Figure 3 - available via license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Visualization of the six views of the object through the Projection Box and Surrounding Orthohedron (blue line).
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Challenges and rewards are integral to the logic of digital games, and through them, users can learn and develop various skills. When games are employed in educational contexts, they can enhance creativity and contribute to students' development. The Game-Based Learning (GBL) methodology is grounded in the use of games in the educational context, w...
... One of the key components of GBL is the use of rewards to motivate and reinforce desired behaviours and learning outcomes (Nipo et al., 2023;Perbawa and Rapiyanta, 2024). Rewards in educational games can take various forms, such as points, badges, leaderboards, virtual currencies, or unlockable content (Dong, 2023;Featherstone, 2022). ...
Educational games are a popular means of engaging students in learning activities. However, students in game-based learning environments often engage in powergaming to reap undeserved rewards and spoil the experi-ence of their peers. This may happen when the students pretend to engage in game activities or collude with other students, exploiting the game settings and rules to maximize their points. In this explorative study, we investigate powergaming in three settings of an asynchronous online multiplayer peer-quizzing game in a blended learning setting – a first-year programming class in a Canadian university. We designed three experi-mental settings with three versions of an education game which allowed different levels of powergaming. The between-subject study involved three experimental groups: Group 1 used a game version where they received weekly performance feedback and tips on how to improve their performance, Group 2 used a game version with access to an existing resource bank, allowing them to maximize the number if their activities in the game, and Group 3 served as a control group with no additional interventions. The research aimed to investigate 1) the association between the power gamers' activity, their grades and their preference to work alone or in a group, 2) the types of activities (type of quiz questions) most used by power gamers, and 3) which game setting was the most conducive to power gaming. The results show that better grades are not associated with higher activity levels in the game. Students who engaged in more diverse types of game activities had better learning outcomes The control Group 3 had the highest average grades. As we expected, Group 2 engaged in the high-est number of activities, esp. in creating questions, a form of powergaming. The qualitative results showed that contrary to our assumption the powergamers in Group 2 was not harmful, because it created a rich set of re-sources in the game and fostered student engagement in the game.
... Game-based learning represents an innovative educational strategy that harnesses the motivational elements inherent in video games to enrich learning outcomes. It involves designing educational games that optimize both enjoyment and learning (Nipo et al., 2023). ...
O conhecimento e as habilidades desenvolvidas pela geometria gráfica são essenciais para a resolução de problemas, sendo cruciais na formação de profissionais em diversas áreas. Para que o ensino de geometria seja efetivo, é fundamental o uso de recursos didáticos que facilitem a compreensão dos conteúdos. Nesse contexto, destacamos a utilização de jogos como uma estratégia capaz de promover a aprendizagem pelo lúdico. Este artigo apresenta um mapeamento sistemático com o objetivo de compreender o estado da arte das investigações que relacionam a Aprendizagem Baseada em Jogos com o Ensino de Geometria no Ensino Médio. Os resultados da pesquisa revelaram lacunas e direções para apoiar pesquisas futuras, incluindo os principais conteúdos de geometria explorados em jogos, os diferentes tipos de jogos utilizados, e os métodos predominantes de coleta de dados em atividades com jogos. Palavras-chave: Aprendizagem baseada em jogos. Geometria. Ensino médio.
This chapter investigates the transformative potential of customised learning experiences in the realm of education, particularly through the integration of game-based learning and technology-enhanced cognitive justice. Recognising the imperative to address diversity within educational frameworks, this study aims to explore how cognitive justice framework can facilitate inclusivity, accommodating varied learning styles, cultural backgrounds, and cognitive abilities. Drawing from critical pedagogy, this framework posits that educational technologies should be designed and implemented to address cognitive biases, promote inclusivity, and mitigate disparities in learning outcomes. By leveraging game-based learning methodologies, this chapter problematises the use of game-based learning to challenge and overcome cognitive biases, rather than reinforcing them. It seeks to create engaging and interactive environments that enhance educational outcomes and foster a sense of cognitive justice by ensuring equitable access to knowledge.