Table 3 - uploaded by Susan Kippax
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Our analysis draws a comparative profile of older homosexually active men. For an Australian national telephone survey (Project Male‐Call), 2,583 homosexually active men were interviewed. Questions about demographics, types of sexual partners, attachment to gay community, HIV/AIDS, and sexual practices were asked. About 10% (n = 256) of the Male‐Ca...
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Context 1
... sexual involvement alone, there was a significant quadratic relation- ship between involvement and age (p < .000005), indicating peak sexual involvement in gay community for those in the 25-29 age group and less Table 3, about half of the older men > 1000. When there were significant age- Table 4 aWith or without condoms related differences for particular sexual practices, the older men were generally the least likely, or among those least likely, to have engaged in the practice. ...
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... Those of my participants who commented on gay scene ageism tended to mitigate its effects by frequenting pubs and bars (rather than gay clubs), which were often considered more suitable gay scene venues for their ages. Interestingly, there may be a gender dimension to LGBT ageism, since lesbians perceive lesbian-oriented spaces and communities as placing less importance on age/being less ageist (Heaphy, 2009;Heaphy, Yip and Thompson, 2004;van de Ven et al, 1997). ...
The aim of this study is to explore the lives and identities of gay Arab Muslim men living in the U.K., a group that has not been specifically or exclusively researched in any previous study within the British context. The thesis aims to demonstrate how various identities such as sexuality, race, ethnicity, gender and social class intersect with each other within three different contexts: in an intra-personal context, in the context of relationships with family and kin, and in the context of interactions in white-dominant gay and non-gay spaces. The thesis investigates the outcomes of these intersections and how these outcomes are managed and negotiated. The study’s epistemology aligns in a broad sense with feminist epistemological approaches in making subjugated voices and marginalised experiences heard. A qualitative research methodology is adopted involving individual interviews with 35 men. Intersectionality is utilised as a theoretical framework, and the thesis asserts that concepts such as intra-categorical and inter-categorical intersectionality are extremely useful for achieving an in-depth understanding of the complexities and nuances of the lived experiences and identities of these men, illustrating both the diversity of experience subsumed within supposedly homogeneous ethnic categorisations, and uncovering how these men’s interlocking identities may be characterised by experiences of multiple discriminations, including homophobia, racism and Islamophobia.
... 181-191) discussed the complex lives of such women who have simultaneous male and female lovers, often with their husband to whom they remain married and their female lover. Van de Ven, Rodden, Crawford, and Kippax (1997) found in their study of over 2500 homosexual men in Australia that among older men at least 42% had had sex with more than 100 partners while only 2.7% had been monogamous their entire life, with current rates of monogamy between 15% and 24% depending on the age group (p. 354). ...
Are the outcomes for children of gay, lesbian, or bisexual parents in general the same as those for heterosexual parents? That controversial question is discussed here in a detailed review of the social science literature in three parts: (1) stability of same-sex parental relationships, (2) child outcomes, and (3) child outcomes in same-sex adoption. Relationship instability appears to be higher among gay and lesbian parent couples and may be a key mediating factor influencing outcomes for children. With respect to part 2, while parental self-reports usually present few significant differences, social desirability or self-presentation bias may be a confounding factor. While some researchers have tended to conclude that there are no differences whatsoever in terms of child outcomes as a function of parental sexual orientation, such conclusions appear premature in the light of more recent data in which some different outcomes have been observed in a few studies. Studies conducted within the past 10 years that compared child outcomes for children of same-sex and heterosexual adoptive parents were reviewed. Numerous methodological limitations were identified that make it very difficult to make an accurate assessment of the effect of parental sexual orientation across adoptive families. Because of sampling limitations, we still know very little about family functioning among same-sex adoptive families with low or moderate incomes, those with several children, or those with older children, including adolescents or how family functioning may change over time. There remains a need for high-quality research on same-sex families, especially families with gay fathers and with lower income.
... Nonheterosexual individuals will, over time, be freer to engage in same-sex relationships, and as a consequence, they will have fewer children. Consistent with this, in an Australian sample, Van de Ven, Rodden, Crawford, and Kippax (1997) found that older homosexual men were more likely to have children than younger homosexual men. This reasoning enables a specific hypothesis to be formulated on the variation in female sexual orientation across cultures and across time. ...
Divergence from exclusive heterosexual orientation is commonly observed in women. Understanding this phenomenon requires exploring it from an evolutionary perspective, which in turn entails knowledge of human evolutionary history, particularly with respect to mating patterns. The anthropological and historical records indicate that during most of the human evolutionary time, mate choice was regulated, with parental and social control being directed predominantly toward women. Strong control over mating, along with less emphasis placed on intimacy, male–male competition, and male tolerance toward female same-sex attractions, result in weak selection pressures exercised on alleles that predispose for deviations from exclusive heterosexual orientation. These pressures are weak over small deviations, but become increasingly stronger when such deviations tend toward exclusive homosexual orientation. As a consequence, a distribution of sexual orientation arises with many women having nonexclusive heterosexual orientation, and few women having bisexual and homosexual orientation. Further predictions are derived from this hypothesis, which are matched to available evidence.
... The interview schedule was based largely on items that were used successfully in earlier studies of Australian homosexual men, notably Social Aspects of the Prevention of AIDS, 12 Sydney Men and Sexual Health, 13 and Male Call. 14 It contained questions about demographics, sexuality and identity, gay community involvement, contact with the HIV epidemic, sexual relationships and sex practices with men ('in the previous six months'), reported HIV status of partners, reported viral load of any HIV-positive partners, health, drug use and discrimination. ...
... Analysis of HIV transmission during shared drug use was performed considering an extremely high level of drug use among HIV-infected patients [7]. Most of the necessary data regarding the characteristics of HIV-infected population (the number of sexual contacts among males (M+F, M+M) and females (M+F) in groups of injection drug users (IDU+) and non-users (IDU-); number of contacts using condom in IDU+/IDU-; number of shared injections in IDU+ group) and the probability of viral transmission by the above mentioned routes were taken from the studies conducted in the Russian Federation and Eastern European countries [23,45]. Figure 3 shows the scheme of HIV transmission during sexual contact used in the current study. ...
... . Mit der ‚gay liberation'-, ‚era'-bzw . ‚Stonewall-Generation' (Reimann und Lasch 2006) kommt jetzt eine quantitativ bedeutsame Gruppe Älterer erstmals in die nachberufliche Phase, in der sie sich ganz selbstverständlich outen und ihren Lebensstil nicht mehr -wie vorherige Generationen -verheimlichen wollen . LSB-Erwachsene seien sexuell aktiv ( Van de Ven et al . 1997); dadurch wird ein gay-friendly-Angebot für sie plausibel . Dementsprechend wird die Forderung lauter, dass die Regeldienste der Altenhilfe offener sein und differenziertere Altenhilfestrukturen etabliert werden sollen (vgl . Reimann und Lasch 2006, S . 16f . ) . ...
... egenüber der Minderheitensituation zeigen und sich Kenntnisse über spezifische Lebenszusammenhänge aneignen . Einschlägige Wissensbestände sind beispielsweise: verspätetes Coming-Out, Doppelleben, Scheinehen, Ängste vor Ablehnung von außen, Diskriminierungs-und Gewalterfahrungen und verinnerlichte Homophobie (vgl . Rauchfleisch et al . 2002, S .73;Van de Ven et al . 1997) . ...
Die gesellschaftliche Sichtbarkeit von LSBTI ist in den letzten vier Jahrzehnten kontinuierlich angestiegen. Immer mehr Aktivist_innen, Künstler_innen, Personen des öffentlichen Lebens verbargen nicht länger ihr So-Sein. In der Aids-Krise wurden zahlreiche Aspekte des Homosexuellseins diskutiert, und man gewöhnte sich an das Besondere. Schwul, lesbisch, bi – damit wird heute keine Existenz mehr erschöpfend beschrieben. Dadurch, dass LSBTI individuelles Profil gewonnen haben, haben sich auch ihre Lebensweisen biographisiert.
... Prehistoric grave sites containing skeletal remains and artifacts indicative of "third" gender males (Hollimon, 1997) are also suggestive of male androphilia in the distant past given what we know about the androphilic orientation of most contemporary "third" gender males (Nanda, 1999). Research findings indicate that genetic factors are associated with male androphilia (e.g., Bailey et al., 2000;Kendler et al., 2000;Långström et al., 2008), yet androphilic males reproduce far less than gynephilic males, if at all (e.g., Saghir and Robins, 1973;Yankelovich, 1994;Van de Ven et al., 1997;King et al., 2005;Schwartz et al., 2010). A heritable trait that persists over evolutionary time, but which lowers direct reproduction requires explanation when viewed within the context of natural selection, a process that favours the evolution of reproductively viable traits. ...
Androphilia refers to sexual attraction and arousal to adult males, whereas gynephilia refers to sexual attraction and arousal to adult females. The Kin Selection Hypothesis posits that male androphilia may persevere over evolutionary time if the fitness costs of not reproducing directly are offset by increasing one’s inclusive fitness. Theoretically, this could be accomplished by allocating altruism toward close kin, thereby increasing the ability of those kin to reproduce. Evidence for this hypothesis has been garnered from research conducted in Samoa; however, no support has been garnered from research conducted in other, more industrialized cultures (i.e., Canada, usa, uk, Japan). It has been suggested that geographic disconnect from kin might mitigate the potential for androphilic males to exhibit elevated kin-directed altruism in more industrialized cultures. We examined whether Canadian androphilic males expressed elevated willingness to engage in altruistic behavior towards nieces and nephews, compared to gynephilic males and androphilic females, when the activities in question could be executed from a distance. Contrary to our prediction, when comparing groups for willingness to engage in altruistic behavior towards nieces and nephews that could be performed from a distance, we did not find that Canadian androphilic males exhibited significantly higher avuncular (uncle-like) tendencies. Other possible reasons for cross-cultural differences in avuncular tendencies by androphilic males are discussed.
... Antara ciri-ciri homofobia dalaman adalah mempunyai perasaan bersalah, benci diri sendiri dan mempunyai imej kendiri yang negatif (Cabaj, 1996;Gonsiorek, 1988;Herek et al, 1997;Malyon, 1981;Meyer & Dean, 1998;Plumer, 1996;Stein, 1993). Homofobia dalaman turut meningkat dengan umur, di mana lelaki gay yang berumur 40 tahun ke atas dikatakan mempunyai tahap homofobia lebih tinggi dan cenderung untuk berkahwin (Van de Ven, Rodden, Crawford & Kippax, 1997). Selain itu, lelaki gay mengalami homofobia dalaman lebih tinggi berbanding lesbian disebabkan lelaki mempunyai peranan dan tanggungjawab lebih tinggi dalam memulakan perhubungan seterusnya melamar dan mendirikan rumahtangga (D'Augelli, Grossman, Hersberger & O'Connell, 2001). ...
Homofobia dalaman dikaitkan dengan perasan negatif yang dirasai oleh seseorang lelaki gay dan menjadi konflik dalaman di dalam dirinya. Homofobia dalaman yang dialami oleh lelaki gay merupakan salah satu petunjuk mengapa mereka mencari sebab untuk berkahwin dengan wanita. Oleh itu, kajian ini
bertujuan untuk mengkaji tahap homofobia yang dialami oleh lelaki gay di Malaysia serta melihat pengaruhnya di dalam menentukan alasan lelaki gay memilih untuk berkahwin atau tidak berkahwin dengan seorang wanita. Responden yang terlibat di dalam kajian ini adalah seramai 29 orang yang
dipilih daripada laman sosial Facebook, e-mel, kampus UKM Bangi serta sekitar Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor. Satu set borang soal selidik mengandungi item latar belakang demografi, Internalized Homophobia Scale, serta soalan
terbuka tentang alasan lelaki gay berkahwin dan tidak berkahwin dengan wanita telah diedarkan kepada responden. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa tahap homophobia dalaman lelaki gay bagi sampel ini adalah tinggi iaitu sebanyak 72.7 %. Alasan utama lelaki gay berkahwin adalah untuk mendapatkan
zuriat (51.72%), kesedaran merubah identiti seksual (31.03%), desakan keluarga (24.14%) dan damba cinta wanita (24.14%) . Manakala tema utama bagi alasan untuk tidak berkahwin pula adalah tidak yakin melakukan hubungan seks dengan wanita (20.70%), risau terhadap kemampuan mencintai wanita (17.24%), tidak mahu mengecewakan wanita tersebut (10.34%) dan sukar mencari jodoh (10.34%). Sokongan sosial yang padu berupaya mengurangkan diskriminasi serta tahap homofobia yang dialami oleh lelaki gay di Malaysia.