Table 1 - uploaded by Rubén A. Hidalgo
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In this paper we provide necessary conditions for a curve to be definable over its field of moduli. These conditions generalize the results known for the hyperelliptic case by B. Huggins and for normal cyclic p-gonal curves by A. Kontogeorgis.
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... G is isomorphic to one of the following groups Z n , D n , A 4 , S 4 , A 5 : (if q = 0 or if |G| is prime to q), Z t q , Z t q Z m , PGL 2 (F q r ), PSL 2 (F q r ) : (if |G| is divisible by q), where (n, q) = 1, r > 0, t ≤ r, and m is a divisor of q t − 1. Moreover, the signature of the quotient orbifold P 1 L /G is given in the Table 1, where α = q r (q r −1) ...
Context 2
... K = Z t q , we may proceed as in the previous case by considering a regular branched cover Q : P 1 → P 1 with K as its deck group and with B = {b} where b is the unique branch value of Q with total order, see Table 1. ...
Context 3
... K is either isomorphic to either Z t q Z m , PSL 2 (F q r ) or PGL 2 (F q r ), then the regular branched cover map Q : P 1 → P 1 with deck(Q) = K has branch values set equal to B = {b 1 , b 2 } and the divisor D = [R(b 1 )] + [R(b 2 )] is K-rational. Since the two branch points b 1 and b 2 have different ramification index, see Table 1, we may proceed as in the previous case by considering a K-rational divisor D = [R(b i )] of degree one, where i = 1, 2. ...
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Let G be a finite subgroup of , and let be the generator of . We say that G has a \emph{real field of moduli} if and G are -conjugates, that is, if such that \phi^{-1}\,G\,\phi=\,^{\sigma}G. Furthermore, we say that is \emph{a field of definition for G} or that \emph{G is definable over } if G is -conjugate to some . In this situation, we call \emph{a model for G over }. If G has as a field of definition but is not definable over , then we call G \emph{pseudo-real}. In this paper, we first show that any finite cyclic subgroup in has {a real field of moduli} and we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for to be definable over ; see Theorems 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3. We also prove that any dihedral group with in is definable over ; see Theorem 2.4. Furthermore, we study all six classes of finite primitive subgroups of , and show that all of them except the icosahedral group are pseudo-real; see Theorem 2.5, whereas is definable over . Finally, we explore the connection of these notions in group theory with their analogues in arithmetic geometry; see Theorem 2.6 and Example 2.7.
... There are examples for which the filed of moduli si not a field of definition [8,26]. In [13] the following sufficient condition for a curve to be definable over its field of moduli was obtained. ...
A conformal automorphism , of order , of a closed Riemann surface \X, of genus , which is central in {\rm Aut}(\X) and such that \X/\langle \tau\rangle has genus zero, is called a superelliptic automorphism of level n. If n=2, then is called hyperelliptic involution and it is known to be unique. In this paper, for the case , we investigate the uniqueness of the cyclic group .
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... If H is unique in Aut(C), then it is a normal subgroup; so we may consider the reduced group Aut(C) = Aut(C)/H, which is a group of automorphisms of the quotient orbifold C/H. In [53] the following sufficient condition for a curve to definable over its field of moduli was obtained; ...
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... If H is unique in Aut(C), then it is a normal subgroup; so we may consider the reduced group Aut(C) = Aut(C)/H, which is a group of automorphisms of the quotient orbifold C/H. In [53] the following sufficient condition for a curve to definable over its field of moduli was obtained; ...
This long survey is a blueprint for extending the theory of hyperelliptic curves to all superelliptic curves. We focus on automorphism groups, stratification of the moduli space Mg, invariants of curves, weighted projective spaces, minimal equations , field of moduli versus field of definition, theta functions, Jacobian varieties, Jacobi polynomials, isogenies among Jacobians, etc. Many recent developments on the theory of superelliptic curves are provided as well as open problems.
... If H is unique in Aut(C), then it is a normal subgroup; so we may consider the reduced group Aut(C) = Aut(C)/H, which is a group of automorphisms of the quotient orbifold C/H. In [53] the following sufficient condition for a curve to definable over its field of moduli was obtained; ...
... Polynomials U (x), V (x), and W (x) are called Jacobi polynomials. Take a genus g ≥ 2 hyperelliptic curve C with at least one rational Weierstrass point given by the affine Weierstrass equation (53) W C : y 2 + h(x) y = x 2g+1 + a 2g x 2g + · · · + a 1 x + a 0 over k. We denote the prime divisor corresponding to P ∞ = (0 : 1 : 0) by p ∞ . ...
In this long survey article we show that the theory of elliptic and hyperelliptic curves can be extended naturally to all superelliptic curves. We focus on automorphism groups, stratification of the moduli space , binary forms, invariants of curves, weighted projective spaces, minimal models for superelliptic curves, field of moduli versus field of definition, theta functions, Jacobian varieties, addition law in the Jacobian, isogenies among Jacobians, etc. Many recent developments on the theory of superelliptic curves are provided as well as many open problems.
... In the same paper Huggins proved that every hyperelliptic curve whose reduced automorphism group is different from a cyclic group (including the trivial situation) is definable over its field of moduli; even they are hyperelliptically defined over it. Kontogeorgis [18] generalized the above result to cyclic p-gonal curves (where p is a prime integer) and in [15] the first author and Quispe generalized the above for curves admitting a subgroup of automorphisms being unique up to conjugation (note that in case of cyclic p-gonal curves, in the case that it is definable over its field of moduli, a rational model over its field of moduli may not be in a cyclic p-gonal form as was the case of the hyperelliptic situation). ...
... If H is unique in Aut (X ), then it is a normal subgroup; so we may consider the reduced group Aut (X ) = Aut (X )/H, which is a group of automorphisms of the quotient orbifold X /H. In [15] the following sufficient condition for a curve to definable over its field of moduli was obtained. ...
... Theorem 3 (Hidalgo and Quispe [15]). Let X be a curve of genus g ≥ 2 admitting a subgroup H which is unique in Aut (X ) and so that X /H has genus zero. ...
... In particular he proved the analogous of Huggins' theorem in case the subgroup generated by the cyclic automorphism of order p is normal in Aut(X). Recently, this has been further generalized by R. Hidalgo and S. Quispe [HQ16] by considering some particular subgroups of the automorphisms group of the curve, defined as follows. ...
A smooth complex projective curve is called pseudoreal if it is isomorphic to its conjugate but is not definable over the reals. Such curves, together with real Riemann surfaces, form the real locus of the moduli space . This paper deals with the classification of pseudoreal curves according to the structure of their automorphism group. We follow two different approaches existing in the literature: one coming from number theory, dealing more generally with fields of moduli of projective curves, and the other from complex geometry, through the theory of NEC groups. Using the first approach, we prove that the automorphism group of a pseudoreal Riemann surface X is abelian if has genus zero, where is the center of . This includes the case of p-gonal Riemann surfaces, already known by results of Huggins and Kontogeorgis. By means of the second approach and of elementary properties of group extensions, we show that X is not pseudoreal if the center of is trivial and either contains no involutions or has a group complement in . This extends and gives an elementary proof (over ) of a result by D\`ebes and Emsalem. Finally, we provide an algorithm, implemented in MAGMA, which classifies the automorphism groups of pseudoreal Riemann surfaces of genus , once a list of all groups acting for such genus, with their signature and generating vectors, are given. This program, together with the database provided by J. Paulhus in \cite{Pau15}, allowed us to classifiy pseudoreal Riemann surfaces up to genus 10, extending previous results by Bujalance, Conder and Costa.
... In particular he proved the analogous of Huggins' theorem in case the subgroup generated by the cyclic automorphism of order p is normal in Aut(X). Recently, this has been further generalized by R. Hidalgo and S. Quispe [HQ16] by considering some particular subgroups of the automorphisms group of the curve, defined as follows. ...
A smooth complex projective curve is called pseudoreal if it is isomorphic to its conjugate but is not definable over the reals. Such curves, together with real Riemann surfaces, form the real locus of the moduli space . This paper deals with the classification of pseudoreal curves according to the structure of their automorphism group. We follow two different approaches existing in the literature: one coming from number theory, dealing more generally with fields of moduli of projective curves, and the other from complex geometry, through the theory of NEC groups. Using the first approach, we prove that the automorphism group of a pseudoreal Riemann surface X is abelian if has genus zero, where is the center of . This includes the case of p-gonal Riemann surfaces, already known by results of Huggins and Kontogeorgis. By means of the second approach and of elementary properties of group extensions, we show that X is not pseudoreal if the center of is trivial and either contains no involutions or has a group complement in . This extends and gives an elementary proof (over ) of a result by D\`ebes and Emsalem. Finally, we provide an algorithm, implemented in MAGMA, which classifies the automorphism groups of pseudoreal Riemann surfaces of genus , once a list of all groups acting for such genus, with their signature and generating vectors, are given. This program, together with the database provided by J. Paulhus in \cite{Pau15}, allowed us to classifiy pseudoreal Riemann surfaces up to genus 10, extending previous results by Bujalance, Conder and Costa.
... Kontogeorgis [14] generalized the above result to cyclic p-gonal curves (where p is a prime integer). In [11] the first author and Quispe generalized the above for curves admitting a subgroup of automorphisms being unique up to conjugation. ...
... If H is unique in Aut (X ), then it is a normal subgroup; so we may consider the reduced group Aut (X ) = Aut (X )/H, which is a group of automorphisms of the quotient orbifold X /H. In [11] it has been proved the following general fact. ...
A superelliptic curve \X of genus is not necessarily defined over its field of moduli but it can be defined over a quadratic extension of it. While a lot of work has been done by many authors to determine which hyperelliptic curves are defined over their field of moduli, less is known for superelliptic curves. In this paper we observe that if the reduced group of a genus superelliptic curve \X is different from the trivial or cyclic group, then \X can be defined over its field of moduli; in the cyclic situation we provide a sufficient condition for this to happen. We also determine those families of superelliptic curves of genus at most 10 which might not be definable over their field of moduli.
Let G be a finite subgroup of , and let be the generator of Gal. We say that G has a real field of moduli if and G are -conjugates. Furthermore, we say that is a field of definition for G or that G is definable over if G is -conjugate to some . In this situation, we call a model for G over . On the other hand, if G has a real field of moduli but is not definable over , then we call G pseudo-real.
In this paper, we first show that any finite cyclic subgroup in has a real field of moduli and we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for to be definable over ; see Theorems 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3. We also prove that any dihedral group with in is definable over ; see Theorem 2.4. Furthermore, we study all other classes of finite subgroups of , and show that all of them except , and are pseudo-real; see Theorems 2.5 and 2.6. Finally, we explore the connection of these notions in group theory with their analogues in arithmetic geometry; see Theorem 2.7 and Example 2.8. As a result, we can say that if G is definable over , then its Jordan constant J(G) = 1, 2, 3, 6 or 60.