Innovative Solutions for the improvement of warehousing logistics processes in a manufacturing company (based on the authors' works presented in Table 2).

Innovative Solutions for the improvement of warehousing logistics processes in a manufacturing company (based on the authors' works presented in Table 2).

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Innovative solutions are very important for the warehouse because, with their help, it is possible to ensure a more efficient connection between suppliers and consumers throughout the supply chain. This paper aims to search out and offer innovative solutions for the improvement of the storage processes in a LMC (logistics manufacturing company). Th...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... scientific literature presents various solutions for the problem solving of warehousing logistics processes, but the main ones are related to modern technologies and methods. Figure 2 presents a model of innovative solutions for the improvement of warehousing logistics processes, which lists the technological and methodological solutions for solving problems in a manufacturing company. ...
Context 2
... scientific literature presents various solutions for the problem solving of warehousing logistics processes, but the main ones are related to modern technologies and methods. Figure 2 presents a model of innovative solutions for the improvement of warehousing logistics processes, which lists the technological and methodological solutions for solving problems in a manufacturing company. Table 2). ...


... (8,9) Las empresas están adoptando prácticas más responsables para maximizar la eficiencia y minimizar el impacto ambiental de sus operaciones. (10) Esto incluye la selección de proveedores que cumplan con estándares éticos y sostenibles, así como la incorporación de materias primas recicladas o de fuentes renovables. (11) Se busca implementar estrategias de economía circular para que los residuos de un proceso se convierten en insumos para otro. ...
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Introduction: Commodity management benefits from a variety of financial instruments and tools that allow companies to mitigate risks and optimize their operations. Among the most used are futures contracts, contracts for difference, risk management tools such as insurance and investment funds. The objective of this article is to analyze the scientific production on risks and financial instruments for the management of raw materials. Methodology: The research paradigm is mixed, through the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. A bibliometric analysis was carried out which was complemented with a documentary review. The study was synthesized in three stages and was carried out in the Google Scholar, Scielo and SCOPUS databases, during the period from 1991 to 2024, without limitations in language. Results: The literature review shows an increase in the adoption of digital technologies to improve internal communication and employee engagement, with Brazil as a leader in the Latin American region. In addition, endomarketing is identified as a key element for attracting and retaining talent, especially in sectors with high competition and a shortage of specific skills. Likewise, its contribution to organizational sustainability is highlighted, focusing on the social dimension by promoting the well-being and development of employees. Conclusion: These findings reflect how endomarketing has been integrated into business strategies to align corporate objectives with the values of social responsibility and job satisfaction, consolidating itself as an essential tool in improving productivity and long-term commitment.
... In the intricate network of global supply chains, warehousing emerges as a pivotal activity that ensures the efficient storage, handling, and distribution of goods (Davarzani & Norrman, 2015;Prananingtyas & Zulaekhah, 2021;Trivellas et al., 2020). As the backbone of organizational logistics, warehouses play a critical role in maintaining the balance between supply and demand, thereby impacting customer satisfaction and operational agility (Malinowska, 2022;Perkumienė et al., 2022;Rehman Khan & Yu, 2019). Conceptually, warehousing refers to the strategic storage and management of goods within a specified area to facilitate their eventual distribution (Ross, 2015). ...
Conference Paper
Purpose The aim of this research is to summarize the relevant literature discussing the use of immersive technologies namely augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), mixed reality (MR) and smart glasses in smart warehouse management in line with industry 4.0. Design/methodology/approach We have used Systematic Literature Review (SLR) for peer-reviewed articles (2008-2023). These articles were chosen by using Scopus and Web of Science and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) filter in Web of Science. Findings For 61 % of the studied articles, experimentation seems to be the preferred method used by researchers to better understand the consequences of applying immersive technologies. Augmented reality is prominent in the order-picking activity (10 articles out of 39 discuss order-picking directly), and more specifically, the impact of smart glasses on saving time and leveraging the physical and mental workload. It is worth mentioning that the gamification of warehouses seems to be an emerging concept that allows for a considerable increase in productivity as well as the degree of acceptance when it comes to implementing Augmented Reality in warehousing. Research limitations/implications This article's limitation is mainly related to the final number of the chosen articles as well as the lack of software usage to conduct Systematic Literature Review. Original/value This paper aspires to serve as a layout for decision-makers to understand the implications of using immersive technologies in order to better embrace their usage in warehouse management. To the best of our knowledge, no research paper has ever investigated the use of immersive technology on warehousing management through a Systematic Literature Review.
... Technologies such as racking, rack loaders, and their associated equipment are a good starting point for improving the sustainability of warehouses [27]. In turn, more advanced and comprehensive systems, such as automatic storage and retrieval systems, can optimize storage and picking processes by enabling densification, adaptability, and modularity [28]. ...
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With the ever-increasing threat of climate change and global warming, ways to make energy intensive buildings, such as cold storage warehouses essential for food preservation, more sustainable need to be found. Some refrigerated warehouse owners may be unaware or unsure of the benefits obtainable from implementing sustainable practices and technologies. To search for innovations that could inform the owners and managers of cold storage warehouses about how to enhance their sustainability, convergent interviewing of subject matter experts was conducted. The resulting practices and processes were organized into a hierarchy that ranged from essential to best practices that can be implemented to improve the sustainability of refrigerated warehouses. Examples of these practices and technologies include ideal refrigeration systems, racking methods, and insulation types. To encourage the use of sustainable practices and technologies, more reporting on successful or unsuccessful applications of practices and technologies needs to be communicated. Applying change diagnostic tools such as convergent interviewing enables a practical and industry focused set of outcomes to be determined that can help drive change towards more sustainable cold storage warehouses in Australia.
... Regarding inventory management, warehouses play a significant role in tracking, managing, and successfully forecasting demand, contributing to the overall effectiveness of stock control (Jarašūnienė et al., 2023). Additionally, warehouses facilitate cost efficiency and enhance customer satisfaction by enabling order preparation and product consolidation (Perkumienė et al., 2022). Furthermore, from a sustainability perspective, warehouses are instrumental in conducting product lifecycle tracking, thereby preventing losses and wastage. ...
Warehouse operations cover activities that must be carried out systematically. Warehouse management systems (WMS) are needed for successful warehouse management. With digitalization, alternative software programs for WMS have increased. In this study, the selection of the WMS software program for the general warehouse type is discussed. The main motivation of the research is to develop a suitable alternative selection methodology based on criteria for warehouse managers. The research is carried out in several stages. In the first stage, the software selection criteria are determined based on the literature review. In the second stage, the criteria are weighted with the criteria importance through the intercriteria correlation (CRITIC) method based on single-valued neutrosophic sets (SVNSs). In the third stage, alternatives for WMS software are ranked with the technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution (TOPSIS) based on SVNSs. Three decision-makers, four alternatives, and eight criteria are used in the study. The empirical research is conducted on a warehouse providing general storage services in Turkey. In addition, the sensitivity analyses are performed and the results are compared. According to the research findings, the most valuable criterion in WMS software selection is determined as "ease of use". As a result of the research, suggestions are developed for WMS software manufacturers, warehouse managers, and researchers. The novelty of this research is that WMS selection is applied for the first time using multi-criteria decision-making methods.
... According to Richards and Grinsted (2020), the management of warehouses plays a crucial role in the overall effectiveness of supply chain systems. The perception of a warehouse solely as a storage facility is an erroneous perspective. ...
... The establishment of a central warehouse has the potential to generate cost efficiencies for both the organization and its clientele. Furthermore, the consolidation of goods within a firm enables it to exert influence on market demand through the manipulation of the supply side, as posited by Perkumienė et al., (2022). Warehouses also serve as crucial facilitators of international trade, enabling enterprises to fulfil the requirements of their worldwide clientele promptly and economically. ...
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Company operations and global trade necessitate storage. Warehouse management is essential for meeting customer expectations, ensuring product availability, and delivering globally swiftly and affordably. A company's international competitiveness can suffer from warehouse instability. This study assesses warehouse performance for competitive advantage. The report also explores top management's disregard for warehouse management's impact on manufacturing competitiveness. This paper reviews warehouse management system research from several industries. Reviewing literature for gaps and flaws. Quantitative methods include industrial specialized surveys. Three varied South African manufacturing enterprises will be case-studied. Deduction is used to analyze industry expert consultation data. Due to its accessibility and data collection suitability, convenience sampling was employed to choose participants. This study discovered many warehouse management issues in South African industrial firms. Integration and automation are lacking in current systems, hampering global competitiveness. Warehouse movements and infrastructure damage increased without zone selection. Technology-illiterate warehouse workers slowed operations. The study offers zone picking, warehouse training, and warehouse system integration and automation to address these difficulties. South African industrial firms should strengthen warehouse management systems, according to this study. These organizations can enhance operational efficiency, save money, and compete globally with the suggested changes. Zone picking, warehouse system integration, and worker technical training can alleviate challenges and provide companies an edge. This study highlights warehouse management's often overlooked significance in manufacturing competitiveness. International organizations can do better by studying warehouse management system problems and solutions. Practical warehouse management advice from this study increases South African industry competitiveness.
... Warehouse Management System (WMS) oversees the production and supply chain processes, ensuring a continuous flow of materials for production, minimizing the risk of stockouts, and facilitating the transformation of raw materials into finished products. The main objective is to enable efficient and effective transportation of goods from the warehouse to their intended destinations [28]. In addition to inventory control, order acceptance, and order response, WMS performs various other functions in addition to its primary roles. ...
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This paper explores the different approaches to warehouse operations within a supply chain context. It highlights the significance of warehouses in efficiently and effectively meeting customer demands while minimizing costs. The study examines various types of warehouses and analyzes the activities involved in warehouse operations. Furthermore, this paper discusses the challenges and benefits of warehouse operations in developed and developing countries. It emphasizes the need for efficient warehouse management to enhance customer satisfaction, reduce costs, and improve overall productivity. The integration of warehouses into the supply chain process is also emphasized, emphasizing their critical role in facilitating the flow of goods. This paper introduces the Warehouse Management System (WMS) concept as a technological solution for controlling the inflow and outflow of goods. It delves into WMS functions and highlights its importance in inventory control, order management, and system reliability. Additionally, this paper examines the differences between traditional manual warehousing and automated approaches, taking into account factors such as cost, efficiency, and suitability for different types of organizations. In conclusion, the study suggests that automated warehousing is more suitable for larger companies operating in countries with limited manual labor availability. On the other hand, traditional warehousing may be more applicable in developing countries with higher unemployment rates.
... Warehouses also play a crucial part in the supply chain processes of businesses Perkumienė et al. (2022). Well-managed warehouse systems enable a business to maintain adequate inventory management, maintain inventory levels as required, increase dependability, reduce labour costs, and guarantee correct maintenance and inventory processing (Tien et al., 2019). ...
... Moreover, according to Perkumienė et al. (2022), the leading retail warehousing concern is in terms of the lack of space. In order to satisfy a company's requirements, it must own or rent warehouses with sufficient capacity. ...
... However, ordering more products than the available space allows might lead to an underestimation of the required time. This issue emerges because of ineffective business practices, such as inefficient utilisation of available space and delays in delivering commodities to their final destinations (Perkumienė et al., 2022). This research will thus examine inventory management in both the literature and empirical aspects. ...
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Several business establishments have used inventory management strategies to strike a balance between responsiveness and efficiency. This study's primary objective was to assess the effect of inventory management practices on the warehouse efficiency of supermarkets and retail stores in Kedah and Perlis, specifically supermarkets. This study utilises a quantitative method by using primary data from questionnaires and secondary data compiled from prior studies' results. Statistical Packages for the Social Science (SPSS) version 25 software was used to analyse the data. The relationship between the independent and dependent variables was determined using regression analysis. The outcome showed that the inventory reorders point and supplier partnership management variable were accepted. However, the information technology hypothesis was rejected. This study recommends that supermarkets and retail stores utilise the best inventory management strategies to increase warehouse efficiency. It enables the tracking of stock unit movement in the warehouse, facilitates stock counting in the warehouse, maximises the use of available warehouse space, improves inventory data accuracy, reduces inventory theft, and enhances inventory cycle counting.
... The synergy between manned and unmanned systems could unlock new levels of cost savings and efficiency in fulfillment center operations. The goods storing process is one of the time-consuming and costly operations, and it can contribute 40%-50% of the total fulfillment center operating cost [11]. Improving this process can significantly decrease the expenses for businesses. ...
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In fulfillment centers, efficient inbound transportation and goods storage are crucial factors that impact overall performance and supply chain costs. Traditional processes often involve human workers performing repetitive tasks, leading to increased expenses. This study presents a Manned-Unmanned Teaming (MUM-T) approach that combines unmanned Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) with manned forklift vehicles to automate these processes and minimize costs. The primary objectives are to model AGV-based unmanned inbound transportation, design a manned traveling forklift problem (TFP) with a shortest path algorithm, and compare the MUM-T approach to traditional methods in terms of distance, time, and cost. Results from theoretical analysis and simulations show that the MUM-T approach can reduce traveling distance, working hours, and operational costs by up to 32%, 38%, and 51%, respectively. Moreover, the proposed algorithm enables Beginner and Intermediate -level forklift operators to achieve efficiency comparable to that of Professionals . These findings indicate that implementing the MUM-T approach can significantly enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of inbound transportation and forklift processes in fulfillment centers.