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During a recent survey of jumping spiders on the Greek Dodecanese island of Rhodes, a total of 24 species from 21 genera were recorded. One species, Pseudeuophrys rhodiensis Schäfer sp. nov., is here described as new. Six further species of jumping spiders are newly recorded for the island; three of which (Aelurillus concolor, Evarcha insularis com...
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An updated and annotated checklist of the spiders of Iraq, currently comprising 104 species in 75 genera and 29 families is presented, including six endemic and four subendemic species. Twenty-three records are considered misidentifications and therefore omitted from the checklist. Where possible, the misidentified records are attributed to other species based on their distribution and morphology; as a result of this, three species are recorded in Iraq for the first time: Dictis striatipes L. Koch, 1872 (Scytodidae), Hippasa deserticola Simon, 1889 (Lycosidae) and Latrodectus cinctus Blackwall, 1865 (Theridiidae). The history of studies and the geographical distribution of records are reviewed and discussed. The list is dominated by members of the families Gnaphosidae, Lycosidae, and Salticidae, comprising 15.4%, 13.5% and 10.6% of the total number of species, respectively.
A list of spiders is provided (Arachnida: Araneae), collected in April 2019 in the south-west of Turkey (Antalya Province, Kemer district). In total 95 species from 28 families have been recorded. Sintula karineae spec. nov. is described based on female specimens.
Brigittea innocens (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872), a relatively unknown and poorly documented species, is redescribed. Besides the newly described member of Sintula, further eight species are new for the fauna of Turkey: Canariphantes nanus (Kulczyński, 1898), Cyclosa algerica Simon, 1885, Hogna effera (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872), Lepthyphantes magnesiae Brignoli, 1979, Oecobius navus Blackwall, 1859, Phrurolithus azarkinae Zamani & Marusik, 2020, Pseudeuophrys rhodiensis Schäfer, 2018 and Theridion helena Wunderlich, 2011. One female of Ozyptila Simon, 1864 (Araneae: Thomisidae) is described and illustrated and possibly represents the unknown female of O. spirembola Wunderlich, 1995, but no accompanying male was collected. Moreover, the findings of several other species already known from Turkey represent important records for the local fauna: Berinda cooki Logunov, 2012, Harpactea sturanyi (Nosek, 1905), Heriaeus setiger (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872), Improphantes turok Tanasevitch, 2011, Mermessus denticulatus (Banks, 1898), Nomisia orientalis Dalmas, 1921, Philodromus femurostriatus Muster, 2009, Tegenaria faniapollinis Brignoli, 1978, Tegenaria vankeerorum Bolzern, Burckhardt & Hänggi, 2013 and Zaitunia kunti Zonstein & Marusik, 2016. Photos and drawings of most of these species are provided.
A contribution to the jumping spider fauna (Araneae: Salticidae) of the Greek Island of Corfu with four new records for the island and a note on the genus Salticus. During a survey of the jumping spider fauna of the Greek island of Corfu, 30 species in 18 genera were recorded. Four species, Heliophanus equester L. Koch, 1867, Neaetha absheronica Logunov & Guseinov, 2002, Pellenes florii Schäfer, 2020 and Talavera aequipes (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) were recorded on the island for the first time. In addition, the previously unknown female of Salticus unicolor (Simon, 1868) is described and three new synonymies are proposed within the genus Salticus: Salticus mandibularis (Simon, 1868) = S. unciger (Simon, 1868) syn. nov., Salticus olivaceus (L. Koch, 1867) = S. propinquus Lucas, 1846 syn. conf. and Salticus quagga Miller, 1971 = S. unicolor syn. nov.. Moreover, a number of taxonomic problems regarding the genus Pellenes are briefly discussed.
Contribution to the jumping spider fauna (Araneae: Salticidae) of the Greek island of Crete, with the first description of Pellenes florii sp. nov. A faunistic survey of jumping spiders on the Greek island of Crete revealed 24 species from 18 genera. One of them, Pellenes florii sp. nov., is newly described. Furthermore photos of several salticid species are presented for the first time. Additionally some taxonomic problems concerning the salticid fauna of Crete are briefly discussed.