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Temporally coherent supercontinuum sources constitute an attractive alternative to bulk crystal-based sources of few-cycle light pulses. We present a monolithic fibre-optic configuration for generating transform-limited temporally coherent supercontinuum pulses with central wavelength at 1.06 mm and duration as short as 13.0 fs (3.7 optical cycles)...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... output from stage 6 was coupled to an adapted inverted confocal microscope (Eclipse TE2000-U, Nikon) (Fig. 4a) modied for nonlinear imaging experiments. The variable dispersion compressor described above was used to pre-compensate the dispersion of the optical elements in the path of the microscope towards the sample, where the pulse duration was maintained below an estimated duration of 16 fs (Fig. 4c). The coupling system of the external ...
Context 2
... confocal microscope (Eclipse TE2000-U, Nikon) (Fig. 4a) modied for nonlinear imaging experiments. The variable dispersion compressor described above was used to pre-compensate the dispersion of the optical elements in the path of the microscope towards the sample, where the pulse duration was maintained below an estimated duration of 16 fs (Fig. 4c). The coupling system of the external illumination source included two galvanometric mirrors (Cambridge Technology, UK) and a telescope arrangement. We used a dichroic mirror (FF825-SDi01, Semrock) for sending the pulses to the illumination objective. The generated uorescent light captured using this objective was collimated and sent ...
Context 3
... was collimated and sent through the same dichroic mirror, in a nondescanned conguration, for detection using a photomultiplier tube (PMT) detector (H9305-04, Hamamatsu). Three different microscope objectives, with different refractive index immersion media, numerical apertures (NA) and magnications were used (see table with properties in Fig. 4). Dispersion pre-compensation was performed for every objective. The few-cycle all-bre source described above was used as the illumination source for all image acquisitions, except for images in Figs. 5F,H that were generated with a pulsed Ti:Sa laser (MIRA 900-F, Coherent, 200 fs nominal pulse width) operating at a central wavelength ...

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Full-text available
Temporally coherent supercontinuum sources constitute an attractive alternative to bulk crystal-based sources of few-cycle light pulses. We present a monolithic fiber-optic configuration for generating transform-limited temporally coherent supercontinuum pulses with central wavelength at 1.06 µm and duration as short as 13.0 fs (3.7 optical cycles)...