a.Ornatoraphidia flavilabris, larva. Italy, Calabria, Sila Grande. Foto: F. Anderle, now Denner; b.Phaeostigma (Graecoraphidia) d. divina, ♂. Greece, Viotia, Parnassos. Foto: P. Sehnal; c.Phaeostigma (Graecoraphidia) d. divina, ♀. Greece, Viotia, Parnassos. Foto: P. Sehnal; d.Phaeostigma (Crassoraphidia) cyprica, ♂. Cyprus, Troodos Mountain. Foto: H. Aspöck; e.Phaeostigma (Magnoraphidia) major, ♂. Lower Austria, Dürnstein. Foto: H. Bruckner; f.Phaeostigma (Magnoraphidia) major; ♀. Lower Austria, Dürnstein. Foto: H. Bruckner; g.Phaeostigma (Magnoraphidia) major, larva. Lower Austria, Eichkogel near Mödling. Foto: H. Bruckner; h.Phaeostigma (Magnoraphidia) flammi, larva. Greece, Pilion. Foto: H. Bruckner.

a.Ornatoraphidia flavilabris, larva. Italy, Calabria, Sila Grande. Foto: F. Anderle, now Denner; b.Phaeostigma (Graecoraphidia) d. divina, ♂. Greece, Viotia, Parnassos. Foto: P. Sehnal; c.Phaeostigma (Graecoraphidia) d. divina, ♀. Greece, Viotia, Parnassos. Foto: P. Sehnal; d.Phaeostigma (Crassoraphidia) cyprica, ♂. Cyprus, Troodos Mountain. Foto: H. Aspöck; e.Phaeostigma (Magnoraphidia) major, ♂. Lower Austria, Dürnstein. Foto: H. Bruckner; f.Phaeostigma (Magnoraphidia) major; ♀. Lower Austria, Dürnstein. Foto: H. Bruckner; g.Phaeostigma (Magnoraphidia) major, larva. Lower Austria, Eichkogel near Mödling. Foto: H. Bruckner; h.Phaeostigma (Magnoraphidia) flammi, larva. Greece, Pilion. Foto: H. Bruckner.

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The Mediterranean region representsone of the hotspots of biodiversity of many organisms and among these also of Raphidioptera. With about 250 known species world-wide Raphidioptera is the smallest order of extant holometabolous insects. The Mediterranean region harbors 113 species (= >45% of the world fauna), and of these 33 (= >13% of the world f...


... Extant Raphidioptera only contain two families, i.e., Raphidiidae Latreille 1810and Inocelliidae Navás 1913(Aspöck 2002Grimaldi and Engel 2005;Engel et al. 2006;Jepson and Jarzembowski 2008). Recent snakeflies are arboreal, being found only in the Northern Hemisphere, with a developmental precondition of a decreased temperature during winter, while the fossil records also occurred in tropical zones and the Southern Hemisphere (Aspöck et al. 1991(Aspöck et al. , 2018Aspöck 2002;Grimaldi and Engel 2005;Jepson and Jarzembowski 2008;Aspöck and Aspöck 2023). ...
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The 9th Insect Camp of the Austrian Entomological Society took place in the Nature Park Weißbach from 16th to 19th June 2023. A high number of taxonomic specialists and students of various entomological and arachnological groups attended the camp and/or supported the post-processing of the specimens. The participants of the camp had the opportunity to learn field research, different trapping, identification and preparation methods. Building a network between specialists on taxonomy, biodiversity and nature conservation and newcomers is essential for any work in biology. The camp provides the chance to gather knowledge on scientific work and become part of these networks. The study area included 13 different localities in the Weißbach Nature Park, with different habitats, from water bodies to dry grassland, from 674 m to 2,040 m a.s.l. In total, 1,194 species from 16 orders were recorded: 2 species of Dermaptera, 2 of Blattodea, 9 of Odonata, 64 of Heteroptera, 57 of Auchenorrhyncha, 7 of Neuroptera, 3 of Rhaphidioptera, 5 of Mecoptera, 112 of Diptera, 45 of Trichoptera, 418 of Lepidoptera, 133 of Hymenoptera, 271 of Coleoptera, 8 of Diplopoda, 39 of Oribatida and 19 of Pulmonata. In addition, 350 plant species were documented. 68 species from eight orders were recorded from Salzburg for the first time.
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The first documented records of Neuropterida in Tinos are presented, including one species of Raphidiidae and four species of Chrysopidae. Notably, among these records, Chrysopa formosa Brauer, 1851, Chrysoperla lucasina (Lacroix, 1912) and Apertochrysa venusta (Hölzel, 1974) are new records for the Cyclades archipelago.