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Three bacterial strains were isolated from industrial effluents of Penang, Malaysia. The strains RZ1, RZ2, and RZ3 were identified as Pantoea sp. RL32.2, Salmonella enterica, and Enterobacter sp. OCPSB1, respectively, based on morphological observation, biochemical, physiological characterization, and 16S rDNA sequence analysis. The strains RZ1, RZ...
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The purpose of this study was to find the most cadmium (Cd2+) tolerant and remediated bacteria isolate from KNO3 processing unit contaminated soil. One isolate out of 19 isolates possessed excellent Cd2+ tolerance than others, which was recognized as Enterobacter hormaechei SFC3 through molecular characterization (16S rRNA sequencing). The identified E. hormaechei SFC3 contained 55% and 45% of GC and AT content, respectively. The wild and acridine orange mutated E. hormaechei SFC3 exhibited excellent resistance to Cd2+ up to the concentration of 1500 μg mL-1. Furthermore, the wild E. hormaechei SFC3 and mutated E. hormaechei SFC3 showed 82.47% and 90.21% of Cd2+ remediation on 6th days of treatment respectively. Similarly, the Cd2+ tolerant wild and mutated E. hormaechei SFC3 showed considerable resistance to all the tested antibiotics. The findings indicate that E. hormaechei SFC3 isolated from KNO₃ processing unit contaminated soil is a promising candidate for microbial remediation of Cd2+ contamination.
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Mercury (Hg) is present in the environment due to the natural processes and from anthropogenic sources. The amount of Hg mobilized and released into biosphere has increased with the increase of industrial age. The aim of this study was to isolate and characterize the Hg-resistant strains from industrial wastewater of Penang, Malaysia, in terms of Hg processing and uptake ability. These bacterial isolates were designated as CZ1 and CZ2 after isolation. These were identified as Acinetobacter junii and Pseudomonas stutzeri on the basis of morphological, biochemical and 16S rDNA characterization. The optimum pH for Acinetobacter junii and Pseudomonas stutzeri was 7.0 and 8.0, respectively. The optimum temperature for both bacterial strains was 35°C. The growth patterns of both isolates were similar with control (without Hg stress) but greatly affected by Hg. Both strains were mostly resistant against antibiotics but sensitive against penicillin. The Acinetobacter junii and Pseudomonas stutzeri could remove the Hg up to 70% and 90%, respectively. The Hg bioaccumulation ability of Acinetobacter junii and Pseudomonas stutzeri was 76% and 90%. The Hg induced bands were observed with molecular weight of 28 kDa (Pseudomonas stutzeri) and 98 kDa (Acinetobacter junii). This study shows that these bacterial strains can be employed as an efficient bioremediation tool to recover and remove the Hg from industrial wastewater.
... After electrophoretic separation, the gel was stained with 0.01% Coomassie blue solution, methanol (45% v/v) and glacial acetic acid (10% v/v) for 30 min at room temperature and consequently placed in the destaining solution methanol (50% (v/v) and acetic acid (2% v/v) for 1 h. The gel image was analyzed and captured by using VersaDoc Imaging System (BioRad) [16]. ...
The oil degrading bacterial strains were isolated from marine sediments collected from fuel oil–polluted coastal area in Penang, Malaysia. Bioremediation is an ideal tool to be applied as biological treatment of oil pollution due to it is cost-effective and eco-friendly. However the bacteria used in the bioremediation are highly important because they should achieve high efficient biodegradation rate and not pathogenic or virulence toward the environment. Two bacterial strains TZ1 and TZ2 were selected as potential oil-degrading isolates and were identified as Chryseobacterium sp. strain AJ0 and Escherichia sp. strain UIWRF0110, respectively. The emulsification index (E24) and microbial adhesion to hydrocarbons (MATH) values of Escherichia sp. strain UIWRF0110 59.51 ± 5.56 and 28.40 ± 1.92 were slightly higher than Chryseobacterium sp. strain AJ0 values 45.12 ± 10.86 and 19.11 ± 2.10, respectively. The degradation efficiency of Escherichia sp. strain UIWRF0110 was 90% as compared with Chryseobacterium sp. strain AJ0 with 84%. Overall, these strains could be useful for the bioremediation of oil-polluted sediments.
... The sediment oxidized layer surface inhibits diffusion of most toxic metals into the marine water. The industries like electronic and electroplating are causing a major issue of pollution by generating wastewater containing contaminants like toxic metals pose a serious danger to animals, humans and the environment (Abbas et al., 2015;Xia et al., 2015). Therefore, it is compulsory to treat industrial wastewater consisting toxic metals before to its discharge. ...
Aims: To study the performance of SMFC in the terms of power generation and toxic metals removal. This study was also focused on the characterization of SMFC electro-microbiology. Methodology and results: A SMFC was designed and loaded with sediment and overlying water. This SMFC was synchronized with wireless data logger acquisition system. The toxic metals removal capacity was measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy. The characterization of SMFC bacteria was done by 16S rRNA. In this study the experiments were carried out in a dual-chamber SMFC with external resistances 30 kO-50 O. The SMFC was produced power about 630 mV with maximum power density 40 mW/m² and current density 250 mA/m². After 120 days of operation, SMFC removed cadmium and copper about 22.6 and 150 mg/kg, respectively. The SMFC also showed high cadmium (86%) and copper (90%) removal at pH 7.0 and temperature 40 °C. The most dominant bacterial community at anode and cathode was identified as Pseudomonas spp. which could be function as exoelectrogen. Conclusion, significance and impact of the study: The results indicated that the SMFC system could be applied as a long term and effective tool for the removal of cadmium and copper contaminated sediments and supply power for commercial devices. The Pseudomonas spp. may be used as a genetic donor for the other non-exoelectrogens strains.
... The above results also imply that the resistant bacteria/bacterial consortium can survive in high heavy metal(loid) contaminated environment and can remove appreciable amounts of heavy metal(loid) from ambience probably due to having higher uptake and resistance capacity, which might play a pivotal role in bioremediation process of metalloid and/or heavy metal in environment (Mejias Carpio et al. 2016;Kvasnova et al. 2017). The metal(loid)-resistant bacteria, in particular a mixed consortia are therefore a promising tool to remove metals from an aqueous phase (Bhakta et al. 2012a(Bhakta et al. , b, 2014Carpio et al. 2014;O'Brien and Buckling 2015;Abbas et al. 2015;Mejias Carpio et al. 2016;Kvasnova et al. 2017). Indeed, Singh et al. (2012) proposed mixed bacterial consortia as an emerging tool to remove hazardous trace metals. ...
Frequent exposure of microbes to hazardous metalloids/heavy metals in contaminated environment results in the development of heavy metal(loid)-resistance properties. The study attempted to assess the profile of elevated arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg)—resistant bacterial community structures of sludge (S1, India), sludge and sediment (S2 and S3, Japan) and sediment (S4, Vietnam) samples by metagenomic-DNA fingerprinting using polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR–DGGE) for monitoring and bioremediation of hazardous metal(loid) contamination in environment. The results revealed that As-resistant bacteria were dominant compared to Cd- and Hg-resistant bacteria with higher species diversity (Lysinibacillus sp., Uncultured soil bacterium clone, Staphylococcus sciuri, Bacillus fastidiosus, Bacillus niacini, Clostridium sp. and Bacillus sp.) in S1 and S4 than that of S2 and S3 samples. The occurrence of dominant As-resistant bacteria may indicate arsenic contamination in the investigated coastal habitats of India, Japan and Vietnam. The As-, Cd- and Hg-resistant bacteria/bacterial consortiums showed appreciable uptake ability of respective metal(loid) (0.042–0.125 mg As/l, 0.696–0.726 mg Cd/l and 0.34–0.412 mg Hg/l). Therefore, it might be concluded that the profiling of metalloids/heavy metal-resistant bacterial community structure by metagenomic-DNA fingerprinting using PCR–DGGE could be used to explore high metal(loid)-resistant bacteria for applying in metal(loid) bioremediation and as an indicator for monitoring hazardous metal(loid) contamination in environment.
... Many reports that environmental microbes can easily build electrochemical signaling with solid electrodes have rapidly led to the microbial fuel cells (MFCs) development [4]. An MFC is a device that converts the chemical energy of organic and inorganic compounds into electricity using bacteria, and in this device, pollutant treatment and electricity generation are simultaneously achieved [5]. Sediment microbial fuel cells (SMFCs) are a special application of MFCs for sediment remediation and electricity production. ...
Due to lack of a membrane and completely anoxic, sediment microbial fuel cells (SMFCs) are different from
microbial fuel cells. The simultaneous production of renewable energy, bioremediation of contaminants and moderate functioning parameters, SMFCs have attracted the attention of many researchers. For power generation, many exoelectrogens in SMFCs have the ability to transfer electrons from electrodes by using four ways of natural electron shuttles. The most dominant mechanism is long-range electron transfer via conductive pili. The powering by microbes is an emerging technique for the remediation of contaminants from sediments. The pathways for transferring electrons in electrotrophs operate in the opposite direction from those in exoelectrogens.This review briefly targets on the SMFC prototype, power generation and contaminants remediation.
... Heavy metals naturally occur in all ecosystems, but because of large variations in their concentrations in the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere, it is widely believed that heavy metal contamination in soil, groundwater, and sediment is one of the largest threats to environmental and human health. Heavy metals are released in the environment through both natural processes and human activities [4,5]. Diverse natural sources such as erosion, weathering, and acidification processes are common routes by which heavy metals are introduced into the environment [6]. ...
Sediment microbial fuel cells (SMFCs) are different from microbial fuel cells because they are completely anoxic and lack a membrane. SMFCs are a novel technology for the simultaneous production of renewable energy and bioremediation of heavy metals. Recently, SMFCs have attracted the attention of many researchers because of their moderate functioning parameters and ability to use a range of biodegradable substrates like glucose, glutamic acid, river water, cysteine, acetate, and starch. The inocula used in SMFCs include river sediment, marine sediment, and wastewater. For power generation, many exoelectrogens in SMFCs have the ability to transfer electrons from electrodes by using natural electron shuttles. Exoelectrogens use four primary pathways to transfer electrons to the electrodes, including short-range electron transfer through redox-active proteins, soluble electron shuttling molecules, long-range electron transport by conductive pili, and direct interspecies electron transfer. The most dominant mechanism is long-range electron transfer via conductive pili because pili have metal-like conductivity. The powering by microbes is an emerging technique for the remediation of heavy metals from sediments. The pathways for transferring electrons in electrotrophs operate in the opposite direction from those in exoelectrogens. To further upgrade SMFC technology, this review targets the prototype, operating factors, working mechanisms, applications, and future perspectives of SMFCs.
... The removal of MB by different microorganisms was investigated (Ong et al. 2005;Fulekar et al. 2013;Singh et al. 2014;Ranga et al. 2015). Therefore, microbial processes play a vital role in the safe clean-up of environmental messes (Abbas et al. 2014). However, the effluent because of biotransformation of dyestuffs could be toxic (Chung and Stevens 1993). ...
The potentially deleterious effects of methylene blue (MB) on human health drove the interest in its removal promptly. Bioremediation is an effective and eco friendly for removing MB. Soil bacteria were isolated and examined for their potential to remove MB. The most potent bacterial candidate was characterized and identified using 16S rRNA sequence technique. The evolutionary history of the isolate was conducted by maximum likelihood method. Some physiochemical parameters were optimized for maximum decolorization. Decolorization mechanism and microbial toxicity study of MB (100 mg/l) and by-products were investigated. Participation of heat killed bacteria in color adsorption have been investigated too. The bacterial isolate was identified as Stenotrophomonas maltophilia strain Kilany_MB 16S ribosomal RNA gene with 99% sequence similarity. The sequence was submitted to NCBI (Accession number = KU533726). Phylogeny depicted the phylogenetic relationships between 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence (1442 bp), of the isolated strain and other strains related to Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in the GenBank database. The optimal conditions were investigated to be pH 5 at 30 °C, after 24 h using 5 mg/l MB showing optimum decolorization percentage (61.3%). Microbial toxicity study demonstrated relative reduction in the toxicity of MB decolorized products on test bacteria. Mechanism of color removal was proved by both biosorption and biodegradation, where heat-killed and live cells showed 43 and 52% of decolorization, respectively, as a maximum value after 24-h incubation. It was demonstrated that the mechanism of color removal is by adsorption. Therefore, good performance of S maltophilia in MB color removal reinforces the exploitation of these bacteria in environmental clean-up and restoration of the ecosystem.