Figure 3 - uploaded by Raoul Sommeillier
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In the DoV framework, a preconception is a knowledge consisting of the combination of a model and an overgeneralised domain of validity (ODoV)

In the DoV framework, a preconception is a knowledge consisting of the combination of a model and an overgeneralised domain of validity (ODoV)

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We propose a new instructional theory, the Domain of Validity (DoV) Framework, which offers a new way forward for designing teaching for conceptual change, while also resolving conflicts between existing theories related to common, difficult-to-change conceptions students have about particular scientific topics. We propose that knowledge consists o...

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Context 1
... second proposition of the DoV framework is that the very nature of some preconceptions is an overgeneralised domain of validity (ODoV): a domain of validity too wide relative to what the associated model can really represent (Figure 3). Believing that "the Earth is flat in all circumstances" is an overgeneralisation from everyday experiences of the domain of validity of this model: it serves us in the situation of housebuilding, but not when putting a satellite into orbit. ...