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Six species of jumping spider are described from South India. A new genus, Phanuelus gen.nov. is proposed to accommodate a new species, Phanuelus gladstone sp.nov. Four new species namely, Langona albolinea sp.nov., Mashonarus davidi sp.nov., Phanuelus gladstone sp.nov., and Phlegra prasanna sp.nov., are described. Aelurillus kronestedti Azarkina,...
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The jumping spider genus Tanzania Koçak & Kemal, 2008, which was previously only known from Africa, is recorded from Asia for the fi rst time. The detailed morphology-based description and illustrations of a new species, T. yellapragadai sp. nov. (♂♀) from the Gujarat State of India, are provided.
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... Geographic variation. The Mysuru population differs in several respects from that at the type locality in Kadapa, about 400 km NE of Mysuru (Caleb & Mathai 2014;Caleb et al. 2015). Mysuru males have the dorsum of the abdomen a matte grey, made from a mix of bluish-grey and brown scales, with the balance shifting to dark brown in the posterior quarter. ...
... Femur with a distally located ventral process (see figs. 67-68, 78-79 in Caleb et al. 2015). RTA curved apically. ...
We describe three new species of Stenaelurillus Simon, 1886 from the Deccan Plateau of India, and report on populations of S. sarojinae Caleb & Mathai, 2014 and S. marusiki Logunov, 2001. One of the new species, S. shwetamukhi Marathe, Sanap, & Maddison, sp. nov., has black-and-white markings, characteristic of several other Indian Stenaelurillus species. The other two new species, S. tamravarni Marathe & Maddison, sp. nov., and S. vyaghri Sanap, Joglekar, & Caleb, sp. nov., are colourful and with fringed male abdomens, like several other Indian species including S. sarojinae. The population of S. sarojinae from Mysuru, Karnataka, shows colours distinct from the population at the type locality. The female of S. marusiki is described for the first time.
... In India, the tribe Aelurillini Simon is represented by 28 species in 6 genera, namely Aelurillus (4 species), Langelurillus (3 species), Langona (6 species), Phanuelus (1 species), Phlegra (4 species), and Stenaelurillus (10 species) (Caleb and Sankaran 2022). Among these, as many as 17 new aelurilline species were described within the last two decades (Azarkina 2002;Mathai 2014, 2016;Caleb et al. 2015;Vidhel et al. 2015;Sebastian et al. 2015;Prajapati et al. 2016;Prajapati 2019;Logunov 2020). These discoveries highlight the underlying diversity of the tribe Aelurillini in the Indian landscape. ...
A new jumping spider species, Langelurillus tertius sp. nov. (♂♀), is described from the Ajanta and Sathmala hill ranges of the Deccan plateau in Maharashtra (India). Detailed description, illustrations, and a map showing the distribution of all known Indian congeners are provided.
... Thereafter, several species of spiders were described and recorded from different districts of Andhra Pradesh in the twentieth century (Tikader & Biswas, 1981;Patel & Reddy, 1988, 1989, 1990a, b, 1991a, b, 1993aBiswas & Biswas, 1992;Reddy & Patel, 1992a, b,c,d,e, 1993a. Studies were continued during the current century by several araneologists such as Srinivasulu (2000), Srinivasulu et al. (2004aSrinivasulu et al. ( ,b, 2013, Majumder (2005), Rao et al. (2005), Bastawade & Khandal (2006), Javed et al. (2010a), Ramasubba Reddy (2014Reddy ( , 2016, Palem et al. (2016), Caleb et al. (2015Caleb et al. ( , 2017Caleb et al. ( , 2020, Dhali et al., 2016b) etc. who decribed/recorded hundreds of species of spiders. ...
An updated checklist of spider diversity in Andhra Pradesh is presented herewith. A total of 192 species of spiders described under 104 genera belonging to 33 families are enlisted that have been recorded/described from all 13 districts of Andhra Pradesh. The maximum number of species of spiders were recorded from Kurnool (80 species) followed by Chittoor (60 species), Kadapa (44 species), Visakhapatnam (37 species), Prakasam (33 species), Anantapur and Nellore (29 species each), Guntur (19 species), Vizianagaram (16 species) and Srikakulam (15 species) and less number of species in other districts. Total 10 species recorded from different districts of Andhra Pradesh were identified only upto generic level while 15 species seem to be misidentified. The Araneidae is the biggest family (29 species) followed by Lycosidae (22 species) and Salticidae (23 species) in Andhra Pradesh. Other families are represented by less than 20 species, 9 families are represented by single species. Most of the national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, forest areas, agricultural fields, human dwellings etc. within the state still await intensive and extensive surveys to record the spider fauna.
... The salticid fauna of India is currently represented by 275 species (Caleb & Sankaran 2021) Studies on salticids lay far behind in comparison with other countries like Australia, Brazil and China with a representative diversity of over 450 species each (Patoleta & Żabka 2020;Richardson 2020;Galvis 2015;Cao et al. 2015). Studies in the past decade, on the Indian fauna have nevertheless advanced our knowledge substantially (Basumatary et al. 2020a,b;Benjamin 2010;Caleb 2016aCaleb ,b, 2017Caleb & Mathai 2014;Caleb et al. 2015Caleb et al. , 2018Caleb et al. , 2019Caleb et al. , 2020Kulkarni & Joseph 2015;Logunov 2020;Maddison et al. 2020;Malamel et al. 2015Paul et al. 2020;Prajapati 2019;Prajapati et al. 2016Prajapati et al. , 2018Prajapati et al. , 2020Roy et al. 2016;Sanap et al. 2017Sanap et al. , 2019Sankaran et al. 2019, Sudhin et al. 2019a. ...
Dexippus kleini Thorell 1891 is recorded for the first time from India based on a sample collected from Assam, northeastern India which is about 2600 km away from its type locality. The species is diagnosed and illustrated in detail along with notes on its natural history, and a distributional map is also provided. The present species is recorded for the first time since its original description 129 years ago.
... The majority of Langona representatives are known from Eurasia and Africa. The major papers on relationships and distributions of Oriental Langona are: Hęciak & Prószyński (1983), Prószyński (1992), Song et al. (1999), Peng et al. (2008), Caleb et al. (2015), Li & Lin (2016) and Caleb (2020). ...
... Diagnosis. In the similar L. davidi (Caleb, Mungkung & Mathai, 2015), the anterior tegular outgrowth is oriented retrolaterally vs prolaterally in L. pattayensis sp. nov. ...
... The copulatory organs are very uniform within the genus. The new species is most similar to L. albolinea Caleb & Mathai, 2015, L. alfensis Hęciak & Prószyński, 1983, L. davidi, L. hongkong Song, Xie, Zhu & Wu, 1997and L. simoni Hęciak & Prószyński, 1983, but the true relationships may not reflect these similarities; all species listed are known from south and southeast Asia. ...
The genera Langona Simon, 1901 and Neaetha Simon, 1884 are recorded from Thailand. Langona pattayensis sp. nov. (♂♀) and Neaetha wesolowskae sp. nov. (♂♀) are described and diagnosed. Distributional maps and remarks on the relationships of both genera and species are provided.
... The genus Phlegra is widespread and currently includes 80 valid species [WSC, 2019], of which 37 species (nearly a half) are reported from Asia. Four Phlegra species have been reported/described from India: P. davidi (Caleb, Mungkung et Mathai, 2015), P. dhakuriensis (Tikader, 1974), P. fasciata (Hahn, 1826) and P. prasanna Caleb et Mathai, 2015[WSC, 2019, but the validity and generic assignment of some of these species require further studies. The dark-bodied P. prasanna was recently described from South India [Caleb et al., 2015]; in the present paper, a new species of Phlegra from India which has a similar general appearance to P. prasanna is diagnosed and described. ...
... The genus Phlegra is widespread and currently includes 80 valid species [WSC, 2019], of which 37 species (nearly a half) are reported from Asia. Four Phlegra species have been reported/described from India: P. davidi (Caleb, Mungkung et Mathai, 2015), P. dhakuriensis (Tikader, 1974), P. fasciata (Hahn, 1826) and P. prasanna Caleb et Mathai, 2015[WSC, 2019, but the validity and generic assignment of some of these species require further studies. The dark-bodied P. prasanna was recently described from South India [Caleb et al., 2015]; in the present paper, a new species of Phlegra from India which has a similar general appearance to P. prasanna is diagnosed and described. ...
... Four Phlegra species have been reported/described from India: P. davidi (Caleb, Mungkung et Mathai, 2015), P. dhakuriensis (Tikader, 1974), P. fasciata (Hahn, 1826) and P. prasanna Caleb et Mathai, 2015[WSC, 2019, but the validity and generic assignment of some of these species require further studies. The dark-bodied P. prasanna was recently described from South India [Caleb et al., 2015]; in the present paper, a new species of Phlegra from India which has a similar general appearance to P. prasanna is diagnosed and described. ...
A new species of jumping spiders
from the genus Phlegra Simon, 1876 is described from
India. A detailed morphological description, diagnosis
and illustrations of the copulatory organs are provided.
Distribution of the new species is mapped.
... Phlegra davidi (Caleb, Mungkung & Mathai, 2015) ...
... This fauna looks like a slightly depleted variant of the Afrotropical and Palaearctic faunas, which seems to be indicative of a generally poorer knowledge of the Aelurillina in SE Asia. Yet, there is a monotypic genus, Phanuelus, described and known from India only (Caleb et al. 2015). ...
This paper presents an improved diagnosis and definition of the genus Stenaelurillus Simon, 1886, with new taxonomic and faunistic data for 23 species. The genera Microheros Wesołowska & Cumming, 1999 and Mashonarus Wesołowska & Cumming, 2002 are synonymized with Stenaelurillus. Six new species are described: Stenaelurillus bandama sp. nov. (♂♀, from Côte d’Ivoire), S. belihuloya sp. nov. (♂, from Sri Lanka), S. jocquei sp. nov. (♂♀, from Cameroon), S. pseudoguttatus sp. nov. (♂, from Namibia), S. senegalensis sp. nov. (♂♀, from Senegal), and Stenaelurillus siyamae sp. nov. (♀, from Sudan). Lectotypes are designated for two species: S. albopunctatus Caporiacco, 1949 (♂) from Kenya and S. werneri Simon, 1906 (♀) from South Sudan. Six new combinations are proposed: Aelurillus ambiguus (Denis, 1966), comb. nov. (ex Stenaelurillus); Evarcha werneri (Simon, 1906), comb. nov. (ex Stenaelurillus); Phlegra davidi (Caleb, Mungkung & Mathai, 2015), comb. nov. (ex Mashonarus); Stenaelurillus brandbergensis (Wesołowska, 2006), comb. nov. (ex Mashonarus); Stenaelurillus guttatus (Wesołowska & Cumming, 2002), comb. nov. (ex Mashonarus); and S. termitophagus (Wesołowska & Cumming, 1999), comb. nov. (ex Microheros). Two species names are synonymized: Evarcha elegans Wesołowska & Russell-Smith, 2000 with E. werneri comb. nov.; and Aelurillus sahariensis Berland & Millot, 1941 with Stenaelurillus nigricaudus Simon, 1886. The female of S. fuscatus Wesołowska & Russell-Smith, 2000 is described for the first time.
... The diversity of Indian Salticidae is expected to be very high because India is considered one of the world biodiversity hotspots [Chitale et al., 2014]. Our knowledge on the Indian Salticidae remains poor and highly fragmented mainly because their diversity is yet underexplored [Prószyński, 1992;Caleb et al., 2015]. While hundreds of species still await discovery, many of those described from India have been misplaced in wrong genera. ...
Taxonomic notes are given for five species of the jumping spiders from India. Two new combinations are proposed: Chrysilla volupe (Karsch, 1879) comb.n., ex Phintella; and Phintella diatreta (Simon, 1902) comb.n., ex Viciria. Four new synonyms are recognised: Chrysilla assamensis Ahmed, Anam, Saikia, Manthen et Saikia, 2014 with C. acerosa Wang et Zhang, 2012; Plexippus bhutani Żabka, 1990 and P. yinae Peng et Li, 2003 with Plexippus clemens O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872; and Plexippus gajbei Karthikeyani et Kannan, 2013 with Carrhotus viduus C. L. Koch, 1846. P. clemens is recorded from India for the first time.
... The species seems to be closely related to S. sarojinae Caleb & Mathai, 2014 by the presence of a well-developed ventral femoral distal process in the male palp (Fig. 11), but differs in having a slightly bent, short and thick embolus, not accompanied by a terminal apophysis (compare Fig. 19 herein with fig. 80 in Caleb et al. 2015). The female resembles S. sarojinae in having a pair of white spots on the abdomen, but differs in having globular spermatheca (bean-shaped in S. sarojinae; compare Description. ...
The genus Stenaelurillus Simon, 1886 is known from 35 species worldwide, including 27 species from Africa and eight from Asia (four species known from India, one from Iran, one from China, one from Tibet and one from Vietnam) (World Spider Catalog 2016). The four species known from India are S. albus Sebastian et al., 2015, S. jagannathae Das, Malik & Vidhel, 2015, S. lesserti Reimoser, 1934 and S. sarojinae Caleb & Mathai, 2014 (Prószyński 2015; World Spider Catalog 2016). The present paper contains description of Stenaelurillus metallicus sp. nov., discovered from scrub jungle remnants of tropical dry evergreen forests, a unique habitat found in Madras Christian College campus, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
... Wesołowska (2013) has been provided key to five Stenaelurillus species known from Asia till 2013. Subsequently two new species are added to this genus from India ( Caleb and Mathai, 2015;Caleb et al. 2015;Sebastian et al. 2015). With present discovery of S. jagannathae sp. ...
... Wesołowska (2013) has been provided key to five Stenaelurillus species known from Asia till 2013. Subsequently two new species are added to this genus from India ( Caleb and Mathai, 2015;Caleb et al. 2015;Sebastian et al. 2015). With present discovery of S. jagannathae sp. ...
Abstract: A new jumping spider species of the genus Stenaelurillus Simon, 1886, S. jagannathae sp. nov. is described from Delhi, India. A detailed taxonomic description of both the sexes is provided here along with the natural history information. Also keys for Stenaelurillus species of Asia is provided in this paper.