Fig 1 - uploaded by Peter Petrovich Gariaev
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Source publication
Some Aspects of Wave Gene Transmission
A. A. Korneev & Peter P. Gariaev*
Institute of Quantum Genetics LLC, Moscow, Russia
This work introduces and describes the process in one type of helium-neon laser with two
orthogonal optical modes. These modes can record polarized modulations of scanned biological
structures in the recording regime o...
Context in source publication
Context 1
... us have a look at the experimental system ( Figure 1) , that we use to obtain spectral characteristics and wave transmission of the working genetic information [1, 3-10]. This system consists of helium-neon laser model HeNe-303 , wattage of 2 mW and 632.8nm wavelength. It has two combined single-frequency radiation modes. There is an adjustment bench for placement and orientation of the biological object along three spatial axes. In each of the two modes this laser has orthogonal and linearly-polarized radiation planes. The functioning of the system during biological object scanning with laser light generates a series of interconnected optic-physical and biological phenomena. The first phenomenon is generation of primary laser radiation under the influence of a light source - the pump lamp. The setting generates frequency-stable two-mode laser radiation with orthogonal linear polarizations. The second phenomenon – projection of the primary, non-modulated beam on the bio-sample, resulting in formation of an optical reflection of complex Fresnel (in the near-field) "scattering spectrum" and the secondary Modulated Broadband Electromagnetic Radiation (MBER) [1, 3]. As already emphasized, the biological object is a purely nonlinear medium and all its elements directly react to external laser radiation. The maximum size of the bio-object element, capable of rough reflection equals to 1⁄4 of the wavelength of the laser, i.e. ~150 nm in size. It is known that laser light, at each local point has a penetration capability that depends on the specific properties of the bio-object. Similarly, the angles of reflection, refraction and absorption also depend on the specific properties of the laser beam target. Changes in amplitudes, phases, and polarization angles at each point, and the overall picture of cross-interference of all secondary sources of the bio-samples re-radiation generates integral reflection. It is formed in the vicinity of the biological object (near-field of Fresnel diffraction [24]) and creates a light image (glow), which should be called the reflection spectrum (Figure 2) . A very important feature of the reflection spectrum (compared to the illuminating beam) is the appearance of many new frequencies (both temporal and spatial), due to the responses of nonlinear optical sub-elements of the bio-object. But apart from that, in its integral response the living substrate is capable of producing a particular feedback response, an essential and distinctive feature of which is a meaningful adaptation, which is typical, for example, to the structures of the human brain on algorithms of multi- layer (integral) perceptron’s [40]. The reflection spectrum has a "bell" shape, the tip of which is directed from the biological object back into the laser resonator. A specific feature of the process using scattering spectrum, obtained in the experiment, with the help of the adjustment bench where the reflecting bio-sample rests, is that most of the spectrum of reflected light (Figure 3) is sent back through the semi-transparent front mirror of the laser resonator - inside the laser resonator. The consequence of this alignment is partial penetration of the light reflected back into the laser resonator, and as result we have the following: First, the stream of light, modulated (diffracted) by the biological sample that’s reflected into the resonator, begins to be amplified by the laser. This is almost the same way as the unmodulated light of the pump source was amplified. Second, due to the action of the resonator the laser will emit not a flat non-modulated wave, but a much more complex wave, which has been modulated by biological structures. First of all, by the chromosomal DNA, RNA, proteins, and other metabolites. This wave is modulated by various parameters, including polarization (spin of a photon), which also has bio-sign biological significant function. Gene structures are optically active and in this regard include a huge pool of structural and dynamic information, including genetic [1, 3-9]. It is this complex wave that will be amplified by our laser. As a result, we will have a zone of intersection of two colliding beams of waves (along the axis of the laser) with a variety of different frequencies, as all possible types of scattering, reflection and refraction of the optically nonlinear objects generate optical spectra with very rich frequency spectra. Complex interference of the aforementioned multi-frequency and modulated waves is the main condition for the formation and recording of special holograms in colliding beams. The recording of interference patterns (with subsequent conversion of the recording into holograms) usually requires screens or photo-sensitive plates, capable of recording the obtained interferograms/holograms. However, in our case, this is not required as we deal with special kinds of Denisyuk holograms (dynamic holograms of traveling intensity waves). The peculiarity of these holograms is that they are generated in a purely nonlinear, so-called quadratic media [26], which are the tissues of the biological systems [18]. Let’s describe a wave of the investigated bio -sample as a sum of the wave flow A1 = (Ax + A0) , where Ax – the stream of light scattered from bio-sample and A0 – the primary (unmodulated) laser wave. "A1" wave according to the description of our experience is the amplified wave, the primary source of which was light (Fresnel range), reflected from the bio-sample. Almost the same wave, but not enhanced, "- A1" wave moves towards amplified A1 = (Ax + A0) wave, all this creates a unique interference pattern with the recording of the dynamic colliding hologram of travelling waves of ...
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This work introduces and describes the process in one type of helium-neon laser with two orthogonal optical modes. These modes can record polarized modulations of scanned biological structures in the recording regime of the traveling intensity waves (TIW) holograms. This process is used to model recording and distant transmission of wave genetic information.