Fig 2 - uploaded by Pekka Mertala
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Intersectional interpretation of the third space in the context of ICT integration in early childhood education.
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The current stage of early years information and communication technology (ICT) integration research has been criticized for not paying enough attention to the unique pedagogical features of early childhood education. Similarly, children’s views about educational use of ICT have been underrepresented in research. This dissertation study contributes...
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Context 1
... sum up, the decision whether the third space is an enabler or a limiter for children is not fully determined by the policy statements of (pre)schools but is negotiated repeatedly with different teachers and depends on the type of first space knowledge the children represent. The intersectional interpretation is illustrated in Figure 2. ...
This chapter examines the main factors of Greek kindergarten against primary school teachers' attitudes towards ICT in class. The participants of this research were drawn from teachers of public schools in the area of Athens and Crete (Greece). A 5-point Likert scale questionnaire with 30 questions designed to assess attitudes of teachers toward computers and their computer knowledge in primary schools learning environment. Varimax with Kaiser Normalization was applied to extract the main five factors of kindergarten teachers' attitudes. Also, a three 2-way MANOVA was performed between the kindergarten and primary school teachers to see the interactions of these main factors on: a) the ICT knowledge of teachers, b) the frequency of using ICT at home by the teachers and, c) the ICT use in the teaching process. Finally, the changes in the main factors of kindergarten and primary school teachers were discussed in the hope that they may provide useful information on the school curriculum.
Tässä katsauksessa kysyn ”onko etäkoulu mahdollinen?” Haen kysymykseen vastauksia kommentoivan narratiivisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen keinoin. Tavoitteenani on tehdä näkyväksi sitä, mitä kaikkea koulu on – ei arvostella koronapandemian aikaisten poikkeavien opetusjärjestelyjen toteuttamista tai idealisoida lähitoteutuksena järjestettävää perusopetusta. Katsaus rakentuu neljän teeman ympärille: 1) koulu on opettamista ja oppimista; 2) koulu on yhteiskunnallista uusintamista ja uudistamista; 3) koulu on ihmisiä ja suhteita ja 4) koulu on paikka ja tila.
The integration of digital technology in teaching activities has shown to be challenging for teachers. To approach this, the article investigated the foundation of teachers’ stance about developing their use of digital technology in teaching. The study draws on an action research approach, involving 35 teachers (K-2) in workshops and interaction-based facilitation. Based on content analysis, we identified how the teachers reasoned about their agency or lack of it, and children’s knowledge and experiences, as well as guardians’ viewpoints. The result is presented in four themes: Exchanging experiences across different school settings, Acknowledging accessibility to digital tools, Teachers’ considerations about children’s influence, and Teachers’ considerations about guardians’ influence. The study supports the theoretical framework of funds of knowledge; however, the teachers need to move from ‘talking the talk’ to ‘walking the walk’. They wish to give space for children’s experiences, but do not reveal any tools to do so. Hence, the children’s home domain is lacking in teachers’ discussions and their stance in including children’s interests is shadowed by their own needs. The analysis shows that the local context is a foundational support and constitutes a framework for the teachers to step by step becoming digitally competent and, hence, being able to a greater extent give space for children’s funds of knowledge – i.e. moving from talk to implementation. The study contributes to a local perspective to the debate on how to integrate digital technology in classrooms and how teachers can be empowered to gradually build digital agency.
Çocuklar tarafından kullanılan dijital teknoloji ve internetin etkilerinin belirlenmesi ve olumlu katkılarının artırılması için çeşitli müdahalelerin ve araştırmaların yapılması gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle araştırmada internetin çocukların gelişim alanları üzerine etkisinin ebeveynlerin ve sınıf öğretmenlerinin bakış açılarına göre karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada nicel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmış olup, temel veri toplama aracı da kontrol listesidir. Kontrol listesi fiziksel, bilişsel, sosyal-duygusal ve dil gelişimi olmak üzere dört alt bölümden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmaya ilköğretim okullarında görev yapan 198 sınıf öğretmeni ve 256 ebeveyn katılmıştır. Veriler bağımsız gruplarda t testi yapılarak analiz edilmiştir. Yapılan analiz sonucunda fiziksel gelişim alt boyutunda gruplar arasında olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunurken, diğer gelişim alanlarında anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmamıştır.
Pre-service early childhood teachers (PECTs) are expected to support young children’s engaged and meaningful use of ICT for early learning and development. Unless teachers believe that ICT is beneficial for young children, they will be unable or unwilling to encourage and support children’s use of ICT in educational environments. This paper aims to uncover PECTs’ attitudes and intentions regarding young children’s use of ICT through a survey on 410 PECTs in a Chinese university. The majority of the PECTs had low positive perceptions of the role of ICT for young children, whereas they expressed great willingness to support young children’s use of ICT. There are considerable parameters which influence both PECTs’ attitudes and intentions: ICT ownership and daily use, the frequency of ICT use, ICT professional learning or training and ICT skills. Implications for PECTs teacher education preparation were discussed.
This chapter examines the main factors of Greek kindergarten against primary school teachers' attitudes towards ICT in class. The participants of this research were drawn from teachers of public schools in the area of Athens and Crete (Greece). A 5-point Likert scale questionnaire with 30 questions designed to assess attitudes of teachers toward computers and their computer knowledge in primary schools learning environment. Varimax with Kaiser Normalization was applied to extract the main five factors of kindergarten teachers' attitudes. Also, a three 2-way MANOVA was performed between the kindergarten and primary school teachers to see the interactions of these main factors on: a) the ICT knowledge of teachers, b) the frequency of using ICT at home by the teachers and, c) the ICT use in the teaching process. Finally, the changes in the main factors of kindergarten and primary school teachers were discussed in the hope that they may provide useful information on the school curriculum.