include antidepressants, hypnotics/sedatives, anxiolytics, opioid, alcohol, and antipsychotics. The findings demonstrated that the influence of organizational downsizing on employees’ social wellbeing include social reputation, social structure, social capital, and social identity. The results indicated that socially responsible downsizing is essential to ensure ethical downsizing. Meanwhile, results showed that psychosocial resilience strategies adopted by employees include psychological resilience, social service, training, increased attention to employees’ craft, communication, employee-centered approach, organizational capabilities, problem-focused coping strategies, emotion-focused coping strategies, systemic change strategies, and special leave assistant programs. It was recommended that organizations should be socially responsible in carrying out downsizing in order to mitigate the negative effects on the psychosocial wellbeing of employees.
... Participants A1, B4, and C2 assert that appropriately recognizing employees, whether through formal ceremonies, team meetings, or informal expressions of thanks, significantly impacts their motivation and sense of belonging to the organization. The results obtained from these testimonies correspond with the conclusions of the study conducted by Kurdi and Alshurideh (2020), which underscore the importance of motivational factors in employee retention and engagement within organizations. Organizations endeavor to create a positive work atmosphere, boost employee motivation, and foster a culture that appreciates and supports both individual and collective achievements through effective recognition and incentive strategies. ...
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This study investigates the impact of sustainable human resource management (HRMM) on the performance of building projects in Iraq. Human Resource Management (HRM) is essential for the success of construction projects. This study examines sustainable HRM methods that might enhance the overall performance of organizations engaged in project management. Research indicates that implementing sustainable HRM practices can enhance employee engagement and productivity, elevate the standard of work, foster effective communication and collaboration within teams, so positively impacting the outcomes of construction projects. The study examines three construction firms operating in Iraq. A total of fifteen participants were interviewed in order to collect their perspectives on the Human Resource Management (HRM) practices that have been adopted in their business and the resulting effects on project performance. The qualitative methodology relies on conducting semi-structured interviews with individuals. The snowball sampling technique was employed to enlist participants, ensuring a thorough survey of HRM practices across various construction firms in Iraq. The findings suggest that the examined organizations apply diverse HRM strategies to attract, cultivate, and incentivize their personnel. Tangible instances of achievement encompass training and development programs, initiatives to maintain a healthy work-life balance, and mechanisms that acknowledge and reward exceptional performance. Nevertheless, the participants also acknowledged the presence of challenges, such as the administration of temporary agreements that can impact the stability and drive of employees. Enhancements are recommended, namely in regards to the exchange of information and openness inside organizations. To summarize, this study emphasizes the significance of implementing sustainable human resource management practices in the construction industry in Iraq. Implementing efficient human resource management (HRM) strategies can have a beneficial impact on project performance by fostering employee engagement and enhancing productivity. Nevertheless, it is crucial to tackle the highlighted obstacles and implement measures to continuously enhance HRM processes in order to fully capitalize on these advantages.
... With the rapid changes and development in some business fields, employee retention (ER) has a significant and effective role in the organization's behavior and productivity. It is considered one of the main challenges organizations must consider in their plans (Kurdi & Alshurideh, 2020). ...
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The main purpose of this study is to analyze the complex interrelationships among perceived employability, employee task performance, employee retention, career resilience, and learning agility to cover this knowledge gap and provide HR practices and policies supported by evidence that can increase service sector development and contribute to Saudi Arabia's economic goals. The study used a cross-sectional quantitative design and conducted an online survey of employees in the service sector of Saudi Arabia. Snowball sampling was used during the data collection, and 403 usable responses were collected and utilized for data analysis. Data analysis techniques included descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and composite assessment analyses were conducted through SPSS 28. For hypothesis testing, the PLS-SEM model was used through SmartPLS4. R2adj, standardized root means square residual, Normed fit index, and Q2predict were used for model evaluation. The research findings highlighted the importance of perceived employability which is positively related to task performance and retention and show the need for organizations to train their employees so that they are characterized by career resilience and learning agility, which relate positively on their task performance and their retention within the Saudi service industry. Acquiring knowledge and understanding regarding these relationships is essential to develop targeted practices and policies to improve employee outcomes and elevate the organization's competitiveness in an economy undergoing rapid transformations. This study's findings provide practical implications regarding human resource management and organizational development strategies in Saudi Arabia that will support future research by enhancing perceived employability, building career resilience, developing employee task performance, improving learning agility, and ensuring a higher rate of employee retention, realizing the significance of each element in developing organizational goals and success. Keywords: perceived employability, employee task performance, employee retention, career resilience, learning agility.
... Human resource always consider the most important capital of all organizations (Goswami, 2018). Organizations need well educated and skilled people to run their businesses successfully (Kurdi & Alshurideh, 2020). Therefore, employees' motivation and job satisfaction towards their organization is very crucial to retain skilled and committed employees in the organization which has a direct impact on organizational productivity and effectiveness (Ali & Anwar, 2021;Irabor & Okolie, 2019). ...
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Job satisfaction has a great influence on the performance of organizations. It enhances the employees’ engagement and commitment towards their organization. Therefore, this research focuses on the job satisfaction of career service providers (CSPs) in Qatar. This field played a crucial role in facilitating successful career outcomes for individuals. This study mainly focuses on salary, job facilities, job security, work environment, administrative discretion, and community appreciation to assess the level of job satisfaction in career service providers. A quantitative research approach was used to collect data from 300 career service providers in Qatar. A structured questionnaire was designed and SPSS used to analyze the data statistically. The findings suggest that Qatari employees generally express high satisfaction with human resource practices, skill development, and overall well-being. However, the research identifies areas such as professional development opportunities, workplace culture, and cultural nuances that require more in-depth exploration. The study concludes by emphasizing the need to develop contextually relevant strategies for improving job satisfaction, retention, and career progression for CSPs in Qatar. The findings of the study inform organizational development and human resource practices to enhance the overall effectiveness of career services in the unique cultural context of Qatar.