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The rapid northward drift of the Indian plate during Deccan volcanism assumes a gradual shallowing of paleomagnetic inclinations in subsequent lava flow formations. A comparison of palaeomagnetic data produced during the last six decades reveals an inclination anomaly during Chron C29r (66.398–65.688 Ma) along with brief clockwise-counter-clockwise...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... the existence of the Deccan anomaly. The inclinations for C29n and C30n agree well with the anticipated paleolatitudes (Table 3), which indicates that the tilt was absent in C30n and restored during C29r as the Indian plate drifted away from the Réunion plume head (e.g., see Fig. 2). The regional southward dip for the Deccan lava ows (Fig. 3) is widely documented (Jay and Widdowson 2008;Shoene et al. 2015) and verify our proposed model based on palaeomagnetic inclination (Figure ...
Context 2
... inclinations for C29n and C30n agree well with the anticipated paleolatitudes (Table 3), which indicates that the tilt was absent in C30n and restored during C29r as the Indian plate drifted away from the Réunion plume head (e.g., see Fig. 2). The regional southward dip for the Deccan lava ows (Fig. 3) is widely documented (Jay and Widdowson 2008;Shoene et al. 2015) and verify our proposed model based on palaeomagnetic inclination (Figure 3). ...
Context 3
... 2006). The impact of the Réunion plume over the Indian plate is in close agreement with this convention through the observed episodes of tholeiitic and alkaline magmatism. The initial impact of the Réunion plume head started ~0.2 million years before the DE M and produced nepheline syenites and alkali gabbros during these early Deccan eruptions (Fig. 3), corresponding to terminal C30n/early C29r. Recent high-precision geochronological data ( Renne et al., 2015;Sprain et al., 2019) indicated outpouring of bulk Deccan tholeiites between 65.4 and 66.4 Ma within C29r. This rapid extrusion requires higher amounts of partial melting under a considerably elevated geothermal gradient during a ...
Context 4
... 65.4 and 66.4 Ma within C29r. This rapid extrusion requires higher amounts of partial melting under a considerably elevated geothermal gradient during a fully developed plume head, which precisely coincides with the duration of C29r (Cande and Kent, 1995). Small-volume volatile-rich magmatism of lamprophyres and carbonatites between 65.8-65.2 Ma (Fig. 3), which was mostly emplaced towards the terminal part of the DE M, typically intruded the Deccan lavas. This terminal phase is an artifact of small-fraction melting caused by thermal weakening during the waning stage of the Réunion plume. The occurrence of DE M precisely within C29r therefore elucidates the short span (<1 million years) ...
Context 5
... of the 'Sea-way' within the plate Based on paleontological nds, a short-lived 'seaway' associated with Deccan traps has been reported precisely at the end of C29r (e.g. Keller et al. 2009Keller et al. , 2012. This inland 'sea-way' formation (/marine inuence) along pre-existing rift valleys (i.e. Narmada and Godavari Rifts, shown in Fig. 3) is evident by the stressed marine fauna. The brief north/northeast tilting of the Indian plate therefore offers a possibility to explain the formation of the brief inland ...

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