Fig 9 - uploaded by Abdelrahman Sayed Sayed
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In this paper we focus on the proof of concept prototype of fully autonomous centralized Multi-Robot System (MRS) consisting of a Hexapod walking robot and a six wheeled mobile robot. Recently, there has been an increasing demand for such systems as they can be involved in several tasks such as collaborative search and rescue, surveillance, monitor...
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Context 1
... on top of the hexapod. The kinect sensor is a depth camera that was developed by Microsoft and Primesense for the Xbox360. It differs from other cameras as it has the ability for recording a separation set of objects and this is achieved through the expansion of the IR transmitter and receiver [30], microphone array, and a tilt motor as shown in Fig. 9. Moreover, the Kinect sensor has a 57 • . horizontal field of view and a 43 • . vertical field of view. The reason behind it is use in many platforms is its cheap price compared to a Hokuyo Laser sensor and a LIDAR sensor [31]. In order for the robot to navigate through the maze, the hexapod robot will be manually controlled with a ...
... There are various instances of robots used in such scenarios as in healthcare or public safety. Usually ground robots such as Pepper and the hexapod mobile robot proposed by [17] are preferred [18], [19], [20]. These studies also highlighted the need for more work with navigation and physical human-robot interaction. ...
Machines are increasingly getting incorporated into real-life scenarios involving humans. From small devices offering basic aids to big humanoid robots designed to assist humans, involvement is on the rise. Increased integration and consequent interaction between robots and humans are the future directions we are headed in. In this paper, we explore the Pepper humanoid robot as an assistive robot in a scenario where support is needed in the form of a specific task and the robot assistant moves autonomously. We present a description of the design and development of the system, the findings, and the inferred future directions for research and development in the domain. An assistive robot system that meets requirements such as independence, good perception, navigation, communicative ability, and adaption to changing ambiance could be extended to various environments. Implementing a use case of monitoring a precautionary measure of dressing in a face mask, we explore Pepper as an assistive robot effective for such tasks.
... Feasibility experiments involving the Sawyer robots have demonstrated that they can reduce personal protective equipment reliance and protect healthcare workers from additional exposure to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [88]. Robots offer the potential to enhance healthcare workers' safety by enabling contactless sample collections, disinfection and remote body temperature measurements [89]. Socially assistive robots can assist patients with their care, thus minimising unnecessary travel and increasing medication adherence and exercise participation without increased hospitalisations [75]. ...
... Overall System architecture. Adopted from[32] Fig. 6. Type-2 Fuzzy PID controller structure ...
This paper presents the design, manufacturing, modeling, and control of a novel 1-DOF pitch axis Twin Rotor system. An IMU sensor is used to precisely access the desired pitch angle of the system. A type-2 fuzzy controller is designed and implemented to achieve fast rise time and low overshoot, which are the desired response specifications for the system. In terms of overshoot and settling time, the performance of the type-2 fuzzy-PID controller is compared to that of the type-l fuzzy-PID controller and the conventional PID controller. The type-2 fuzzy-PID controller's performance is promising when compared to that of the other controllers, proving that it is useful for taming the Twin Rotor system's non-linearities.
... Kowalczyk and Kozlowski presented a leader-follower control approach for a group of differentially driven mobile robots (Kowalczyk and Kozlowski, 2018). Cooperative, mobile robots are being utilized in different fields, such as farms (Noguchi et al., 2004), factories (Morishita et al., 2018), and hospitals (Sayed et al., 2020). ...
A constrained model predictive controller for two tripod mobile robots performing cooperative transportation of an object through a pre-defined trajectory
in the presence of external disturbances has been developed and validated in this paper. The robots are designed to hold an object through
their end effectors while applying controlled forces to the object and transitioning along the pre-defined reference trajectory. In this collaborative transportation
task, a constrained model predictive controller to control the applied forces and a sliding-mode controller to control the motion of the systems
are implemented. A load-sharing algorithm allowed for decentralizing the control system to determine the share of the force applied to the
object from each end effector. The system and control algorithms are modeled and simulated in a computational environment using MATLAB software.
The results showed that the cooperative system’s position tracking and the force control on the object are successfully achieved using the developed
algorithms with minimum deviation from the desired trajectory. In addition, robustness to a continuously increasing external disturbance exerted on
the system was achieved using the proposed force control strategy.
... These challenges are further enhanced when the sensors share large information packets, such as 3D data [58]. These challenges can be relaxed in a centralized system, assisted with short-range communication devices with high bandwidth [60,61]; however, this is not a realistic solution for large outdoor applications. In a communication-constrained environment [57,62-65], prior planning [66] to meet and share information can relieve stress on communication channels. ...
Teams of mobile robots can be employed in many outdoor applications, such as precision agriculture, search and rescue, and industrial inspection, allowing an efficient and robust exploration of large areas and enhancing the operators’ situational awareness. In this context, this paper describes an active and decentralized framework for the collaborative 3D mapping of large outdoor areas using a team of mobile ground robots under limited communication range and bandwidth. A real-time method is proposed that allows the sharing and registration of individual local maps, obtained from 3D LiDAR measurements, to build a global representation of the environment. A conditional peer-to-peer communication strategy is used to share information over long-range and short-range distances while considering the bandwidth constraints. Results from both real-world and simulated experiments, executed in an actual solar power plant and in its digital twin representation, demonstrate the reliability and efficiency of the proposed decentralized framework for such large outdoor operations.
... Their work reflects that use of mobile robot will certainly get a boost in the upcoming time with new potential fields of applications. In their work, Sayed, [4] demonstrated the effectiveness of SLAM based multi robot system in a hospital environment. These works demonstrate the capability of the mobile robot systems in the indoor environment. ...
The application of assistive robots is increasing in the day-to-day life. Assistive robotic systems are useful in the different domains ranging from medical, domestic and other indoor fields. Based on the utility, several applications of the assistive robots can be thought of. This paper outlines the steps involved in design and simulation of a mobile robot platform for an indoor office environment. The different phases of the development are discussed. The proposed system architecture is based on the real time navigation with dynamic obstacle avoidance in an indoor environment. For this purpose, 3D vision sensor-based navigation architecture is discussed. The target application for the robot model is object transfer from one location to other. The hardware and software architecture needed for the development of the model are presented in detail.
... [47] To compare the development of chlorinetreated B. atrophaeus bacteria AI-enabled responsive and intelligent robots for sanitizing. [49] It uses the sensor to find the disinfecting area and take a decision regarding the dose, area, time, and environmental safety criteria. It can produce a 3D replica of surroundings and the real time operation ...
... Multi-Robot System (MRS) comprises of consisting of a Hexapod walking robot and a sixwheeled mobile robot. [49] Applicable in cooperative search and salvage, reconnaissance, supervising, and disinfecting Field hospitals. ...
... Other scenarios in the medical sector show that there will be a possible shortage of medical personnel of approximately 500,000 in Germany by 2030 [13]. This is an example of a country that requires teleoperated and autonomous robot solutions to solve insufficient medical personnel supplies in the coming years. ...
A safe human-robot physical interaction is required when the robot is used to help humans. This can be achieved by introducing a teleoperated robotic arm in which a human can teach the robot before performing tasks remotely. This paper develops and establishes a three-degree-of-freedom robotic arm and teaching pendant. In particular, a flexible robotic arm is operated in two different modes, namely, the teleoperated mode and the semi-autonomous mode. The teleoperated mode is a manual control using a teaching pendant, where the robot arm replicates various movements of the teaching pendant. On the contrary, the semi-autonomous mode allows the robot to execute a task from one point to another point repetitively after at least one training of the teaching pendant. The Arduino Uno board is employed as a microcontroller, and the integrated development environment ( IDE ) software is used to write and upload the computer code. A series of tests in which the robot performs different tasks is recorded to evaluate the accuracy and consistency of the semi-autonomous and teleoperated modes. The results show that the performance of the proposed low-cost teleoperated robotic arm is reliable and safe to perform various tasks based on the teaching pendant.
... A.S. Sayed et Al. have proposed an autonomous Mobile Robot that monitors COVID infected patient's body temperature and status and delivers prescribed medicine [12]. Their goal was to develop a mobile robot that acts as an autonomous health monitoring system. ...
COVID-19 infection has been one of the fastest
spreading pandemic of the 21st century. Having claimed over
4.5 million lives, the virus is still at high potential of further
mutation and rapid spreading. Although Some vaccines have
been discovered and administered in order to prevent fatalities,
they are sometimes found to be ineffective against the newer
variants. Moreover, the vaccines are not meant to slow down
the speed of the virus, rather it is meant to prevent severe cases
and fatalities. Therefore, it is extremely important to minimize
the rate of spreading, especially in the case of new variants.
The spread can be minimized by wearing masks in public
spaces, making public come on surfaces disinfected and also
isolating infected persons from the rest as soon as possible.
Therefore, this research system was designed in order to
automatically check for people without masks, disinfect
surfaces and also successfully identify infected people as early
as possible with accuracy up to 69% cases. Even when the
system is not certain that the person is infected, it still provides
precautionary warning that the person might be infected. With
the continuous collection of the diagnostic data from this
research, it is expected that COVID-19 infected patients will be
easily quickly identified on a daily basis and maintain the
safety of everyone.
... The map dynamically constructs the map of 3D surfaces. To get a detailed map, Sayed et al. [9] presented a robot controlled by a joystick, which uses the Microsoft Kinect Xbox360 sensor. The navigation challenge is approached by using ROS navigation algorithms, SLAM, and machine vision. ...
Due to COVID-19 pandemic, there is an increasing demand for mobile robots to substitute human in disinfection tasks. New generations of disinfection robots could be developed to navigate in high-risk, high-touch areas. Public spaces, such as airports, schools, malls, hospitals, workplaces and factories could benefit from robotic disinfection in terms of task accuracy, cost, and execution time. The aim of this work is to integrate and analyse the performance of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm, as global path planner, coupled with Dynamic Window Approach (DWA) for reactive collision avoidance using a ROS-based software prototyping tool. This paper introduces our solution – a SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) and optimal path planning-based approach for performing autonomous indoor disinfection work. This ROS-based solution could be easily transferred to different hardware platforms to substitute human to conduct disinfection work in different real contaminated environments.