Table 2 - uploaded by Douglas Wegner
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Interorganizational agreements and cooperative business networks became an important strategy for companies
facing competitive disadvantages. Specially small and medium firms adopted collaborative network models as a
way to overcome common problems. Over 1,000 small-firm networks (SFNs) are estimated to have been created
in Brazil since the year 20...
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... Recent studies have sought to identify the stages of SN development, making it possible to understand the changes that occur over time and how some SNs assume upward trajectories while others decline (Wegner et al. 2015;Klein and Pereira 2016). Through the development of a SN, different problems can arise (Tunisini and Marchiori 2020). ...
... Tunisini and Marchiori (2020) presented five factors that affect network dynamics: individual variables, structural characteristics, legitimacy variables, interaction variables, and governance variables. Similarly, some authors propose that organizational and relational changes dictate its development (e.g., Wegner et al. 2015;Moretti and Zirpoli 2016). The five factors presented by Tunisini and Marchiori (2020) can be grouped into relational and organizational aspects, as individual and interactional variables are related to relational factors, and structural, legitimacy, and governance are directly related to the organizational aspects of a SN. ...
... This perspective aims to ensure the validity and reliability of the results (Pasquali 2009). We chose to apply the survey developed by Wegner et al. (2015), as it covers organizational and relational dimensions to evaluate the development of a SN and has evidence of validity as presented by Braga et al. (2022). In Table 1, the organizational and relational dimensions of SNs are presented and discussed in detail in the following section. ...
Strategic Networks (SNs) have emerged as a prevalent organizational form that offers synergistic benefits to participating firms. Despite their potential, SNs often experience member firms’ departure, raising concerns about their long-term viability. This study explores the factors that influence firms’ decisions to exit SNs by examining the interplay between network maturity, member firms’ satisfaction, and their individual characteristics. Using data from 338 Brazilian firms involved in SNs, a cluster analysis was employed to identify distinct groups of firms based on shared attributes. The findings revealed a significant association between higher perceived maturity, greater satisfaction with SNs, and lower likelihood of departure. These results suggest that network leaders should prioritize cultivating a mature and satisfying SN environment to mitigate member exits. By identifying the critical distinctions between the remaining and departing firms, this study provides valuable insights for network managers seeking to strengthen the longevity and stability of their strategic partnerships.
... Na busca pela vantagem competitiva e por um melhor posicionamento, as organizações podem lançar mão de diferentes estratégias explicadas pelas competitivas, cooperativas e coopetitivas. As estratégias competitivas são utilizadas para defender-se das ameaças e influenciar o equilíbrio da indústria em seu favor (Nielsen, 1988;Porter, 2004;Hitt et al., 2008;Mintzberg, Ahlstrand & Lampel, 2010); as estratégias cooperativas permitem o alcance de objetivos comuns que, isoladamente, seriam difíceis ou impossíveis de serem alcançados ao promover a troca de conhecimento e experiência entre as empresas parceiras (Axelrod, 1984;Nielsen, 1988;Hamel, Doz & Prahalad, 1989;Das & Teng, 2000;Jap & Anderson, 2007); e, em determinados casos, quando a cooperação é adotada com a intenção de competir, emergem as estratégias de coopetição, as quais oferecem uma alternativa para competir em dada indústria ao somar esforços associativos com outras que encontram a mesma dificuldade, ou seja, a tônica é cooperar para competir (Nalebuff & Brandenburger, 1996;Dagnino & Padula, 2002;Wegner, Alievi & Begnis, 2015). ...
Objective of the study: This study aimed to understand how the structure of the industry and the conduct of the business organization influence the performance of companies that composes the jewelry industry in Guaporé-RS. Methodology: The authors carried out an exploratory research, with a qualitative and quantitative approach, characterized as a study of multiple cases. A structured script was used as a data collection instrument, elaborated from analysis categories that emerged from the literature review.Originality: This is an unprecedented study of the application of the ECD theoretical model to the jewelry industry in Guaporé-RS. Main results: As a main result, the authors highlight that, in the perception of the study participants, the structure of the jewelry industry in Guaporé has an influence on the conduct of its members and this, in turn, has influenced the performance of companies and the industry as a whole. It was possible to understand how the processes of choice and implementation of the adopted strategy are carried out, in addition to identifying the influences on the definition of how to compete and the results obtained from these choices. Theoretical / methodological contributions: As the ECD model has not been applied in this sector, his theoretical proposal broadens the understanding of the complexity of the behavior of industry actors, the understanding of the strategies that companies use and, especially, the performance they achieve from their performance in scenarios of extreme competition. Social / management contributions: It results from the data obtained from the studied industry, since it will be able to expand the knowledge of the participants and enable the projection of future scenarios, strengthening the industry as a whole.
... This theory can be characterized, ontologically, by the staticity, sequentiality, unitarism and cumulativeness of events as well as by considering that the actors of the network, as well as their relationships, are not able to in°uence the life cycle of the grouping, even with the entry and exit of new members [Alves (2016)]. On the contrary, Wegner et al. [2015] disagree with this perspective, since they argue that the network, being dynamic models, does not¯t into these tight perspectives as organizations in isolation do. ...
This research aims to identify the critical factors that influence the formation and development of the interorganizational networks that have emerged within incubators of technology-based firms in Brazil. For this purpose, semi-structured interviews were conducted with startups form two networks of incubated companies (Education Network and Technology, Information and Knowledge Companies Network) and two incubators (Center of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology — CIETEC — and Incubator of Technology-Based Companies of Itajubá — INCIT). As a result, this study found eight critical factors: Actions by entrepreneurs, leadership, shared spaces, facilitation, network management, financial and brokerage, which can be framed in four characteristics: heterogeneity of the firms, lack of cooperation, interactions and the actions of the incubator. As a contribution, this research allows reflection on the effectiveness of the incubator, in addition to highlighting the complementarity of networks in the incubation processes. The study analyses different models of incubated firm networks that have been little explored as an object of study in the incubation literature and networks and what is the role of the incubator in each of these models.
... The result above may be an indicative regarding the lifecycle of cooperation networks, particularly in sample where 82% of the companies are classified as micro or small and 81% participated in networks for 15 years at most. The study by Wegner et al. (2015) presents a 6-stage model for the lifecycle of small company networks: 1 st stage is conception, 2 nd stage is birth and formalizations, 3 rd stage is development, 4 th stage is consolidation and maturity, 5 th stage is decline and 6 th stage is dissolution. After the development stage, formalization and governance structures associated to IL are more qualified and incorporated to the network practice. ...
... In the study mentioned above by Wegner at al (2015), 32% of companies would be in the stages of ...
... Moreover, it is clear the need to consider activities that facilitate IL and its exchanges (Nembhard, 2012), which are related to OL, including aspects of governance and taking into account the networks' lifecycle (Wegner et al., 2015;. ...
This study aims to verify the interrelations between process and institutionalization of organizational learning (OL) and interorganizational learning (IL) with organizational performance. We have proposed and tested a theoretical model applied to 181 companies from 14 cooperation networks of the southern region of Brazil, through a survey and using the Structural Equation Modeling. We have identified that OL process influences OL institutionalization, that in turn influences IL process, IL institutionalization and company performance. IL process influences IL institutionalization and relationship-based corporate performance, as well as company performance impact on relationship-based corporate performance. We have rejected the hypotheses regarding the relations between OL process with IL process, IL process and institutionalization with company performance and IL institutionalization with relationship-based corporate performance. The results have reinforced that although OL and IL are conceptually different, they are complementary.
... On the other hand, a low level of centralization (i.e., high decentralization) may reduce the speed at which SNs adapt to competitive changes (Dussauge et al. 2000) due to greater divergence of opinions on network goals or strategies. As the number of members in a strategic network increases, a higher level of centralization may facilitate coordination of the decision-making process and be more effective than a shared governance mode (Henderson and Smith-King 2015;Provan and Kenis 2008;Wegner and Koetz 2016;Wegner et al. 2015). ...
The purpose of this paper is to analyze how different configurations of network governance influence the performance of member firms. To achieve this objective, we surveyed 338 Brazilian firms participating in strategic networks (SNs). We addressed our research question by employing cluster analysis and the Kruskal–Wallis test. We focus the literature review on formal and relational governance of SNs and their interplay. We found three clusters that illustrate different configurations of governance. One cluster is characterized by relatively high levels of formal and relational governance in small and young SNs. A second cluster is characterized by low levels of formal governance and relatively high levels of relational governance, but surprisingly in larger and older SNs. The third cluster is characterized by relatively low levels of formal and relational governance in small and young SNs. Our main results illustrate different configurations of governance of SNs. Small and young SNs that combined high levels of formal and relational governance also present the highest levels of firm performance. Surprisingly, larger and older SNs followed a governance configuration based on high levels of relational governance and low levels of formal governance. These findings direct to new configurations of network governance that are controversial to existing literature and also offer managerial contributions. We contribute to the debate about formal and relational governance by adding two new variables to the analysis—network size and network age. Results show that SNs with different size and age may adopt distinct governance configurations.
... However, regardless of the structure model (bottom-up or top-down), networks have dynamic structures, which, over time, may change causing their development. In the meantime, this article positions itself on the idea that the development of networks is associated with the realization of dynamic, non-exclusive events that can bring the network to maturity (Wegner, Alievi, & Begnis, 2015). Thus, these events are related to the definition and institution of mechanisms of coordination/governance of the cluster. ...
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the performance of incubators in the stages of formation and development of incubated business networks, especially in bottom-up and top-down network models.
The research is defined as qualitative and descriptive, with the application of multiple case studies, in which two networks of incubated businesses were investigated, one being top-down and the other bottom-up, which emerged within the incubation process of two business incubators (CIETEC and INCIT). To make the study operational, 11 semi-structured interviews were carried out and the thematic analysis of content was developed.
The results pointed out that in the top-down network the incubator performs a new assignment, the network orchestration, which corresponds to the actions of formation, coordination and governance of the group. In the bottom-up network, it was found that the role of the incubator was to expand the value offers usually practiced.
Research limitations/implications
As a limitation of the research, the very limitation of case studies is pointed out that is they do not allow for generalizations.
Practical implications
The research contributes to reflections on the effectiveness of the incubator and sheds light on the complementarity of networks in incubation processes, providing gains for incubators, incubated businesses and society.
The originality of this document is the new role of the incubator, which is orchestration, and its categorization. The results allow us to understand the effects of providing networks and relationships for incubated businesses. In addition, this study broadens the focus of traditional analyses of the incubator–incubated duo to consider the incubator–network–incubated trio.
... Researchers developed models for the life-cycle of networks. Wegner, Alievi & Begnis (2015) proposed a life-cycle model for small firms networks with five stages that they named awareness, exploration, expansion, commitment and dissolution. Rollof (2008) proposed a model for the life cycle of networks that comprises seven phases: initiation, acquaintance, first agreement, second agreement, implementation, consolidation and institutionalization or extinction. ...
Objective of the study: This study aims to investigate the characteristics of the networks of volleyball teams in Brazilian context, in amateur and professional level.Methodology/Approach: This research adopted an interpretive paradigm, in which six Brazilian volleyball teams were studied. The techniques of data collection were qualitative and encompassed interviews, analysis of information available in the press and on websites and observation.Originality/Relevance: Prior literature has not investigated in-depth with the lens of the networks theory, the sports organizations at an amateur and professional level, considering the firms’ life cycle. To address this gap, considering that, similar to the life cycle of firms, amateurism and professionalism are specific strategic contexts.Main results: Our findings indicated that actor’s of team’s networks could be divided into two groups, one linked to sports and other to administrative activities. Additionally, teams’ networks have in common the fact that paid team members perform activities related to the sport itself.Theoretical/Methodological contributions: The fact that Superliga B has more collaborations obtained by personal contacts, while Superliga A teams build a more calculated network, meet the propositions made in this study and are aligned to the general idea of the work of Hite and Hesterly (2001) about changes in firm’s network and firm’s life cycle. Social contribution/for management: The main implications for management indicated that, whether companies or volleyball teams, should align their networks with the current life cycle stage. If a volleyball team plans to become professional, it should be aware of the need to adapt the network to a new division.
... Essas variáveis externas infl uenciam o ambiente interno da rede e impactam diretamente no seu desenvolvimento, devendo ser consideradas na análise do ciclo de vida das redes. Wegner et al. (2015) realizaram um estudo em duas regiões do estado do Rio Grande do Sul nas quais foram constituídas 28 redes entre os anos 2001 e 2010. Desse número, 14 redes foram encerradas e uma foi transformada em uma associação setorial. ...
Nas últimas duas décadas foram formadas centenas de redes de empresas, alianças e parcerias no Brasil. Especialmente pequenas e médias empresas adotaram estratégias de cooperação para se tornarem mais competitivas em mercados ocupados por empresas de grande porte e corporações multinacionais. No entanto, gerenciar a cooperação de maneira profissional é uma tarefa complexa e que exige ferramentas e práticas diferentes daquelas utilizadas pelas empresas individuais. Neste livro apresentamos um conjunto de ferramentas que gestores de empresas e gestores de redes, alianças e parcerias podem utilizar para tornar a cooperação efetiva e alcançar os resultados esperados. Também são apresentadas vinte e quatro práticas de gestão adotadas por redes bem-sucedidas de diversos setores, no Brasil e na Alemanha, que servem de inspiração para profissionalizar a gestão da cooperação. Organizado em quatro partes, o livro apresenta uma abordagem inovadora que combina aspectos conceituais com dicas e ferramentas práticas que facilitam a formação e gestão de redes, alianças e parcerias em qualquer setor de negócios. A última parte lança um olhar sobre o futuro da cooperação, indicando desafios e oportunidades que as redes brasileiras devem enfrentar nos próximos anos, servindo de guia para tornar esse modelo de negócios cada vez mais bem sucedido.
... Finalmente, si se considera que la interrelación con proveedores, clientes y competidores permite asegurar y dar certeza a las inversiones que se hacen en el ejercicio productivo, los resultados demuestran que una de las estrategias empresariales que incentiva a los agricultores es la asociación, en mayor medida, con sus clientes, ya que estos permiten mantener la vigencia de sus intereses (Wegner et al., 2015). Esto, de hecho, abre las posibilidades para el agricultor en cuanto a la adquisición no solo de insumos para producir, sino también de información, conocimiento y más contactos inmersos en su giro empresarial (Regis et al., 2007). ...
El objetivo de la presente investigación fue analizar el efecto de las cargas institucionales en la intención emprendedora y cómo esta última se manifiesta en las redes empresariales de los productores de chile de Aguascalientes. Para ello, se plantearon dos hipótesis: 1) existen efectos directos y significativos de las cargas institucionales sobre la intención emprendedora de los productores de chile del estado de Aguascalientes, y 2) existen efectos directos y significativos de la intención emprendedora sobre las redes empresariales. El estudio se llevó a cabo con la participación de 97 productores ubicados principalmente en los municipios de Cosío y Rincón de Romos, los cuales colaboran con el Sistema Producto Chile del Estado. Los datos se recabaron entre octubre y diciembre de 2018. Los análisis descriptivos indican, en cuanto a las 819 hectáreas cultivadas, lo siguiente: 1) en 30 % de ese territorio se produce chile jalapeño fresco; 2) los chiles con secado solo representan 21 %, y 3) los productores el chile dan prioridad a productos como el maíz, el brócoli y la lechuga, los cuales constituyen 78 % de la tierra cultivada. Sobre el perfil de los productores, se puede afirmar lo siguiente: 1) todos son hombres; 2) la edad de 58 % de ellos oscila entre 45 y 64 años (solo 2 % tiene menos de 24 años), y 3) 50 % de los agricultores tiene educación básica, mientras que 21 % no tiene escolaridad y solo 3 % cuenta con estudios de posgrado. Por otra parte, en cuanto a las hipótesis planteadas, se puede afirmar que estas se cumplieron; esto invita a analizar con mayor profundidad el porqué de las carencias detectadas pese al apoyo constante que recibe el campo, lo cual no se refleja en mejores condiciones para los productores.
... The lack of understanding of the motivations and how such partnerships occur constitutes a gap that authors have sought to fill (Ahuja et al., 2012;Wegner et al., 2015;Vonortas and Zirulia, 2015;Vandaie and Zaheer, 2016). Denicolai et al. (2016) argue that understanding how a company acquires external knowledge, shares internal knowledge and combines these activities with the strategic plan is still unclear in academic research. ...
... However, studies on motivation for the formation of networks and how such networks are constructed is still scarce (Ahuja et al., 2012;Vonortas and Zirulia, 2015;Wegner et al., 2015). Studying these two questions (i.e. ...
The purpose of this paper is to seek to fill the gaps found in the literature to understand why and how the partnerships are formed and to map the dynamics of partnership networks of Brazilian electricity companies.
To map the dynamics of partnership networks formed by the Brazilian electricity companies, a social network analysis technique was adopted: R statistical software was used to make calculations and plot these networks.
It was found that the partnership network had a clear potential for an increase in the number of projects; however, the partnerships for the execution of such projects were dispersed. Although the concessionaires established partnerships with diverse institutions, the latter did not intercommunicate. Moreover, when analyzing the projects with respect to the project-type investigated, the institutions engaged in specific project types can be identified; thus, there is an opportunity for concessionaires, authorized contractors and licensed companies to identify the best partners, i.e. those that already possess the expertise to execute specific projects in future partnerships.
The purpose of this paper is to fill the gap in partnership network development dynamics to understand how such networks form, change and evolve over time.