Table 4 - uploaded by Serigne Gningue
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The Mathematics Teacher Transformation Institutes (MTTI) program attempts to develop math teacher leaders in part by providing content, inquiry and leadership courses aimed at making them more effective teachers. We assessed progress by observing teacher leaders' teaching practices, and encouraging them to introduce or extend studentcentered pedago...
... As part of teaching presence, instructors are expected to synthesize and present information by referring to various sources and integrating them with their own knowledge and ideas as content experts (Garrison et al., 2000). While few studies directly explore the relationship between teachers' content knowledge and student engagement, Gningue et al. (2013) delved into the connection between instructors' content knowledge and their student-centered pedagogical practices in F2F learning settings aimed at enhancing student engagement. Their study findings indicated that the implementation of student-centered pedagogical practices by instructors had a greater impact on fostering engagement compared to variations in their content knowledge. ...
Synchronous online courses (SOC), enabling real-time interaction, have become increasingly prevalent in higher education, particularly during emergency remote teaching (ERT). This surge in online education raised questions about how student engagement, a crucial factor for the quality of higher education practices, was achieved during ERT. To address these questions and offer insights into effective practices for fostering student engagement in SOC, this study explores the experiences of undergraduate students and instructors during ERT. While a substantial body of literature addresses student engagement, there is a gap in studies that comprehensively synthesize effective practices to engage undergraduate students in SOC across various departments. Therefore, the present study seeks to bridge this gap. Insights were gathered through semi-structured one-on-one interviews and a focus group with ten instructors and fifteen students across diverse departments and universities. The study findings unveil effective strategies and practices to promote student engagement in SOC. These strategies closely align with the elements of teaching, social, and cognitive presence within the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework, emphasizing interaction-based pedagogical practices and the role of emotional communication in SOC. The study not only provides valuable strategies for enhancing student engagement during crises but also highlights their relevance in normal times.
... Other literature has explored preparation programs and the extent to which certain programmatic elements prompted shifts in MSs' beliefs, practices, and/or knowledge (Baker, 2022;Haver et al., 2017;Myers et al., 2020;Swars et al., 2018;Swars Auslander et al., 2024). Additionally, research has examined grant-funded PD opportunities for MSs (Campbell & Griffin, 2017;Ellington et al., 2017;Gningue et al., 2013;Jackson et al., 2015;Russell et al., 2020), which typically included coursework offerings to deepen MSs understanding of content, pedagogy, and leadership. Last, research has begun to explore how school districts provide ongoing PD to MSs (Jarry-Shore et al., 2023; Kane & Saclarides, 2022a, 2022bSaclarides & Kane, 2021). ...
... A dual interchange of information is seen to better support learning than traditional, teacher centred teaching. It is believed that when students are more passive than active in the teaching and learning process, it leads to increases in engagement and achievement (Gningue et al., 2013). In addition to mathematical and pedagogical knowledge, respondents in this study state that tutors should be friendly and approachable, and not condescending. ...
In this paper, we report on the outcomes of a survey of students across 12 higher education institutions in Ireland and the UK. Participants were asked to give their views on what tutors should do and not do when they are providing Mathematics Learning Support to students. We present the categories that emerged from an analysis of student responses, including tutor behaviour, teaching methods, content knowledge and management items. We discuss the implications that these responses have for tutor selection and training, how they relate to mathematical pedagogy and we consider the high expectations that students appear to have for tutors, who are providing this supplemental support.
... The interest in providing mathematics teachers with effective teaching practices is necessary because it significantly impacts their students' mathematical achievement (Gningue et al., 2013). Students' poor performances on international tests and weak mathematics achievement are due to ineffective teaching practices. ...
... Ensuring mathematics teachers employ effective teaching practices is necessary due to the significant impact of these practices on students' mathematical achievements, as shown by many studies (e.g., Roberts, 2013;Serigne et al., 2013;Walkowiak et al., 2014). As indicated by Roberts (2013), teachers' practices play a considerable role in students' learning and achievements, and the teaching method strongly impacts students' understanding of what they learn. ...
This study aimed to explore mathematics teachers’ awareness of the practices of effective teaching issued by the United States National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM, 2014a) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Arab Republic of Egypt and to compare the results using the comparative descriptive method. The Saudi sample comprised 561 teachers and the Egyptian sample comprised 620 teachers. Data were collected through an awareness scale consisting of eight dimensions representing the practices of effective teaching. Among the study’s many findings, the most important was that there is a high level of awareness of effective teaching practices among teachers of mathematics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Arab Republic of Egypt. In addition, no differences were found in the level of awareness among Saudi teachers based on any potentially differentiating variables (qualification, teaching experience, school stage). However, there were differences attributed to the gender variable, in favour of the female group. Among the Egyptian teachers, the results showed no statistically significant differences in level of awareness for gender and school stage, but there were those with higher qualifications (Master’s and doctorate degrees) presented significantly greater awareness, as did those with an average teaching experience of 5–9 years.
... Furthermore, this research shows that such programs may offer more courses focused on building coaches' mathematics content knowledge, while offering less leadership courses that may focus on the interpersonal work of supporting teachers' learning (Goodman et al., 2017). Still other research has explored coaches' development as just one aspect of a large-scale research project (Campbell & Malkus, 2014;Gningue et al., 2013;Russell et al., 2020). ...
Mathematics coaching is complex work, and coaches must be supported to become experts in mathematics, mathematics instruction, and mathematics coaching. Using video and interview data from 12 mathematics coaches and one district administrator in one public school district in the southeastern USA, this qualitative study explores how the performative aspect of one group of mathematics coaches’ doing the math routine opened up conversations about mathematics, mathematics instruction, and mathematics coaching. Findings indicate that as the coaches engaged in doing the math together, opportunities to discuss mathematics and mathematics instruction were opened up, while conversations about mathematics coaching rarely surfaced. In interviews, participants discussed the benefits and drawbacks of participating in doing the math. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.
... Programs that deal on subject matter instruction with teachers, having a narrow mathematical knowledge of the content has negative effects on pedagogical content knowledge and instructional quality and student progress which persist across their entire teaching careers [5]. The Mathematics Teacher Transformation Institute appraised usefulness of teaching by measuring student engagement in mathematics cited in [15] uncovered that teachers who employed a high level of learner-centered, inquiry-based pedagogy were more efficient algebra and geometry teachers than those who did not. Conversely, they also found out that there was no connection among the growth in content knowledge and a teacher's use of learner-centered imparting. ...
A survey design was adopted in this study. Three senior high schools were randomly chosen for this study. Thirty (30) mathematics tutors and 100 learners were involved in the study. The Purpose of the study is to find out the factors that affect the actual teaching and learning of mathematics in senior high schools. To achieve this, three major questions were answered: (1) What quality teachers are teaching mathematics in our senior High schools? (2) What feelings do senior High School students display regarding the teaching and learning of mathematics? (3) What issues affect the efficient utilization of available instructional resources in the teaching of mathematics at the senior high schools? Questionnaire were used to collect data for the study. The results of the study showed that inadequate teaching and learning resources and quality tutors are some of the factors affecting the effective instruction and learning in mathematics the classroom at SHS level. From the results, the following were recommended; interactive methods of teaching mathematical concepts need to be used by mathematics teachers. In addition, stakeholders need to provide adequate teaching and learning resource to the various senior high schools.
... Second, the frequency with which teachers reported implementing student-centered instructional strategies is encouraging, as student-centered teaching has been shown across a number of studies to promote both student engagement and learning (Gningue et al., 2013;Granger et al., 2012;Fredricks et al., 2018). At a minimum, these findings suggest that the majority of teachers in this study are aware of student-centered instructional strategies and believe that implementation of these strategies can enhance student engagement. ...
A teachers’ ability to provide effective instruction is influenced by their ability to gather in-the-moment data from their students to make rapid, instructional adjustments. Student engagement is a multifaceted construct consisting of behavioral, emotional, and cognitive dimensions, and is one of the most prominent data-streams used by teachers to inform instruction. However, very little is known about either what teachers count as evidence of student engagement or the connection between the engagement they notice and their implementation of specific pedagogical strategies. We conducted a survey study to build an understanding of both the evidence of student engagement noticed by secondary science teachers and the instructional strategies they implement to enhance student engagement. 115 surveys were completed and 897 pieces of evidence, 286 strategies, and 100 pieces of reasoning were included in our analysis. Our results indicate that 1) teachers primarily attend to behavioral markers of student engagement, 2) teachers most frequently report implementing Student-centered Teaching Strategies, and 3) teachers believe their chosen strategies enhance student engagement because they increase student investment. Our work contributes to better understanding of teachers’ perceptions of student engagement and provides important insights for the development of initiatives to attune teachers to the most important aspects of student engagement and implement research-supported instructional strategies.
... Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) is the learning model that focus on students' activities in class [2] so students can construct their own basic concept knowledge [3]. The principles of IBL include orientation of learning, class interaction, questioning, and openness [4]. ...
The aim of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) on computational thinking skills and self-efficacy of 11 th grade students with derivative as the learning topic. The type of this research was quasi experimental research. The population of this research was 191 of 11 th grade students in a public high school in Yogyakarta. The sample was 42 students from class XI Natural Science 1 and XI Natural Science 3 which were chosen by random sampling. The data were collected from pre-test and post-test for computational thinking skills and survey for self-efficacy. The results showed that: (1) IBL was effective toward computational thinking skills, (2) IBL was effective toward self-efficacy, (3) scientific learning was effective toward computational thinking skills, (4) scientific learning was effective toward self-efficacy, (5) IBL was not more effective than Scientific Learning toward computational thinking skills, (6) IBL was more effective than Scientific Learning toward self-efficacy. IBL failed to become learning model that was more effective than scientific learning toward computational thinking skills because of the failure in developing asking skills, but succeed to be more effective than scientific learning on improving self-efficacy because IBL provided more diverse sources of self-efficacy.
... Pengajaran yang berpusat pada siswa, kadang-kadang juga disebut sebagai pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa memungkinkan siswa lebih fleksibel untuk mengeksplorasi kreativitas mereka (misalnya, Costa, 2013;Motschnig & Holzinger, 2002;Weimer, 2013;Wright, 2011). Melalui bentuk pengajaran yang berpusat pada siswa, minat siswa mendorong materi dan kegiatan; siswa mandiri, memiliki tanggung jawab dan akuntabilitas yang meningkat untuk pembelajaran mereka sendiri, dan terlibat dalam pembelajaran aktif (Gningue, et al, 2013). Dalam pengajaran yang berpusat pada siswa, guru bertindak sebagai fasilitator, lingkungan belajar kaya akan sumber daya dan aktivitas, dan siswa berkolaborasi dan berbagi satu sama lain (Russell et al., 2004). ...
The scenario of Industry 4.0 and 21st century skills show rapidly increase and informed. In this century, the main goal of our educational system should be able to answer students needed for living in the world. In recent years, STEM Education has received growing attention to be considered to understand STEM Education. In the South East Asia, Indonesia is one of the biggest country has a large number of human resources that should be developed. This study was aimed to examine the movement of STEM education in Indonesia within the scope of 21st century skills categories by using the content analysis method, examine best practice of STEM education for teachers by investigating engineering design skills training and reviewed the literature from 1990 to 2016 that has emphasized on development of STEM education around the world. The findings showed that STEM Education has been developed around Indonesia and has a positive impact to enhance students’ concept comprehension, literacy, and creativity. Many researches provide evidence the best practice for science teacher to implement STEM Education. STEM has a close to daily life and increase student awareness with the environment.
... In general, the delivery of statistics course material begins with the explanation of the lecturer followed by the application of the theory that has been submitted. However, lecturers often found it difficult to teach statistics, especially in stimulating students participation in the classroom, due to seeking a balance between theory and the theory application, and delivering statistical lectures in the form of abstract concepts (Gningue, Peach, & Schroder, 2013). ...
Statistics is one of the subjects which is considered difficult by students. The lecturers should not only explain and give exercises to students but also need to listen to what the students feel and think as well as trying to find the solutions they have in statistics class. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of cyber counseling services in improving students skills in statistics and to increase psychological well being. Thirty college students who were attending statistics class and got low scores were involved in this study. Treatment in the form of cyber counseling service was given for four months with a frequency of three hours per day by a lecturer. Students were given an opportunity to share their difficulties and together with their lecturer attempted to find the solution. After the treatment, the monitoring of performance acquisition was done. T test analysis was applied to compare the acquisition performance before and after the assignment was administered. The results show that there was significant difference in the students statistics performance. They improved statistics performance significantly after they received cyber counseling service. These findings are very useful in pursuing appropriate statistical teaching methods for students in college.