Figure - uploaded by Çağla Gül Yesevi
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Development of renewable energy requires the adoption and internalization of an international understanding by state institutions. Turkey is an energy dependent country. High degree of external dependency on energy creates problems in terms of energy supply security in Turkey. Policies and policy instruments for increasing the share of renewable en...
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... Refs. [30][31][32]). Wouters [33] emphasizes the agency's unique activities, such as Renewable Energy Readiness Assessment, Renewable Energy Roadmap, Clean Energy Corridors, Global Atlas, REmap, and Project Navigator, and evaluates the agency's effectiveness in implementing them (e.g. ...
... [39,40]). Yesevi and Tiftikçigil [32] also studied renewable energy dissemination in Turkey as a norm by using social constructivism. ...
... IRENA, after all, supports new norms for renewable energy that shape policies in its member states [32]. An increase in the number of states introducing power regulations reveals IRENA's effectiveness in states' norm-making processes. ...
It is widely accepted that renewable energy will contribute to building a more sustainable world, and a transition from a fossil fuel-dominated to a renewable-based energy system is inevitable. However, only 5% of the world's primary energy consumption comes from renewables. It will, therefore, take considerable time to implement international policies and take effective actions to increase the use of renewable energy to a level that mitigates climate change. States remain the primary decision-makers in the international structure, but international organizations can help states internalize and form new identities by creating norms. It is expected that the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) will have a voice on international renewable energy policies. This study seeks to explain how IRENA helps shape these policies through its interactions with major players. It examines the agency's activities, initiatives, and tools over the past 10 years, and how it contributes to norm emergence and identity creation in renewable energy through social constructivism. Using the constructivist approach, this study argues that IRENA's efforts to create norms have succeeded to a considerable extent, but the agency needs to spread its initiatives more equally around the world so that these norms become truly universal. Today, nearly every state needs to improve its renewable energy policies. This objective may only be possible if states form a common identity through the internalization of renewable energy norms. IRENA still has a lot of work to do.
Bu çalışma, uluslararası ilişkiler kuramları kapsamında, sosyal inşacılık yaklaşımının tanımlanması ve bu yaklaşım üzerine yapılan tartışmalar üzerinde durmaktadır. Sosyal inşacılığın, uluslararası ilişkiler disiplini açısından, değişim, çıkar, kimlik, işbirliği ve uluslararası normlara bakışı değerlendirilmektedir. İnşacılığın uluslararası örgütler ve bölgeselleşme çalışmalarına katkısı önemlidir. Bu kapsamda, makale, uluslararası ilişkiler disiplininde, dünyada ve özellikle Türkiye'de, sosyal inşacılığın etkileri ve bu yaklaşım kullanılarak gerçekleştirilen araştırmalar üzerinde durmaktadır. Abstract This study focuses on the definition of Social Constructivism and the discussions on the Social Constructivist approach within the scope of the Theories of International Relations. Social constructivist perspectives on change, interest, identity, cooperation, and international norms have been evaluated in terms of International Relations discipline. Social Constructivism has contributed to the interpretation and evaluation of international organizations and regionalization. In this context, this article has focused on academic studies and researches of International Relations discipline which have used Social Constructivism in the world and in Turkey as well.