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BitTorrent is the most extensively used protocol in peer-to-peer systems. Its clients are widely spread worldwide and account for a large fraction of today’s Internet traffic. This paper will discuss potential attack that exploits a certain vulnerability of BitTorrent based systems. Code injection refers to force a code – which may be malicious - t...

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... led developed program ―RemoteInjectorServer.exe‖, which sends PID and injected malicious code. The following figures (Fig. 7 – Fig. 11) show the entire attack process as captured from the practical experiment. Given that gateway VI. IP C was ONCLUSION ―‖, host under attack BitTorrent IP was ―, based applications Fig.7 are shows freeware packets tools captured that are by basically Wireshark used on to attacker share illegal PC which resources were in filtered addition by to source its legal IP address utilization. ―‖ Users of these to applications discover the are PID not ―764‖. aware about the protocol trapdoor, which is basically leaking the BitTorrent application process ID during its initialization process. Author established and proved attacking scenario based on such leakage. Software programs were developed using Dev-C++ to simulate implanted Trojan and attacker frontend. Author encourages BitTorrent based application users to avoid downloading any executable applications that may be infected with implanted Trojans which may indirectly damage user resources through injecting malicious code during run time of BitTorrent application itself. VI. C ONCLUSION BitTorrent based applications are freeware tools that are basically used to share illegal resources in addition to its legal utilization. Users of these applications are not aware about the protocol trapdoor, which is basically leaking the BitTorrent application process ID during its initialization process. Author established and proved attacking scenario based on such leakage. Software programs were developed using Dev-C++ to simulate implanted Trojan and attacker frontend. Author encourages BitTorrent based application users to avoid downloading any executable applications that may be infected with implanted Trojans which may indirectly damage user resources through injecting malicious code during run time of BitTorrent application ...

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