Table 2 - uploaded by Borka Malcic
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Context 1
... serves as the basic motivation for youths' sports activities in 1.7% of cases. At the end no one among the young participants (0%) sees fun as the basic motive for doing sports (Table 2). Youth involvement in sports is most intensive between the ages of six and ten (71.66%), then between ten to fourteen (18.34%), while at the very early ages, between four and six, the percentage is small (10%). ...
Context 2
... 1 shows resultsthe percentage prevalence of other influence for which young people start practicing sports. Table 2 shows numerical results of rankingmotivesby the degree ofimportancefrom first toeighth placeto startpracticing sportsfor both sexes. Offered motives were: Fun, Popularity, Money, Good looks, Love for sports, Health, Success and Friendship. ...

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