Figure 2-V - uploaded by Kifayat Ullah
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Source publication
Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) is a special kind of Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) and
is a key enabling technology for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). It plays an important
role in the deployment of a large scale of both safety and non-safety applications. Among
non-safety applications, an important and challenging area is the provision...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... wireless communication among vehicles is called Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) commu- nication ( Figure 2). Sometimes the terms Car-to-Car (C2C)and Inter-Vehicle Communication (IVC) are also used for this type of communication. ...
Context 2
... we adopted the channel number 178 for the exchange of SB packets (10 times per second). On the other side, we use the channel number 174 for the broadcast of AB packets (Figure 20). Hereof, our protocol supports the multi-channel operation. ...
Context 3
... install a single ABS in the middle of the scenario having a communication range of approximately 400 m. The simulated scenario is depicted in Figure 22. ...
Context 4
... the first series of experiments, we evaluated the performance of our protocol in terms of AB packets reception in a high-speed (120 km/h) vehicles scenario under four broadcast frequencies (i.e., 0.5/s, 1/s, 5/s and 10/s). The results collected are shown in Figure 23(a)-23(d). ...
Context 5
... means that a maximum of 6 different roadside services were received by most of the vehicles. The results of the first case is illustrated in Figure 23(a). In Figure 23(b), we observed 100% performance improvement for the second case (i.e., for a broadcast frequency of 1/s). ...
Context 6
... results of the first case is illustrated in Figure 23(a). In Figure 23(b), we observed 100% performance improvement for the second case (i.e., for a broadcast frequency of 1/s). A total of 83% of vehicles received 12 AB packets. ...
Context 7
... performance further improves after increasing the broadcast frequency of AB packets to 5/s (third case). As depicted in Figure 23(c), most of the vehicles (72%) received 24 AB packets. However, the AB packets reception, in all these three cases, is still low. ...
Context 8
... a result, 100% of vehicles received all the advertised AB packets (80 advertisements). This is shown in Figure 23(d). The reason for this outstanding performance is obviously the frequent broadcasts of AB packets by the RSU. ...
Context 9
... we changed the vehicles speed to 90 km/h (medium-speed vehicles). The results collected are shown in Figure 24(a)-24(d). In the first case (broadcast frequency of 0.5/s), 84% of the vehicles successfully received only 8 AB packets, which means most of the vehicles received only few of the advertised services. ...
Context 10
... the first case (broadcast frequency of 0.5/s), 84% of the vehicles successfully received only 8 AB packets, which means most of the vehicles received only few of the advertised services. This case is shown in Figure 24(a). However, for the second case (i.e., broadcast frequency of 1/s), we observed a 100% performance improvement and 69% of vehicles received 16 AB packets. ...
Context 11
... for the second case (i.e., broadcast frequency of 1/s), we observed a 100% performance improvement and 69% of vehicles received 16 AB packets. The results are depicted in Figure 24(b) accordingly. Furthermore, after increasing the broadcast frequency of AB packets to 5/s (third case), about 62% of the vehicles received 31 AB packets. ...
Context 12
... after increasing the broadcast frequency of AB packets to 5/s (third case), about 62% of the vehicles received 31 AB packets. This case is illustrated in Figure 24(c). As compared to the previous set of experiments, the performance (in terms of AB packets reception) is higher (even for same broadcast frequencies). ...
Context 13
... the forth case of previous experiment, herein 100% of vehicles received all the advertised AB packets (80 advertisements). The results of this case is shown in the Figure 24(d). ...
Context 14
... we changed the vehicles speed to 60 km/h (low-speed vehicles). The results collected are shown in Figure 25(a)-25(d). Likewise the previous two sets of experiments, the performance is very low for the first case (broadcast frequency of 0.5/s). ...
Context 15
... 86% of the vehicles received only 12 AB packets, which means that majority of the vehicles received only 12 (out of 80) advertised services. The results for this case is shown in Figure 25(a). For a broadcast frequency of 1/s (second case), we observed 100% performance improvement (Figure 25(b)) over first case. ...
Context 16
... results for this case is shown in Figure 25(a). For a broadcast frequency of 1/s (second case), we observed 100% performance improvement (Figure 25(b)) over first case. About 73% of vehicles received 24 AB packets. ...
Context 17
... in third case (broadcast frequency of 5/s), the performance further increase and hence, 45% of the vehicles received more than 50% of the advertised services (i.e., 48 AB packets). This is illustrated in Figure 25(c). The first three cases, for low-speed vehicles, show better performance over the first three cases of last two series of experiments. ...
Context 18
... is because of the low speed of vehicles (i.e., 60 km/h), which allow them to spend more time in the coverage range of RSU and as a result receive more AB packets. Finally for the broadcast frequency of 10/s (forth case), 100% of vehicles received all the advertised AB packets (Figure 25(d)). The overall simulations results show that a frequency of 10 advertisement beacon packets per second would assures 100% reception of all the advertised services by all the vehicles and hence could be the basis for a premium-like type of services advertisement. ...
Context 19
... each ABS broadcasts an AM 10 times per second. The general format of the AM is shown in Figure 26. It contains the following fields: message type, identity, category, time to live, name, description, longitude, latitude, and address of the BO. ...
Context 20
... query in- terval (time spends between two successive queries) and number of query attempts are important parameters that affect the performance of a service discovery process. The format of the QM is shown in Figure 27. It contains the following two fields: message type and category. ...
Context 22
... also identified the main entities involved in each phase. A bird's-eye view of these phases is depicted in Figure 29. ...
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VANET deployment and testing is time-consuming and costly. Simulation is a handy and less expensive alternative to real implementation as a workaround. It is required to develop accurate models in order to receive excellent results from a VANET simulation, which difficult operation owes to the complexity of the VANET infrastructure (for example, simulators have to model the navigation models and communication protocols). The network and navigation components, which are the building blocks of contemporary VANET simulators, are described in this section. Simulators are a useful tool for testing VANETs at a minimal cost and without endangering users. However, in order to be helpful and convey trustworthy findings, simulators must be able to simulate new technologies that enter the VANET and enable safety and security procedures. To put it another way, if simulation is a good tool for VANET development it should be enhanced. VANET simulators have been the subject of research since early 2010 [1-4]. They analyze the correctness of VANET's numerous tools like a navigation simulator and network simulator, as well as how these building blocks are connected. The introduction of new network technologies such as 5G, SDN, edge computing, and VANET research as a result of investments in autonomous cars is forcing VANET simulators to re-evaluate their support for these new capabilities. We present an updated evaluation of VANET simulators in this post, highlighting their key features and current support for emerging technologies.
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Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) is a sort of mobile ad hoc network (MANET) that is designed based on moving vehicles, which are referred to as nodes. The nodes communicate with one another wirelessly, without the need for a network infrastructure that physically connects them. Once the network design has changed, nodes are free to migrate in whatever direction they want as long as the nodes are available to move in that direction. As a result, each node acts as a router, sending traffic to the nodes to which it has been directed. VANET’ popularity however brings with it a variety of issues, including security, routing, and data dissemination. Many solutions have already been presented by different researchers to address these issues, but due tothe constant emergence of new threats and attacks, privacy of users must be prioritized above all in VANET. Consequently, a review of authentication, privacy and security solutions presented in different researches have been discussed in this paper, as well as the security services they have studied which were centered towards Authentication, Confidentiality, Availability, and Integrity. In this paper, 10 most relevant schemes were analysed and the result shows that privacy challenges and high computation overhead which causes transmission delays and adds a difficult verification process to VANET communications was the major challenge affecting the VANETs.
... EstiNet provides a variety of OBU communication interfaces to emulate OBUs. Each communication interface, such as agentbased vehicles (IEEE 802.11p / 1609) and unit-based vehicles (IEEE 802.11p)(Ullah, 2016), ...
VANET deployment and testing is time-consuming and costly. Simulation is a handy and less expensive alternative to real implementation as a workaround. It is required to develop accurate models in order to receive excellent results from a VANET simulation, which difficult operation owes to the complexity of the VANET infrastructure (for example, simulators have to model the navigation models and communication protocols). The network and navigation components, which are the building blocks of contemporary VANET simulators, are described in this section. Simulators are a useful tool for testing VANETs at a minimal cost and without endangering users. However, in order to be helpful and convey trustworthy findings, simulators must be able to simulate new technologies that enter the VANET and enable safety and security procedures. To put it another way, if simulation is a good tool for VANET development it should be enhanced. VANET simulators have been the subject of research since early 2010 [1-4]. They analyze the correctness of VANET's numerous tools like a navigation simulator and network simulator, as well as how these building blocks are connected. The introduction of new network technologies such as 5G, SDN, edge computing, and VANET research as a result of investments in autonomous cars is forcing VANET simulators to re-evaluate their support for these new capabilities. We present an updated evaluation of VANET simulators in this post, highlighting their key features and current support for emerging technologies.
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Research on VANETs (vehicular ad hoc networks) date back to the beginning of the 2000s. The possibility of enabling communication between vehicles through a wireless network stimulated the creation of new protocols, devices, and diverse utilization scenarios. Due to the intrinsic difficulties of using a real testbed to evaluate these research contributions, several simulators were developed at the time. Recently, with the advent of autonomous vehicles and the emergence of novel technologies (e.g., 5G and edge computing), new research challenges on VANETs are coming into sight. Therefore, revisiting VANET simulators is required to identify if they are still capable of evaluating these new scenarios. This paper presents an updated review of VANET simulators, showing their current state and capabilities to assess novel scenarios in VANET research. Based on this analysis, we identify open research challenges that should be addressed in current and future VANET simulators.
... VANETs are a special class of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) in which the vehicles work as people. These networks are characterized by the high speed of vehicles, low intercontact times among hosts, intermittent connection and real-time data exchange requirements [32]. Moreover, these networks rely on a minimum or temporary infrastructure and are characterized by high mobility, fixed road networks, traffic patterns and predictable speed under traffic congestion conditions, low power requirements, and storage limitations. ...
... Even though other communication systems rely on high message throughput, VANETs primarily focus on reliable communication and fast dissemination of safety mes-sages [33]. This way CVs may communicate with each other or with the traffic infrastructure (RSU) by using consolidated Technologies, which are divided as [32]: 1. Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication; 2. Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication; 3. Hybrid communication composed of V2V and V2I, and 4. Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication. V2V communication is also known as C2C (Car-to-car), or intervehicle communication (IVC). ...
This paper addresses the intervehicular communication in Connected Vehicles (CV) by emphasizing V2V (vehicle-to-vehicle) and V2I (vehicle-to-infrastructure) communications in terms of evolution, current standards, state-of-the-art studies, embedded devices, simulation, trends, challenges, and relevant legislation. To accomplish the objective this review is based on studies conducted from 2003 to 2019, government reports about the sustainable deployment of these technologies and their adoption in the Brazilian automotive market according to experts. Moreover, WAVE (Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment) and DSRC (Dedicated Short-range Communication) standards, the performance analysis of communication parameters and intervehicular available at the market are also described. The current status of ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) development in Brazil is reviewed, as well as the research institutes and governmental actions focused on introducing the concept of connected vehicles into the society. The Brazilian outlook for technological adoption concerning CVs was also discussed. Besides those, challenges related to technical aspects, safety and environmental issues, and the standardization for vehicle communication are also described. Finally, this review highlights the challenges and proposals from available technologies devoted to the roads and vehicular infrastructure communication, their evolution and upcoming trends.
[Citation: Nascimento, D. A. D., Iano, Y., Loschi, H. J., Razmjooy, N., Sroufe, R., Oliveira, V. D. J. S., ... & Montagner, M. (2019). Sustainable adoption of connected vehicles in the Brazilian landscape: policies, technical specifications and challenges. Transactions on Environment and Electrical Engineering, 3.]
... VANETs are a special class of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) in which the vehicles work as people. These networks are characterized by the high speed of vehicles, low intercontact times among hosts, intermittent connection and real-time data exchange requirements [32]. Moreover, these networks rely on a minimum or temporary infrastructure and are characterized by high mobility, fixed road networks, traffic patterns and predictable speed under traffic congestion conditions, low power requirements, and storage limitations. ...
... Even though other communication systems rely on high message throughput, VANETs primarily focus on reliable communication and fast dissemination of safety mes-sages [33]. This way CVs may communicate with each other or with the traffic infrastructure (RSU) by using consolidated Technologies, which are divided as [32]: 1. Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication; 2. Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication; 3. Hybrid communication composed of V2V and V2I, and 4. Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication. V2V communication is also known as C2C (Car-to-car), or intervehicle communication (IVC). ...
This paper addresses the intervehicular communication in Connected Vehicles (CV) by emphasizing V2V (vehicle-to-vehicle) and V2I (vehicle-to-infrastructure) communications in terms of evolution, current standards, state-of-the-art studies, embedded devices, simulation, trends, challenges, and relevant legislation. To accomplish the objective this review is based on studies conducted from 2003 to 2019, government reports about the sustainable deployment of these technologies and their adoption in the Brazilian automotive market according to experts. Moreover, WAVE (Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment) and DSRC (Dedicated Short-range Communication) standards, the performance analysis of communication parameters and intervehicular available at the market are also described. The current status of ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) development in Brazil is reviewed, as well as the research institutes and governmental actions focused on introducing the concept of connected vehicles into the society. The Brazilian outlook for technological adoption concerning CVs was also discussed. Besides those, challenges related to technical aspects, safety and environmental issues, and the standardization for vehicle communication are also described. Finally, this review highlights the challenges and proposals from available technologies devoted to the roads and vehicular infrastructure communication, their evolution and upcoming trends.
... VANETs are a special class of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) in which the vehicles work as people. These networks are characterized by the high speed of vehicles, low intercontact times among hosts, intermittent connection and real-time data exchange requirements [32]. Moreover, these networks rely on a minimum or temporary infrastructure and are characterized by high mobility, fixed road networks, traffic patterns and predictable speed under traffic congestion conditions, low power requirements, and storage limitations. ...
... Even though other communication systems rely on high message throughput, VANETs primarily focus on reliable communication and fast dissemination of safety mes-sages [33]. This way CVs may communicate with each other or with the traffic infrastructure (RSU) by using consolidated Technologies, which are divided as [32]: 1. Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication; 2. Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication; 3. Hybrid communication composed of V2V and V2I, and 4. Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication. V2V communication is also known as C2C (Car-to-car), or intervehicle communication (IVC). ...
This paper addresses the intervehicular communication in Connected Vehicles (CV) by emphasizing V2V (vehicle-to-vehicle) and V2I (vehicle-to-infrastructure) communications in terms of evolution, current standards, state-of-the-art studies, embedded devices, simulation, trends, challenges, and relevant legislation. To accomplish the objective this review is based on studies conducted from 2003 to 2019, government reports about the sustainable deployment of these technologies and their adoption in the Brazilian automotive market according to experts. Moreover, WAVE (Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment) and DSRC (Dedicated Short-range Communication) standards, the performance analysis of communication parameters and intervehicular available at the market are also described. The current status of ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) development in Brazil is reviewed, as well as the research institutes and governmental actions focused on introducing the concept of connected vehicles into the society. The Brazilian outlook for technological adoption concerning CVs was also discussed. Besides those, challenges related to technical aspects, safety and environmental issues, and the standardization for vehicle communication are also described. Finally, this review highlights the challenges and proposals from available technologies devoted to the roads and vehicular infrastructure communication, their evolution and upcoming trends.
... Em [Ullah, 2016], são listados exemplos de ITS nacionais ou continentais criados para endereçar os problemas de transporte: EUA (ITS America), Europa (ERTICO -ITS Europe), Japão (ITS Japan) e recentemente foi iniciada a coordenação de ações entre Ásia e Oceania (Asia-Pacific ITS). Estas estruturas promovem parcerias com entidades públicas e privadas e garantem o avanço das pesquisas, estabelecendo um plano estratégico e desenvolvendo projetos pilotos há vários anos. ...
... VANET (rede veicular ad hoc): os veículos estão equipados com transceptores que podem ser usados para trocar informações como intensidade de tráfego e advertências de colisão, ou para comunicação regular de dados. As VANETs são classes especiais das MANETs, onde veículos agem como nodos em movimento, [Ullah, 2016]. ...
... Conforme descrito em [Ullah, 2016], de maneira geral, as comunicações VANET podem ser classificadas em: ...
A busca por transformar as Rodovias em espaços interativos, seguros, com soluções sustentáveis e orientadas ao usuário da via, ganha mais importância a cada dia. Várias organizações internacionais, públicas e privadas se empenham nos projetos de pesquisa e na corrida pela inovação na área. Neste contexto, os Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte desempenham papel fundamental. Atualmente existe um vasto leque de pesquisas relacionadas a estes sistemas englobando tecnologias como as VANETs, sistemas baseados em informações coletadas por sensores existentes nos veículos e nos smartphones e os VANTs. Este artigo traz uma revisão do tema Rodovias Inteligentes, apresentando uma análise sobre as tecnologias empregadas no Brasil e no mundo, bem como os principais desafios dos sistemas de informação aplicados às rodovias. Grandes transformações estão por vir no cenário internacional, mas no Brasil ainda existem muitos problemas de infraestrutura a resolver. Buscar por pesquisas e soluções de alto valor agregado deve ser inspiração para o desenvolvimento de sistemas que auxiliem os gestores das rodovias brasileiras nos próximos passos em direção às Rodovias Inteligentes.
The controller area network (CAN) remains the de facto standard for intra-vehicular communication. CAN enables reliable communication between various microcontrollers and vehicle devices without a central computer, which is essential for sustainable transportation systems. However, it poses some serious security threats due to the nature of communication. According to, there were at least 150 automotive cybersecurity incidents in 2019, a 94% year-over-year increase since 2016, according to a report from Upstream Security. To safeguard vehicles from such attacks, securing CAN communication, which is the most relied-on in-vehicle network (IVN), should be configured with modifications. In this paper, we developed a configurable CAN communication protocol to secure CAN with a hardware prototype for rapidly prototyping attacks, intrusion detection systems, and response systems. We used a field programmable gate array (FPGA) to prototype CAN to improve reconfigurability. This project focuses on attack detection and response in the case of bus-off attacks. This paper introduces two main modules: the multiple generic errors module with the introduction of the error state machine (MGEESM) module and the bus-off attack detection (BOAD) module for a frame size of 111 bits (BOAD111), based on the CAN protocol presenting the introduction of form error, CRC error, and bit error. Our results show that, in the scenario with the transmit error counter (TEC) value 127 for switching between the error-passive state and bus-off state, the detection times for form error, CRC error, and bit error introduced in the MGEESM module are 3.610 ms, 3.550 ms, and 3.280 ms, respectively, with the introduction of error in consecutive frames. The detection time for BOAD111 module in the same scenario is 3.247 ms.