Figure 2 - uploaded by Francisco J Navarro-Meneses
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The progress made by the theory of the firm has been outstanding in the last 80 years,
its central concepts having become foundational for any theoretical and practical work focused
on understanding the behavior of the firm. However, in spite of this remarkable achievement,
most of the firm’s real problems remain intractable. Furthermore, an increa...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... a CBVF perspective, VRs are represented by a number of nodes (vertices) and its connected relations (edges), the later corresponding to the flows of value exchange. Furthermore, firm's VRs are themselves nodes in higher levels of the hierarchy, forming a "web of networks" which hosts the firm's value system dynamics (Fig.2). ...
Context 2
... the Delphi process has been reviewed elsewhere in this thesis (Chapter 4) and extensively studied in the literature (Adler, Ziglio 1996, Linstone, Turoff 2002), we exhibit below an overview of how this author used it in the field research (Fig.12). ...
Context 4
... first impression that we form when we observe the AVCN graph at the top of Fig.21 is that of a heavily connected graph, where everything seems highly connected to everything else. This is certainly a "clogged" graph that makes it visually difficult for an observer's eye to discern between links. ...
Context 5
... HC algorithm takes the distance information -dissimilarity-between the value repositories, and links the pairs of them that are close together. This process is repeated linking these newly formed clusters to each other and to other value repositories in order to create bigger clusters, until all of them are linked together in a hierarchical tree or tree-like dendrogram (Fig.24). The height of the links indicates the distance between the value repositories. ...
Context 6
... resort to the AVCN graph to visually determine the interconnections having an impact on the airlines' Operating Margin. As we can see in the graph on the left in Fig.25, all top fifteen value repositories identified by Panel members have some kind of interconnection with Operating Margin. ...
Context 7
... Base scenario is formulated on the basis of a random input vector, which is fed into the AVCN-FCM model to generate an outcome state vector of reference. From this Base scenario, new variant scenarios (Table 11) The inference outcome for the Base scenario is shown in Fig.26. As we can see, after performing the iterative inference process for fifty steps, the model reaches an equilibrium point at which the AVCN state vector becomes stable and does not change anymore. ...
Context 8
... travel demand -0.9 The inference outcome for Scenario #1 is displayed in Fig.27. The model reaches equilibrium after performing a number of iterations, which means that outcome stability is achieved. ...
Context 9
... 0.9 The inference outcome for Scenario #2 appears in Fig.28, where we can observe how outcome stability is reached after a number of inference iterations. ...
Context 10
... the purpose of the model inference, we used as input values those contained in The analysis of the simulation inference outcome (Fig.29), and of the final AVCN state vector (Table 18), shows the positive impact that this simulation has on the airline's Operating ...
Context 11
... outcome is therefore in line with what airline's managers would expect in real-life business. Also note that stability of the outcome is reached after a number of iterations, as can be observed in Fig.29. It is worth noting that the impact of Scenario #3 on most value repositories is rather limited if compared to the effects of Scenario #2. ...
Context 12
... A benchmark of an expert's responses vs Panel members responses asking for the interconnectedness between value repositories and Operating Margin (Fig.32). ...
Context 13
... benchmarking of responses on the interconnectedness between Value Repositories and airlines' Operating Margin is presented in Fig.32. ...
Context 14
... refer to the following files in the accompanying CD for more detail: :91,2]) geo_tot_in # plot of participants per geograghy and Delphi round barplot(geo, main="Geography of Participants", xlab="Delphi rounds", col=c("darkblue", "darkgreen", "red", "or ange"), legend = c("Europe", "Middle East", "North America", "South A merica")) # plot of participants per geograghy and Delphi round barplot(responses_type, main="Type of Responses", xlab="Delphi rounds", col=c("darkblue", "darkgreen", "red", "or ange"), legend = rownames(responses_type)) ## print sumnmary table of frequencies r1_constraints_final ...
This study investigates whether employees' psychological ownership results in stewardship behavior and whether this relationship is affected by an employee's perception of the organization's agency culture. A survey of the financial managers of 129 firms in Germany generally confirms these expectations. In addition, and surprisingly, our findings suggest a negligible effect of an agency culture on the relationship between psychological ownership and stewardship behavior when managers perceive high psychological ownership. Thereby, our study enriches the literature on the consequences of psychological ownership by providing insights into the boundary conditions of such outcomes at the manager level.