
... The article on cycling as an innovation in Sweden and Norway (Gustavsson 2014a) has been downloaded 4,580 times since the time of publishing. Another article under the heading "Swedish Belief Narratives on Afterlife Earlier and Today" has been downloaded 3,962 times in 2022 (Gustavsson 2014b). ...
During the last two years of Covid pandemic we have seen the issues related to digitalization, Open Access, and Open Data (meaning open access to research results and research data) become more salient. Scientists have been unable to access archives and libraries in person, or to meet colleagues and students in physical meetings in the form of seminars, conferences or congresses. Distance has become the key word. Digital contacts have become the norm that shapes the scientific working day. In this subjectively oriented article, I intend to describe and comment on the new situation scientists have to face. These comments are based on my own background as a scientist since the 1970s. Scientists need to recognize the new opportunities that are offered by the new digital tools. This became particularly important in the conditions of the sudden pandemic outbreak in the early 2020s. What can we, scientists, learn from this development?
... 6 En uppsats om cykling som innovation i Sverige och Norge har fram till nu 4580 nedladdningar. En annan uppsats om trosföreställningar om livet efter döden förr och nu har under 2022 nått upp till 3 962 nedladdningar (Gustavsson 2014a(Gustavsson , 2014b. 7 En av mina undersökningar avsåg alkoholkontakter över den svensknorska riksgränsen i ett historiskt perspektiv (Gustavsson 2018 Den digitala publiceringen utan kostnad för mottagarna är en stor hjälp för forskare att uppfylla universitetens tredje uppgift att nå ut till en bred allmänhet med forskningsresultaten. Universitetsforskningen finansieras till en stor del med skattemedel, och det utgör en motivering för att forskningsresultaten skall kunna nå ut till allmänheten som bidrar till att finansiera forskningen. ...
... I chose a panel having a tangible emphasis, titled Cycling: Past, Present, and Future. My paper presented the earliest history of cycling in Norway and Sweden (Gustavsson 2014a). ...