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In order to calculate traffic capacity of signaled intersections, it was suggested to apply an approach based on the concept of congestions. The paper states examples of traffic capacity calculation.
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... Then it should be able to pass the distance (within the intersection) from the stop line to the most distant conflict point with vehicles starting movement in the following phase" (Kashtalinsky et al., 2017;Ryabokon, 2017;Shesterov and Mikhailov, 2017). In this case, the use of the intermediate interval duration above 8 s is considered inexpedient since it leads to transport delays (Afanasyev and Panfilov 2017;Chubukov et al., 2017). ...
An analysis of effective principles and proposals to determine the duration of the traffic lights change interval is carried out. The traffic lights cycle consists of green and change intervals. The green interval resolves the issue of the street-and-road-network traffic capacity at junctions, and the change interval provides traffic safety. Its purpose is to rule out the situation when different conflicting flows come to one point at the same time. The existing approaches resolve the issue of spatial and temporal separation of conflicting flows of vehicles only, thus reducing the change interval duration to the period of "yellow" light activation equal to 3 s. This approach together with the ambiguous wording in the Road Traffic Regulations (RTR) regulating the order of pedestrian entering the trafficway at controlled crosswalks does not provide pedestrian safety. On the one hand, the effective RTR allow vehicles to complete passing intersections when drivers have no capability to stop in places listed in Item 6.13 of the RTR (in particular, in front of the stop line). This leads to vehicle approaching the crosswalk as a conflicting flow facing the red light. On the other hand, other requirements set forth in the RTR allow pedestrians to enter the trafficway (at controlled crosswalks) starting with the moment of green light switching-on. Issues connected with drawbacks of the effective RTR lead to a conflict between vehicles finishing passing the controlled intersection and pedestrians starting moving following the green light. A method for calculating the duration of the traffic lights change interval for a specific direction, providing pedestrian safety, is developed.
... During the study, approaches of social audit were used, which included the following (Chubukov et al., 2017a(Chubukov et al., , 2017b: To compare the efficiency of measures in the field of ensuring regional children's safety in traffic (i.e. to conduct a performance audit) and determine the degree of risk in the region, an equation (model) correlating the population size and the number of vehicles in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation with the number of minors killed in road accidents (see Figure 1). ...
Nowadays, deaths and injuries of people in road accidents represent an important issue of global healthcare. In the Russian Federation, main causes of death and disability among people of various age include road accident injuries. Such injuries are also high on the list of factors which affected the significant number of severe accidents and their consequences. The vast majority (95.7%) of those accidents occurred in cities and villages. Nearly two-thirds (61.2%) of the total number of minors (pedestrians) who became victims of road accidents were constituted by students of secondary schools at the age of 7–14. Road accident injuries in children can be prevented with the help of active forms of teaching to behave safely on roads of inhabited localities.
... As a consequence, the response time to the green light grows longer, the street-androad network traffic capacity decreases, and the number of small accidents increases due to the lack of attention. The theories of flow movements and traffic signalization developed by Babkov, Silyanov, Kremenets and others did not take this factor into account (Chubukov et al., 2017a;Kotov and Pospelov, 2017). ...
For the last 15 years, the assessment of consumer properties of products at the automobile market has been considering multimedia system specifics instead of dynamic properties or design safety. Is this new global trend anomalous or is this another step towards autonomous control? To answer this question, the authors analyzed the evolutionary development of automobile control systems where adaptation, automation and synthesis were defined as three primary trends. The authors determined several stages of technical and man-made adaptation. Some associated issues are formulated, in particular, an inverse effect of implementing vehicles with automatic control.
... According to researches (Nikolaev et al., 2016a(Nikolaev et al., , 2016b(Nikolaev et al., , 2017Chubukov et al., 2017aChubukov et al., , 2017b, it is insufficient to consider only the traditional "driver-vehicle-road-environment" (DVRE) system to decrease the accident rate, especially when switching to autonomous control. The authors suggest considering the expanded driver-vehicleroad-objects-environment system (DVROE). ...
... Teaching the vehicle to take free lanes with traffic moving in the same direction. The excessive psychological desire of drivers to make use of any space available usually leads to accidents; however, within the prudent limits, it improves the traffic capacity of the street-and-road network (Chubukov et al., 2017a(Chubukov et al., , 2017bKotov and Pospelov, 2017;Malinovsky et al., 2017;Maksimychev et al., 2016). ...
The paper puts forward six control paradigms depending on the type of relations between subsystems in the driver–vehicle–road–objects–environment system. Primary issues of transition to the highest automation levels are listed. They are legal, social, and technological ones. The authors suggest a number of practical recommendations to solve issues of transition to autonomous control.