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Der internationale Wettbewerb hat durch die Globalisierung vieler Märkte und Dienst-leistungen in den letzten Jahrzehnten enorm zugenommen. Viele Klein- und Mittelbe-triebe, die lange Zeit vor dieser Konkurrenz geschützt worden waren, müssen nun-mehr sich diesen Herausforderungen stellen - oft genug schlecht vorbereitet. Zur gleichen Zeit sind Umwe...


... With regard to proposals to improve the process of nominating experts and their election [5], the resolution encourages the States parties "to give due consideration to equitable geographical distribution, the representation of the different forms of civilization and the principal legal systems, balanced gender representation and the participation of experts with disabilities in the membership of the human rights treaty bodies." 29 On the whole, such recommendations have the potential to ensure the independence and impartiality of experts, as well as a balanced composition of the committees, but only with due respect to the exclusive competence of the States parties in these matters. ...
Conference Paper
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The article focuses on the ongoing process to strengthen the effectiveness of the human rights treaty body system. While demonstrating the growing significance of these mechanisms in the human rights protection, the author provides the historical legal analysis of the initiatives to address challenges impeding the effectiveness of the treaty bodies. Taking stock of the current stage of the strengthening process, the author critically analyses the developments taking place in the system during the realization of the 2014 UN General Assembly resolution – the outcome document of the intergovernmental process on strengthening and enhancing the effective functioning of the human rights treaty body system (2012-14). The author determines the number of challenges posing a risk to the effective functioning of the system in the ongoing strengthening process and responses to them that are suggested to be considered in frames of the 2020 UN comprehensive review of the progress achieved in enhancing the system.
Human rights advocates, particularly intergovernmental organizations (IGO), consider donors’ interests when conducting human rights shaming. Allies of donors receive preferential treatment from IGOs. Do IGOs automatically treat allies of donors more leniently or do they consider the donors’ interests in the specific area being reviewed? This article argues that donor interest considerations are policy-area-specific. I substantiate this argument by analysing the association between shaming and partnership with the US, using a new dataset which measures shaming under the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). I use several analysis methods and data matching. The results indicate that having a trade agreement with the US is associated with receiving more criticism under the ICESCR. Rather than giving automatic preferential treatment to allies and partners of the UN’s main donor, the ICESCR committee adjusts its shaming to the US’s interest vis-à-vis its partners in the policy-areas affected by the treaty.