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Isolated energy systems in archipelagos are characterized for having a great dependence on fossil sources due to isolation and territorial fragmentation. The island of La Palma is situated on the northwest of the Canary Islands, and its electric system is very small. Sustainability policies planned by local authorities are aimed to increase the sha...
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... Currently, only four wind turbines are installed on La Palma, which produced for example 23 GWh of electricity in the year 2015 [24]. Comparing this amount to the 53 MWh of electricity needed to operate one MSTN for one year shows that a single wind turbine, associated to some energy storage system [25], would be amply sufficient to power all 13 CTAO telescopes that will be installed on La Palma. Assuming that all diesel generators on La Palma would be replaced by a wind turbine powered hydro storage system alike the one currently operating on the neighboring island El Hierro would reduce the carbon footprint of electricity consumption during operations from 1,362 tCO 2 eq to 106 tCO 2 eq. ...
Astronomical observatories have been identified as substantial contributors to the carbon footprint of astrophysical research. Being part of the collaboration that is currently developing the medium-sized telescopes in the Cherenkov Telescope Array, a ground-based observatory for very-high-energy γ-rays that will comprise 64 telescopes deployed on two sites, we assessed the environmental impacts of one medium-sized telescope on the northern site with a life-cycle assessment. We identified resource use and climate change as having the most significant impacts due to telescope manufacturing and energy consumption during operations. We estimate life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of 2,660 ± 274 tCO2e for the telescope, 44% of which arise from construction, 1% from on-site assembly and commissioning and 55% from operations over 30 yr. The environmental impacts could be reduced by using renewable energy during construction and operations, using fewer electronic components and metal casting and using recycled materials. We propose complementing the project requirements with environmental budgets as an effective measure for impact management and reductions.
... Currently, only four wind turbines are installed on La Palma, which produced for example 23 GWh of electricity in the year 2015 [24]. Comparing this amount to the 53 MWh of electricity needed to operate one MSTN for one year shows that a single wind turbine, associated to some energy storage system [25], would be amply sufficient to power all 13 CTAO telescopes that will be installed on La Palma. Assuming that all diesel generators on La Palma would be replaced by a wind turbine powered hydro storage system alike the one currently operating on the neighboring island El Hierro would reduce the carbon footprint of electricity consumption during operations from 1,362 tCO 2 eq to 106 tCO 2 eq. ...
Astronomical observatories have been identified as substantial contributors to the carbon footprint of astrophysical research. Being part of the collaboration that currently develops the Medium-Sized Telescope (MST) of the Cherenkov Telescope Array, a ground-based observatory for very-high-energy gamma rays that will comprise 64 telescopes deployed on two sites, we assessed the environmental impacts of one MST on the Northern site by means of a Life Cycle Assessment. We identified resource use and climate change as the most significant impacts, being driven by telescope manufacturing and energy consumption during operations. We estimate life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of 2,660 +/- 274 tCO2 equivalent for the telescope, 44% of which arise from construction, 1% from on-site assembly and commissioning, and 55% from operations over 30 years. Environmental impacts can be reduced by using renewable energies during construction and operations, use of less electronic components and metal casting, and use of recycled materials. We propose complementing project requirements with environmental budgets as an effective measure for impact management and reductions.
... In recent studies carried out on the island of Tenerife, values were obtained for vehicle emissions of 543,375 Mg CO 2 for the year 2020 (Cruz-Pérez, Santamarta, Gamallo-Paz, et al., 2022;, showing an important comparison between a capital island and a smaller island such as El Hierro. In addition, more and more research is being carried out regarding the importance of electric vehicles on smaller islands and their potential to reduce CO 2 emissions (Ramirez-Diaz et al., 2016). This would need to be accompanied by an increase in the production of renewable energies, as well as the willingness of users to invest in electric vehicles (Ramos-Real et al., 2018). ...
The island of El Hierro is the smallest and youngest island in the Canary archipelago.It has been recognized as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve since 2000, and it has a population of approximately 10,000 inhabitants. The aim of this study was to determine the amount of CO2 emissions absorbed by the forest stands of the island of El Hierro and compare it to the emissions generated by the population. It is noteworthy that there is a hydro-wind energy production project on the island that has significantly minimized the emissions linked to energy production. In short, El Hierro's forest stands are capable of capturing 46,785 tons of CO2 annually, while emissions associated with electricity production and emissions linked to road mobility are below the island's carbon sequestration capacity since the Gorona del Viento renewable energy project was built. By working on investment in renewable energies to produce energy and changing mobility with the use of electric vehicles, a small island like El Hierro can adapt to ecological transition by the year 2040. This is a goal set by the government to drastically reduce emissions in the Canary Islands.
... On the side of the supply, the generation system is composed by two types of conventional technologies (Diesel engines and gas turbines), which represent almost 90% of the installed power, whereas RESs only represent 10% [4]. Despite the small installed capacity of RESs, a penetration of over 11% of renewable share was achieved in 2015 [5]. A simplified model of La Palma transmission system has been implemented in DIgSILENT PowerFactory environment [6], as shown in Figure 1. ...
The paper analyzed the dynamic performance of dual two-stroke engines with respect to classical Diesel gensets and the contribution to increase the rotating inertia of an isolated electrical grid with significant penetration of Renewable Energy Sources (RESs). The role of genset capable to provide better inertia and primary frequency regulation is essential for the integration of renewable generation in order to provide frequency stability and better power quality.
... Several studies have combined PV and wind units with DGs or GTs as the complementary operation of PHS. For example, renewables, DGs, GTs, and electric vehicles were investigated on the island of La Palma [199]. The optimal operation of PHS-PV-wind-DG systems has been determined [200,201]; similar systems have been investigated [202][203][204][205], but with several comparisons regarding diverse storage technologies. ...
... The studies of PHS-based systems with multiple energy sources are listed in Table 8. From the above discussion, it is apparent that the research directions vary from energy management [209,212] and economics [196,200,201,213,[217][218][219] to techno-economic [197][198][199]202,208,210,211,214]. Furthermore, some researchers cover multiple directions in their studies, i.e., techno-economic-environmental [203,204,207,216], economic-environmental [206], and economic-socio-environmental [205]. ...
... Furthermore, some researchers cover multiple directions in their studies, i.e., techno-economic-environmental [203,204,207,216], economic-environmental [206], and economic-socio-environmental [205]. The integration of PHS with multiple energy sources can realize numerous benefits, such as limiting the dependence on fossil fuel-based generation units and increasing the share of renewables [196,[199][200][201][202][203][204][205]207], frequency regulation [209], reliability improvement [210], and smoothing the output from renewables [211] by power compensation and load following during rapid demand changes, especially for isolated systems. Regarding GC systems, PHS is an essential factor in decreasing the total system costs [213,214], improving the power transmission efficiency [215], increasing the energy mix reliability, and reaching decarbonization goals [215,216]. ...
Over the past decade, energy storage in renewable energy-dominated systems has received increasing interest. Effective energy storage has the potential to enhance the global hosting capacity of renewable energy in power systems, accelerate the global energy transition, and reduce our reliance on fossil fuel-based generation. Pumped hydro storage (PHS) is the most common storage technology due to its high maturity, reliability, and effective contribution to the integration of renewables into power systems. Accordingly, it is essential to achieve the optimal operation of energy systems combined with PHS. Therefore, this paper comprehensively reviews recent efforts toward the optimal operation of PHS-based energy systems (PHS-BES), considering the diversified energy sources, configurations, grid connectivity, and research directions. The evaluation criteria for the optimal operation of these systems are mathematically addressed and discussed. Moreover, methods of solving the studied problem are categorized and several improvements are suggested. It is observed that more flexible energy policies are urgently needed to encourage new investments in PHS, and the existing environmental and social criteria require further research. Moreover, the hybridization of PHS with other storage devices should be further investigated, and the development of robust hybrid methods for solving the optimal operation of PHS-BES, especially for real-time applications, is highly promising. Based on an in-depth analysis, this paper provides a compendium of real-world research and industry-oriented challenges, and presents future research and industry trends for the optimal operation of PHS-BES.
... There are limited studies of using EVs for electricity-system services on islands. Two works [26,27] examine such use of EVs, but do not consider EV mobility within the network. EV mobility may be important in island electricity systems, which may have weak transmission systems. ...
... There is an existing 11.2-MW, 112-MWh PHS plant on El Hierro with a 68.88% roundtrip efficiency. Tables 5-6 summarize the characteristics of the candidate energy-storage technologies [8,26,27,54]. The maximum energy capacity of each energy-storage unit is 10 times the maximum power capacity that can be built. ...
... Fig. 2 shows that EVs discharge very little to the electricity system. The primary electricity-system benefit of EVs is providing operating reserves, which is consistent with some analyses [9,47] and contrary to others [26,27]. These differences may be due to some works using simpler representations of electricity-system operations compared to our model. ...
Meeting decarbonization goals requires taking significant action on electricity systems, which are a major source of CO2 emissions. Decarbonizing island electricity systems raises additional challenges due to their heavy historical dependence on fossil fuels and strict power-reserve and reliability requirements. To address this challenge, this paper presents a comprehensive optimization model for long-term capacity planning of island electricity systems. Our model determines an optimal mix of generation and transmission capacity to satisfy energy demand at least cost while respecting the strict technical constraints that are inherent in island systems. In addition, our model considers the use of thermal and renewable generation, electric vehicles providing electricity-system services, batteries, pumped-hydroelectric storage, and ac and high-voltage dc transmission lines.
We demonstrate our model with a case study of the Canary Islands archipelago. Our results show that combining the aforementioned technologies reduces generation costs by up to 25% and capacity requirements up to 50% (relative to a case without the technologies). In addition, without any mechanism to internalize the social cost of carbon, fossil-fueled thermal generation is the lowest-cost source of energy. Environmental considerations demonstrate the benefits of renewable generation and result in these carbon-free energy sources supplying about 40% of the energy mix.
... The ęȱȱȱȬ£ȱȱȱ ȱ ȱ by González et al. (2017). The charging of electric vehicles and complementarity of electric vehicles and pumped-hydro as energy storage in small isolated energy ¢ȱ ȱȱ¢ȱ Ěȱet al. (2015), Foley & Gallachoir (2015 and Ramírez et al. (2016), respecti-¢ǯȱ ȱȱȱę¢ȱȱȱpendence on non-renewable energy? Scenarios of compact vehicles in the UK are shown by Raugei et al. (2018), Raymand et al. (2021) For the past decade, vehicles using compressed air ȱȱĴȱĴǯȱȱȱȱȱȱ ȱ-ȱȱȱȱĜ¢ǰȱ ȱȱȱȱ conventional diesel engines. ...
En el presente trabajo se muestra la evaluación del desempeño de un motor neumático de baja capacidad, mediante modelado y simulación con el fin de identificar la factibilidad de su aplicación en vehículos comerciales de baja capacidad y distancias cortas. La principal contribución en este trabajo para el modelado del motor neumático, es que se ha utilizado un enfoque integral que incluye la tubería de suministro de aire comprimido, la cámara de expansión y compresión del cilindro, así como las válvulas de admisión y escape. El sistema de suministro de aire comprimido se modela utilizando modelos de flujo de fluido compresible. El flujo de fluido se considera adiabático representado por el modelo conocido como flujo de Fanno (o no isentrópico) y se supone que está en un estado estacionario. El flujo en las válvulas de apertura y escape se evalúa como fluido adiabático e isentrópico, utilizando un modelo de fluido compresible divergente-convergente. Los resultados de la simulación muestran que la presión de alimentación y el diámetro de la tubería tienen una gran influencia en la potencia del motor. Además, se ha descubierto que la relación de compresión tiene una gran influencia en la eficiencia general del sistema. Por otro lado, las simulaciones muestran que la presión inicial del pistón no tiene una gran influencia en los indicadores de rendimiento, como la potencia o la eficiencia. Sin embargo, a partir de los resultados encontrados en este trabajo, se puede apreciar que el modelo y todos los resultados obtenidos se pueden utilizar para diseñar y generar un modelo de optimización que describe un motor neumático propuesto para vehículos comerciales de baja capacidad y distancias cortas.
... The electric vehicle (EV) is a new technology that could play a relevant role in the SG. EVs have a battery with a considerable amount of energy, which can provide capacity storage [8]. EV batteries could offer many benefits to the grid. ...
The increase in global electricity consumption has made energy efficiency a priority for governments. Consequently, there has been a focus on the efficient integration of a massive penetration of electric vehicles (EVs) into energy markets. This study presents an assessment of various strategies for EV ag-gregators. In this analysis, the smart charging methodology proposed in a previous study is considered. The smart charging technique employs charging power rate modulation and considers user preferences. To adopt several strategies, this study simulates the effect of these actions in a case study of a distribution system from the city of Quito, Ecuador. Different actions are simulated, and the EV aggregator costs and technical conditions are evaluated.
... While much of the research investigates the role of V2G integrating renewable energy on large, regional electricity grid systems [7,[24][25][26], V2G can also help integrate renewable energy on other scales, such as in microgrids. Similar to the potential services V2G can provide for large-scale renewable energy on a regional electricity grid, V2G can improve grid reliability and provide long-term storage for microgrids that rely primarily on renewable energy [27][28][29]. We will discuss the benefits of V2G to renewable energy in more detail in the next chapter, and the actual implementation of V2G with regard to renewable energy integration remains to be seen. ...
Starting with the basics, this chapter defines the conceptualization of vehicle-to-grid and reviews the three elements necessary to a vehicle-to-grid system, including a power connection, communication capability and aggregation, and the means to audit services rendered to the grid. Next, the focus turns to the services that vehicle-to-grid can and, in the future, will offer to the electricity grid, and their respective suitability. Additionally, this chapter discusses how the basic tenets of vehicle-to-grid can be applied to a variety of other neighboring concepts, such as vehicle-to-home or vehicle-to-building, each with their own benefits and costs. The chapter lastly outlines the primary and secondary actors within a typical vehicle-to-grid system.
... To attain these aims, a two-step simulation model has been used. Firstly, a model simulator of the electric power system has been used to define seven scenarios [10,11]. The first four scenarios are based on the interconnection projected, alternating between generation with NG and oilbased fuels. ...
... Concerning ESS, their consideration is more usual when autonomous island development is assessed, rather than in island-to-island interconnections. Following this vein, in the specific case of the Canary Islands [11], assess the introduction of Electric Vehicles (EV) as ESS in the island of La Palma. The paper provides a simulation model that meets energy demand and power generation in a reference year, thus ensuring the maximum contribution of RES. ...
... Firstly, the model simulator is described and, secondly, the LCOE calculation is explained. As a first step, a model simulator has been used in order to assess the dispatch of the different technologies within each scenario [10,11]. In comparison to other models, it allows to perform a simple but realistic approach for modelling isolated electrical systems specifically, taking into consideration the main real technical operational conditions. ...
This paper aims to quantify, from an economic and environmental lens, the impacts of the interconnection Tenerife-La Gomera in terms of energy independence, emissions and costs. Alternatively, the development of La Gomera as an isolated system through a high deployment of renewable energies and energy storage systems is also assessed. The results reveal that the interconnection is the most promising alternative in terms of cost, emissions and energy independence, provided that generation is powered by NG. If not, the isolated development mainly based on electric batteries and photovoltaic systems would be the best option. The results of this work may be very useful for policy-makers and energy planners in other territories with similar characteristics.