Various EEG wave patterns.

Various EEG wave patterns.

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This paper presents an interdisciplinary studies of electronic systems: engineering, psychology and neuro-cognition. It evaluates the neurophysiological activities of human emotion using electroencephalography (EEG). This study is aimed to classify a comparison of Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal to observe human reflection towards relaxation stat...

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Context 1
... The rhythmic activity action is separated into groups by recurrence. EEG recurrence groups are regularly arranged into four classifications, for example, alpha, beta, delta and theta. Alpha wave is the one concerned about unwinding and the resting state, and this type of band (Alpha Band) has been the main focus of this study (Azizi, 2009). Fig. 2 represents the external simulation of brain states. This study aims to analyze the human reflection towards relaxation of mind via electroencephalography and discover the impacts on the temporal lobe of the brain while tuning in to music and Quran recitation. Alpha waves are one kind of brain waves distinguished by ...

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This paper presents an interdisciplinary studies of electronic systems: engineering, psychology and neuro-cognition. It evaluates the neurophysiological activities of human emotion using electroencephalography (EEG). This study is aimed to classify a comparison of Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal to observe human reflection towards relaxation stat...


... The electrodes will analyze the electrical impulses generated by the brain and then send the results to a computer. In general there are 5 categories of brain wave frequencies as can be seen in Table I [23]- [24]. Reference [25] argues that EEG provides a reliable indicator that reflects spontaneous activity of the brain. ...
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Usability testing is a recommended main testing method to evaluate the usability or ease of use of a software. However, this approach can induce bias. Usability testing with survey method using questionnaire instruments and interview has a risk of generating lack of objectivity from the participants because the facilitator can influence the evaluation results. The evaluation process is not optimal and the biases that arise from usability testing can affect the success or failure of a software in the market. A method for validating usability testing results needs to be studied to ensure whether the test results obtained are valid and unbiased. Electroencephalogram (EEG) is one of the tool that can be used to validate usability testing. This study aims to conduct usability testing of the three most popular e-marketplace applications in Indonesia. From the results it can be seen that usability testing using user-based testing gives a fairly good result in term of accuracy. Usability testing using EEG gives lower results than user-based testing. Nevertheless, we cannot rule out EEG as a usability testing method in the future.
... Nonetheless, the EEG electrodes used in Quran studies are low-density, typically using 20 electrodes. In the previous literature, six studies used EEG 20 electrodes for brain waves acquisition [28,39,42,43,63,66] and five studies used high-density EEG (32 electrodes) [57,64,65,67,68]. Meanwhile, two studies did not state how many electrodes were used in their study [10,44]. ...
... Some studies failed to mention the chapters or verses of the Quran used in their investigations, making it hard to replicate the study design [42,44,67]. Certain verses in Quran had always been used in Islamic medicine due to their purported healing effect, such as Ayatul Kursi. ...
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Since its revelation over 14 centuries ago, the Holy Quran is considered as scriptural divine words of Islam, and it is believed to promote psycho-spiritual therapeutic benefits to its reciter and/or listener. In this context, the listening of rhythmic Quranic verses among Muslims is often viewed as a form of unconventional melodic vocals, with accompanied anecdotal claims of the ‘Quranic chills’ pleasing effect. However, compared to music, rhythm, and meditation therapy, information on the neural basis of the anecdotal healing effects of the Quran remain largely unexplored. Current studies in this area took the leads from the low-frequency neuronal oscillations (i.e., alpha and theta) as the neural correlates, mainly using electroencephalography (EEG) and/or magnetoencephalography (MEG). In this narrative review, we present and discuss recent work related to these neural correlates and highlight several methodical issues and propose recommendations to progress this emerging transdisciplinary research. Collectively, evidence suggests that listening to rhythmic Quranic verses activates similar brain regions and elicits comparable therapeutic effects reported in music and rhythmic therapy. Notwithstanding, further research are warranted with more concise and standardized study designs to substantiate these findings, and opens avenue for the listening to Quranic verses as an effective complementary psycho-spiritual therapy.
... Older adults (n = 65) Experimental group listened to the Holy Quran for 20 min before sleeping for 4 weeks Control group received no intervention [5] Experimental study Healthy males (n = 10) Subjects were asked to recite the Quran and read the book [27] Experimental study Healthy subjects (n = 6) Subjects were instructed to rest and listen to music and Quran recitation for 3 min using headphones with their eyes closed [16] RCT ICU patients (n = 55) Experimental group received 30 min of Holy Quran recitation (HQR) Control group had 30 min of rest in bed before the start of the weaning of mechanical ventilation [13] RCT Haemodialysis patients (n = 54) Experimental group listened to the recitation of the Holy Quran Control group received no intervention [12] RCT Hemodialysis Patients (n = 60) Experimental group listened to the Quran recitation in a traditional cantillation voice Control group received no intervention [20] Quasiexperimental initially included but resulted in a very limited number of hits. The reviewer team then unanimously decided to exclude the keywords during subsequent search. ...
... The study designs were RCT or experimental studies (n = 7) [5,[12][13][14][15][16]26], quasiexperimental studies (n = 5) [17][18][19][20][21] and observational studies (n = 8) [8, 22-26, 28, 29] (Table1). Thirteen studies assessed the effect of listening al-Quran on depression [13,15,18], mental health [20], quality of sleep [14], physiological parameters [8,16,19], anxiety [12,17], QoL [21,25] and brain activity [27]. One study assessed the effect of reciting the al-Quran on behaviors of mind [5]. ...
... Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) [13,15,28], standard health questionnaire [8,20], Pittsburgh sleep quality index [14], physiological parameters [16,19], Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) [12], depression, anxiety and stress score (DASS) [18], World Health Organization QoL (WHOQoL) [21], Wechsler Memory Scale III [23], magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [29], electroencephalogram (EEG) [5,27], European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer C30 Scale Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC C30 Scale QLQ) [25], Short Form-36 QoL (SF-36) [22] and Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence II (WASI II) [24,26] were used as the outcome measures for each study. Details on ...
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Objectives: Listening to or memorizing the Quran has been suggested to affect the psychosocial health and well-being of Muslims. Muslims who memorized Quran have a higher quality of life (QoL) and lower anxiety and stress. Hence, this systematic review was conducted to evaluate the studies that assessed the effect of listening to, reciting, or memorizing the Quran on physical and mental health. Methods: This review was performed on articles published from the inception and April 2021. Databases including ProQuest, PubMed and Web of Science were searched on 19 April 2021. Keywords such as “Quran”, “al- Quran,” “al- Kareem,” “Holy Quran,” “memori,” “Tahfiz,” “Huffaz,” “listening” and “reciting” were used for databases searching. The risk of bias was assessed using Cochrane risk of bias tool and Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). Only 20 articles were included in data synthesis out of a total of 230. Results: The findings revealed that listening to, reciting or memorizing the Quran had a favorable effect on depression, anxiety, physiologic parameters, quality of life, quality of sleep and intelligence quotient. Conclusion: The current evidence suggests that, listening to, reciting or memorizing the Quran may be useful as an intervention to improve physical and mental health.
... The evaluation of brain signals using EEG has been widely used to understand the mechanisms of human behavior, cognition, and emotion by measuring physiological changes in the brain in an objective, noninvasive, and continuous manner [30][31][32][33]39,[60][61][62]. In contrast to neuroimaging tools such as the MRI scanner that could have the potential to induce claustrophobic anxiety amongst patients, EEG is arguably more feasible and cost-effective. ...
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Neuroticism has recently received increased attention in the psychology field due to the finding of high implications of neuroticism on an individual’s life and broader public health. This study aims to investigate the effect of a brief 6-week breathing-based mindfulness intervention (BMI) on undergraduate neurotic students’ emotion regulation. We acquired data of their psychological states, physiological changes, and electroencephalogram (EEG), before and after BMI, in resting states and tasks. Through behavioral analysis, we found the students’ anxiety and stress levels significantly reduced after BMI, with p-values of 0.013 and 0.027, respectively. Furthermore, a significant difference between students in emotion regulation strategy, that is, suppression, was also shown. The EEG analysis demonstrated significant differences between students before and after MI in resting states and tasks. Fp1 and O2 channels were identified as the most significant channels in evaluating the effect of BMI. The potential of these channels for classifying (single-channel-based) before and after BMI conditions during eyes-opened and eyes-closed baseline trials were displayed by a good performance in terms of accuracy (~77%), sensitivity (76–80%), specificity (73–77%), and area-under-the-curve (AUC) (0.66–0.8) obtained by k-nearest neighbor (KNN) and support vector machine (SVM) algorithms. Mindfulness can thus improve the self-regulation of the emotional state of neurotic students based on the psychometric and electrophysiological analyses conducted in this study.
... Nonetheless, the EEG electrodes used in Quran studies are low-density, typically using 20 electrodes. In the previous literature, six studies used EEG 20 electrodes for brain waves acquisition [28,39,42,43,63,66] and five studies used high-density EEG (32 electrodes) [57,64,65,67,68]. Meanwhile, two studies did not state how many electrodes were used in their study [10,44]. ...
... Some studies failed to mention the chapters or verses of the Quran used in their investigations, making it hard to replicate the study design [42,44,67]. Certain verses in Quran had always been used in Islamic medicine due to their purported healing effect, such as Ayatul Kursi. ...
... Different kind of activities will produce different EEG signal patterns categorized into several types according to the specific range of frequencies. There are five frequency ranges of EEG signal which are alpha, beta, gamma, theta and delta that determine the human brain states either relax, active, focus, meditation or deep sleep respectively [3], [4]. In a few decades ago, researchers started to emphasis on the study of focus and relaxation [5], [6], [7]. ...
... The classification stage tests the database using supervised methods which are Decision Tree, k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN), and Random Forest (RF). k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) is used for classification or regression according to k-closest training examples in the feature space [4]. Eq(5) defines the formula for k-NN where d is Euclidean distance, N is the number of features, x is coordinate value in x-axis and y is coordinate value in y-axis. ...
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Tahfiz education has gain its popularity among Malaysians thus expand the circle of hafiz and hafizah all over the country. This study has been done to investigate effect of memorizing Al-Quran by determining the difference between hafiz/hafizah subjects and non-hafiz/hafizah subjects in terms of their focus using brain signal characteristics. 10 subjects (5 hafiz/hafizah and 5 non-hafiz/hafizah) have been participated in this study. Database of EEG was recorded by using EegoSport (ANT Neuro, ES-230, The Netherlands) while listening no music, rock music, instrumental music and Al-Quran audio simultaneously with Continuous Performance Task (CPT). The classification has been done by using machine learning method. Decision Tree method have obtained the highest accuracy (96.63%) for PSD Burg by using beta wave. The finding shows that hafiz/hafizah group were more focus in all given tasks compared to non-hafiz/hafizah group. Statistical analysis by using Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Test found that the designed methodology was significant with 95% confidence interval.
... Jelas bahawa aktiviti otak dapat memberikan maklumat yang tidak dapat diperoleh melalui kaedah tradisional seperti kumpulan fokus, temu bual atau soal selidik [8]. Biasanya EEG digunakan dalam bidang perubatan, ketenangan minda [9] dan kesihatan awam [10]. Namun, dengan perkembangan teknologi, peranti mudah alih EEG dapat dihubungkan ke aplikasi telefon pintar yang membantu memudahkan pemantauan dan penilaian pengguna. ...
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Kajian bertujuan melihat dapatan yang diperolehi bagi penggunaan NeuroSky MindWave Electroencephalogram ke atas pembelajaran gamifikasi Algebra Linear. Tujuan penggunaan EEG adalah bagi melihat tumpuan pelajar semasa proses pembelajaran dijalankan menggunakan apps Effective Learner. Pembelajaran Algebra Linear bagi topik Matrik dan Kaedah Berangka yang melibatkan pelajar semester tiga dan empat bagi Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Kejuruteraan Elektrik. Prototaip gamifikasi Algebra Linear dibangunkan bagi membantu pelajar mempelajari pengiraan Inverse, Cramer’s Rule, Lower Upper Doolittle, Lower Upper Crout dan Gauss Elimination. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif, dimana 70 orang pelajar menggunakan pembelajaran Tradisional dan 104 orang pelajar menggunakan pembelajaran Gamifikasi. Hasil menunjukkan pembelajaran gamifikasi memperoleh lebih ramai pembelajaran positif iaitu 88 orang pelajar berbanding 54 orang pelajar bagi pembelajaran tradisional. Pembelajaran positif dilihat dari peningkatan skor pelajar dan proses pembelajaran dilakukan dalam masa dua minit dan ke atas.
... One common example of the subconscious mind is the process of driving a car. The action of driving seeps into the subconscious mind and will automatically avoid obstacles, change gears when required while could be doing something simple at the same time, like talking to friend in the car, listening to music etc. [13]. Thus, similar results are expected when human as consumer, subconsciously act upon any given advertisement stimuli. ...
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This article presents how the human brain makes a decision and the influence of subconscious mind when observing different brands in advertisement. The study of the human brain using EEG is related to electronics, psychology, and cognitive neuroscience to study the human behavior on problem solving and decision making. In this paper, we particularly investigate the decision making of the human brain in a short period of time. The study is focused on which band wave is dominant when use for decision making and subconscious mind. The EEG was used to study the cognition in different states of mind because EEG can analyze the brain activity directly from the scalp. Experiments were conducted to examine the wave of the brain by using the 14-channel EEG Emotiv Epoch device. The brain memory recalls and makes a decision of what they want or experience. The result shows that the human brain can recall a product by experience and beneficial to their understanding. This proves that subconscious mind and decision making has always been and existing in our daily lives. The result from the experiment showed that theta band wave was dominant during subconscious mind and decision making.