Figure - uploaded by Jean-Louis Berger
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The purpose of this study is to analyze, in a sample of 281 vocational education students learning mathematics, the relations between numerical reasoning abilities, self-perception and task value, achievement goals, and learning strategies. Path analyses revealed that various achievement goals are differentially predicted by self-perception and tas...
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... Most studies found that the use of learning strategies is positively correlated with mastery and negatively associated with work-avoidance goals (e.g., Dowson & McInerney, 2001;Dupeyrat & Mariné, 2005;Vrugt & Oort, 2008). Furthermore, in a study with 263 vocational students learning professional mathematics, it was found that mastery goals were positively correlated with rehearsal, elaboration, and metacognitive strategies whereas work-avoidance goals were significantly correlated only with rehearsal strategies (Berger, 2012). This last type of strategies does not favor long term and flexible learning (Weinstein et al., 2011), which is indicative of the indirect effect achievement goals may have on learning. ...
The present study investigates students’ self-regulation of cognition and motivation and how they relate to motivational beliefs across three topics. Three types of topic-specific motivational beliefs (self-efficacy beliefs, achievement goals, and perceived instrumentality) and cognitive (cognitive and metacognitive strategy use in reading comprehension, writing, and mathematics) and motivational self-regulation were assessed by self-report in a sample of 243 vocational students in low vocational training tracks. The results indicate that perceived instrumentality is the prominent predictor of cognitive self-regulation across the three topics whereas mastery goals and self-efficacy play a significant but minor role in that prediction. Moreover, a significant self-efficacy by perceived instrumentality interaction effect emerged regarding cognitive self-regulation in mathematics. Motivational self-regulation is predicted consistently by self-efficacy, mastery goals, and work-avoidance goals. The differential effects of motivational beliefs on the facets of self-regulation are discussed.
... Couplée à la très faible moyenne des buts de performance-approche, cette constatation remet en question la pertinence des deux types de buts de performance pour notre population. Il semble que le contexte d'apprentissage, de par sa nature faiblement compétitive, ne soit pas propice à l'adoption de ces buts (Berger, 2013 ;Brophy, 2005 ;Senko, Hulleman, et Harackiewicz, 2011). En effet, dans le cadre de la formation professionnelle initiale suisse, le système de notes n'est pas fondé sur une comparaison des scores. ...
This study analyzes the effects of achievement goals on the metacognitive processes as 200 students solve two mathematical problems differing in complexity. Results show that the diverse achievement goals have significant effects both on metacognitive experiences and on metacognitive strategies, coherently across the two problems. Mastery-approach goals predict the feeling of liking the task, mastery-avoidance goals have an effect on the use of metacognitive strategies, whereas neither performance-approach nor performance-avoidance goals are significantly related to metacognitive processes. The results offer a rich picture of the interactions between goals and metacognitive processes, revealing the major role of mastery-avoidance goals.
The aim of this study consisted in the assesment of the self-regulatory strategies in a playful learning situation, used by pupils stemed from ordinary primary school and specialized secondary school, matched by develomental age. During four sessions of play, entirely filmed, self-regulation strategies about the perspective taking process were observed in the two groups. The self-regulation strategies analyzed using Nader-Grosbois' self-regulatory strategies analysis grid (2007a) and Observer XT software. The results showed a comparable overall self-regulation scores between the two groups of pupils and that the different strategies used by the two groups of matched participants according to their age of development are all equivalent level of proficiency. In addition, the results highlighted the advantages and drawbacks of the game made available to pupils and present suggestions for research for future work.
Cet article présente une recherche qui évalue les stratégies autorégulatrices mises en œuvre par des élèves de l’enseignement primaire ordinaire et de l’enseignement secondaire spécialisé (N=26) lors d’une situation d’apprentissage ludique. Cette situation porte sur le processus de décentration spatiale et est composée de quatre séances de jeu. Ces séances ont été entièrement filmées. Les stratégies d’autorégulation mobilisées par les enfants et adolescents au cours des séances de jeu sont analysées à l’aide de la grille d’analyse des stratégies autorégulatrices de Nader-Grosbois (2007a) et du logiciel Observer XT. Les résultats montrent qu’il existe peu de différences en termes de scores moyens d’autorégulation globale entre les deux groupes d’élèves, et que les différentes stratégies convoquées par les deux groupes de participants appariés en fonction de leur âge de développement présentent toutes un niveau de maîtrise équivalent. En outre, les résultats permettent de mettre en évidence les avantages et les lacunes du jeu mis à disposition des élèves et de présenter des pistes de recherches pour des travaux ultérieurs.