Figure 2 - uploaded by Yongliang Guo
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Integrated 1D XRD profiles of ThC powder at various pressures ranging from 1.2 GPa to 71.0 GPa. (Notes: blue diamond represents ThC-B1 phase, red triangle represents ThC-P4/nmm phase, solid black circle represents ThC 2-C2/c phase and hollow black circle represents ThC 2-C2/m phase).
Source publication
Cun Yu Jun Lin Ping Huai- [...]
Hongjie Xu
Thorium monocarbide (ThC) as a potential fuel for next generation nuclear reactor has been subjected to its structural stability investigation under high pressure, and so far no one reported the observation of structure phase transition induced by pressure. Here, utilizing the synchrotron X-ray diffraction technique, we for the first time, experime...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... was gradually increased up to 71.0 GPa and then released. The diffraction profiles of ThC at pressures ranged from 1.2-71.0 GPa and back to ambient pressure are shown in Fig. 2 after the background was subtracted. The signals remains the same up to 53.2 GPa except for the major diffraction peaks becoming broader and shifting to larger angles systematically as pressure goes up, indicating the lattices are under distortion, partially resulting from the possible shear stresses in the sample due to the imperfect ...
Context 2
... that ThC has a phase transition at around 58 GPa from B1 to P4/nmm. This is the first time ever that the high pressure transition of ThC has been experimentally reported. Our results agree well with the prediction by Guo et al. 5 . After the pressure was released, the sample returned back to the ambient phase B1, as the top curve shows in Fig. 2. Compared to the 1.2 GPa B1 phase, its peaks shift to the smaller angles as d space slightly increases under ambient condition, and become much broader as a result of many crystalline defects produced during the high pressure ...
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... In addition, the high-pressure phase transition of ThC has been studied experimentally and theoretically. Yu et al. [19] experimentally revealed the phase transition of ThC from B1 to P4/nmm at~58 GPa by synchronous X-ray diffraction. There is no phase transition in ThC under high pressures at 36 GPa [20] and 40-45 GPa [21], but a transitional P4/nmm phase is produced at 60-120 GPa [22], theoretically. ...
... This is consistent with most theoretical values (5.335-5.388 Å) [7,13,17,22,30,31] and is close to the experimental values of 5.344 Å [14] and 5.430 Å [19]. ThC1−x (x = 0.03125, 0.0625, 0.125, 0.1875, 0.25, or 0.3125) with specific vacancy concentrations was created by random substitution method obeying Lowenstein's rule [32], corresponding to the replacement of 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10 carbon atoms with vacancies in a 64-atom supercell, respectively. ...
... [17] 0.29 f [7] 0.32 f [36] 0.215 Given in Refs. [11,14,19,41] are available experimental data. a for ThC 0.975 [41]. ...
Thorium monocarbide (ThC) is interesting as an alternative fertile material to be used in nuclear breeder systems and thorium molten salt reactors because of its high thermal conductivity, good irradiation performance, and wide homogeneous composition range. Here, the influence of carbon vacancy site and concentration on lattice distortions in non-stoichiometric ThC1−x (x = 0, 0.03125, 0.0625, 0.125, 0.1875, 0.25, or 0.3125) is systematically investigated using first-principle calculations by the projector augmented wave (PAW) method. The energy, mechanical parameters, and thermodynamic properties of the ThC1-x system are calculated. The results show that vacancy disordering has little influence on the total energy of the system at a constant carbon vacancy concentration using the random substitution method. As the concentration of carbon vacancies increases, significant lattice distortion occurs, leading to poor structural stability in ThC1−x systems. The changes in lattice constant and volume indicate that ThC0.75 and ThC0.96875 represent the boundaries between two-phase and single-phase regions, which is consistent with our experiments. Furthermore, the structural phase of ThC1−x (x = 0.25–0.3125) transforms from a cubic to a tetragonal structure due to its ‘over-deficient’ composition. In addition, the elastic moduli, Poisson’s ratio, Zener anisotropic factor, and Debye temperature of ThC1-x approximately exhibit a linear downward trend as x increases. The thermal expansion coefficient of ThC1−x (x = 0–0.3125) exhibits an obvious ‘size effect’ and follows the same trend at high temperatures, except for x = 0.03125. Heat capacity and Helmholtz free energy were also calculated using the Debye model; the results showed the C vacancy defect has the greatest influence on non-stoichiometric ThC1−x. Our results can serve as a theoretical basis for studying the radiation damage behavior of ThC and other thorium-based nuclear fuels in reactors.
... For the thorium monocarbide ThC, we theoretically identified a phase transition sequence at different pressures, and predicted a new phase P4/nmm at 60 GPa [22]. Afterward, this new P4/nmm was observed through synchrotron x-ray diffraction technique by our co-workers [23]. The elastic and thermodynamic properties of ThC 2 were studied at ambient pressure from the first-principles, and the calculated results show that the vibrational property of the C 2 dimer in ThC 2 is similar to that of a free standing C 2 dimer, indicating that the C 2 dimers are weakly bonded to Th atoms [24]. ...
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The electronic, mechanical and thermodynamic properties of layered ThB 2 C are investigated using the first-principles calculations with generalized gradient and local density approximations. The equilibrium geometry and elastic stiffness constants of ThB 2 C are studied, and various elastic moduli, Poisson’s ratios and velocities are estimated from the elastic stiffness constants. ThB 2 C exhibits brittle characteristics. The phonon dispersion relationship verifies the thermodynamic stability of ThB 2 C. Considering the effect of phonon vibration on the thermodynamic properties of ThB 2 C, the variation of Gibbs free energy, bulk modulus and heat capacity at constant pressure with temperature are calculated using quasi-harmonic approximation in the temperature range of [Formula: see text][Formula: see text]K.
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