Figure 4 - uploaded by Magdalena Filcek
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Is that a space hammock as part of Vinci Power Nap® cocoon or curved spacetime of the 4th dimension? Pic source: internet

Is that a space hammock as part of Vinci Power Nap® cocoon or curved spacetime of the 4th dimension? Pic source: internet

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Science and geometry have always developed parallel and interpenetrated. The orbits of the planets around the Sun can be represented by ellipses as a result of the law of gravity. Simple geometric shapes are associated with simple dynamics because this kind of mathematical representation implies an interwoven relationship between the form of an obj...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... geometry? Following among others: Einstein, Minkowski, Lorentz and Riemann (Figure 4). Could this VPN pendulum frequency create or represent "gravitational waves" of this given frequency that can act as a matrix for the growth and development of living beings on Earth? ...
Context 2
... order to understand and feel how we experience space, it is not enough to think about Newtonian space, it is important to remember that we see it from the inside, that we ourselves are located and immersed there, therefore, to understand time, it is not enough to think about it from the outside, the helpful is understanding that in every moment of live we are grounded and co-created in time, in fact it can be said that we observe the universe from the inside, interacting with a tiny part of countless vibrations and variables of the entire cosmos. [ Figure 4]. "The brain is part of this reality, which consequently depends on the interaction between the outside world and the structures through which the mind works." ...

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Sensitivity to the earth’s magnetic field is the least understood of the major sensory systems, despite being virtually ubiquitous in animals and of widespread interest to investigators in a wide range of fields from behavioral ecology to quantum physics. Although research on the use of magnetic cues by migratory birds, fish, and sea turtles is mor...


... Humans are immersed in the so-called "harmony frequency" whose rhythm is ubiquitous and affects every ecosystem on the planet, from plants to insects, fish, birds, mammals and other animals [68]. The rhythmic pulsation occurs from the first moment of our embryonic lives in the mother's womb. ...
... also 80/129 =~0,618), the period of VPN's pendulum movement is 1.618s and its frequency is the reverse number 0.618Hz." [50] [68,69]. A person during a VPN session can feel very similar pulsations of compression, release and tension, due to the elastic material of the VPN cocoon, gravity and the swinging motion at 0.618Hz, which falls in the delta frequency range (0.1 -4 Hz). ...
... The fact that the golden ratio is not just a mathematical number -it is a variable frequency in its two values, allowing to create fractals, where the smaller part is to the larger as the larger is to the whole. The whole discovery is explained in the autor's science article: "Frequency of harmony….." [68]. Assuming that there was a sound in the beginning of time, the frequency of the vibration in the golden ratio could create a symphony of "music of the spheres", as the golden proportion is also present in the musical notation. ...
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The Vinci Power Nap® neurotechnological system created for energy naps, which can benefits mankind on Earth and in space travels. This cutting edge tool helping to reduce stress, jet lag, regulating the circadian rhythm, improving focus, efficiency, reaction times, preventing losing bone mass, the quality of sleep, health and human wellbeing in future smart cities and Lunar, Martian habitats. The remarkable results can be found in studies on UN Delegates at COP24, UNICEF project for war traumatized refugees women and children, soldiers with PTSD, pilots and analog astronauts, showing the healing power of touching, frequency of rocking, napping in a zero gravity position. Good sleep is needed to reset, recover, strengthen the immune system, also avoid errors resulting from fatigue and jet lag, which is especially important for business leaders, doctors, drivers, athletes, students, soldiers, pilots, astronauts and tourists. The frequency of the VPN technology pendulum movement is a revolution in the synchronization of breathing, heartbeat, delta waves in the brain, during which the best regeneration of the body and mind occurs. Moreover, the pulsating pressure on the skin increase the level of hormones: dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, etc. All this contributes to the regeneration of sleep and energy, improving human's psychophysical condition, longevity and advances in sleep and space medicine.
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The Vinci Power Nap® system is a cutting-edge tool for reducing stress and jet lag effects associated with air travel, allowing for quick body–mind regeneration and improving well-being and the quality of night’s sleep. Power naps in a specially designed environment based on interdisciplinary science, can restore homeostasis and work–life balance, release stress and tensions, strengthens focus and efficiency, and recover energy for life to many overtired leaders, employees, and people with sleep disorders. Helpful in the therapy for hypersensitive people, after trauma, in depression, with oncological experiences, and many other diseases. The research made in UN projects at COP24 on leaders, travelers, and UNICEF Ukraine’s refugees show extraordinary relaxing properties, harmonizing sleep patterns and internal vital parameters (breath, heartbeat, and brain waves) thanks to zero gravity position, pulsating touch, frequency swinging, calming all senses and neuroarchitectural external conditions. Sleep is the basis of our psychophysical and immune regeneration and preventing errors resulting from stress and fatigue. The Vinci Power Nap® system is crucial for hotels and airports due to its ability to reduce discomfort associated with jet lag, providing great help to travelers such as business leaders, pilots, doctors, drivers, athletes, workers, soldiers, astronauts, tourists, etc.