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Resumen. El presente artículo determina las condiciones pragmático-textuales que resultan idóneas para la utilización de los infinitivos enunciativos tanto en español como en francés con base en un corpus constituido de 500 textos de diferente asignación diatópica, diafásica y diastrática en cada idioma, es decir 1000 textos en total. Para poder es...
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... ej. Pérez Vázquez & Telli, 2012a;Palmerini, 2007, Palmerini & Calò, en prensa); c) en análisis enfocados en tipos particulares de construcciones de InfIND, también con un interés contrastivo (entre otros, Bosque, 1980Bosque, , 2017Escandell Vidal, 1987;Ridruejo, 1992;Kabatek, 2008;Quintero Ramírez, 2012, 2013a, 2013b, 2014a, 2015, 2018Palmerini, 2012). En general, en esta literatura observamos cómo se ha ido haciendo más evidente la relevancia de categorías de análisis de naturaleza pragmática, textual o discursiva y más explícito su uso en la interpretación de las propiedades de las construcciones de infinitivo en oraciones independientes. ...
... A este respecto, mencionamos los trabajos de Sara Quintero Ramírez (2013aRamírez ( , 2014aRamírez ( , 2014bRamírez ( , 2015Ramírez ( , 2018 enfocados sobre el español de América, casi siempre en perspectiva de comparación con el francés. La atención de la investigadora, que basa sus análisis en corpus de textos de diferentes tipología y género, se centra en los dos tipos mencionados de InfIND, el narrativo y, sobre todo, el infinitivo enunciativo, objeto de varios artículos (2013a, 2014a, 2014b, 2018) en los que básicamente se vuelve a presentar la misma propuesta de análisis, si bien con algunos cambios en los criterios adoptados (v. ...
... Al mismo tiempo, el intento de deslindar los varios tipos de actos de habla y de describir las funciones discursivas realizadas a través de las diferentes clases de InfIND contribuye a poner de manifiesto semejanzas pragmáticas entre estructuras con una forma oracional diferente, que en otras clasificaciones se tratan por separado (véase, por ejemplo, el caso de los infinitivos "exclamativos" e "interrogativos"). La aplicación de la taxonomía básica de actos de habla de Searle (1975) nos ha permitido desarrollar y enmarcar en una tipología pragmática más amplia el especial valor 'realizativo' observado en el infinitivo enunciativo (Ridruejo, 1992;Palmerini, 2007Palmerini, , 2012Palmerini & Calò, en prensa;Quintero Ramírez, 2013a, 2014a, 2018 y nos ha llevado a hipotizar una nueva clase de usos expresivos del InfIND: los infinitivos de las redes sociales. ...
The aim of this article is to propose a new analysis and classification of the independent
infinitive constructions in Spanish, based on discourse-pragmatic criteria (see Palmerini, 2007, 2012; Palmerini & Calò, en prensa). A review of the literature dedicated to the analysis, from different perspectives, of these special uses (Skydsgaard, 1977; Arjona-Luna Trail, 1980; Hernanz, 1999; RAE, 2009; Pérez Vázquez & Telli, 2012a; Quintero Ramírez, 2013a, 2014a, 2018) where the non-finite form of the infinitive behaves like an ‘independent’ verbal predicate, thus resembling the typical functioning of the finite verb, shows the lack of a theoretical approach focusing on the dimension of the use of these constructions in discourse while trying, at the same time, to offer a systematic account of the whole system of the spanish independent infinitives. To reach this double objective we base our analysis on four fundamental criteria (predicative force, type of speech act, discourse context, discourse functions) which allow us to sketch a tentative discourse-pragmatic map of the independent infinitives’ system, that implies a revision of the traditional classification of these constructions. After distinguishing between predicative and non-predicative uses, our analysis identifies four kinds of speech act (assertive, performative, expressive, directive) realized by means of these grammatical resources, and recognizes different discourse specializations associated with the appearance of these structures in discourse (to enunciate, to narrate, to explain, to share experiences, etc.). This taxonomy highlights, among other things, two areas of innovation and expansion in the use of the independent infinitive in Spanish (cfr. Palmerini & Calò, en prensa): namely, the case of the enunciative infinitive (with performative value), and the expressive use developed in the communication through social networks.
Keywords: Spanish independent infinitive, discourse-pragmatic typology, speech acts, discourse functions.
The infinitive called enunciative, generalizing or introductory is a variable phenomenon in the Spanish grammar very frequently used in diverse kinds of oral and written texts. As a defective or non conjugated verbal form which does not provide any information about the grammatical person (at least not about the subject), the independent infinitive may function as a desubjectivizing resource of discourse. This phenomenon will be studied from a variationist and cognitive-functional framework by the analysis of this kind of infinitive in social media texts (Facebook and Twitter) as well as in the TripAdvisor website. Results indicate that there are not significant differences in the use of the infinitive among these texts. However, the infinitive shows a relevant use with verba dicendi lexemes as well as its coaparition with personal forms in the inmediate context. Thus, it may be concluded that the infinitive is a desubjectivizing device which introduces or closes argumentative utterances contributing to develop a range of sociopragmatic values.
Given the indirect and mediate nature of written communication, it is necessary to present the ideas accurately and unambiguously. This implies not only exposing them, but organizing them progressively and relating them through certain connectors and the use of punctuation marks, hence the objective of this article is to reflect on the theoretical criteria based on the grammar of the text, about the thematic progression and coherence, on which the construction of paragraphs is based. Methods of bibliographic analysis, induction-deduction and analysis-synthesis were used in its elaboration. The main result was a theoretical analysis on the subject that can serve as a basis for methodological proposals to reorganize the textual construction teaching processes and it was concluded that the text structure written in paragraphs constitutes essentially the logical expression of the meaning, based on in the permanence or advancement of the theme and coherence, essential characteristics of any text.
Resumen: En el presente artículo, tenemos el objetivo de identificar las condiciones tanto sintácticas como textuales que resultan adecuadas para la producción de los gerundios enunciativos en español con base en un corpus constituido de 500 textos de diferentes tipos y géneros. A fin de tener un primer acercamiento del fenómeno en cuestión, concebimos un modelo de análisis conformado de tres diferentes componentes que van desde rasgos sintácticos, como la configuración de las construcciones de este gerundio enunciativo, hasta características textuales, como el propósito de dichas construcciones en géneros discursivos específicos. Palabras clave: gerundio enunciativo, verba dicendi, metacomunicación, textualidad.
Abstract: This study identifies the ideal syntactic and textual conditions for the use of performative gerunds in Spanish, based on a corpus consisting of 500 texts of different types and genres. In order to analyze both corpora, we create an analytic model comprising three different components that consider syntactic aspects such as the configuration of the gerund constructions and textual aspects such as the purpose of these constructions in specific discourse genres.