-a-j. Morphological characteristics of native Cactaceae from Itaúnas State Park -a-b. Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis -a. berry; b. floral bud; c-d. Cereus fernambucensis subsp. fernambucensis -c. cladode with flower; d. cross section of cladode; e-f. Melocactus violaceus subsp. violaceus -e. apical cephalium; f. flowers; g-h. Pereskia aculeata -g. flower; h. berry; i-j. Pilosocereus arrabidae -i. cladode; j. cross section of cladode. Photographs: a-c. SGV files; d-e. Rafael Mathielo; f. SGV files; g-h. Maria Ana Farinaccio; i. SGV files; j. Rafael Mathielo.

-a-j. Morphological characteristics of native Cactaceae from Itaúnas State Park -a-b. Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis -a. berry; b. floral bud; c-d. Cereus fernambucensis subsp. fernambucensis -c. cladode with flower; d. cross section of cladode; e-f. Melocactus violaceus subsp. violaceus -e. apical cephalium; f. flowers; g-h. Pereskia aculeata -g. flower; h. berry; i-j. Pilosocereus arrabidae -i. cladode; j. cross section of cladode. Photographs: a-c. SGV files; d-e. Rafael Mathielo; f. SGV files; g-h. Maria Ana Farinaccio; i. SGV files; j. Rafael Mathielo.

Source publication
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The present work, which is part of a series of taxonomic monographs, aims to provide useful taxonomic features for distinguishing species of Cactaceae from Itaúnas State Park-Brazil. After performing field expeditions and observations, and analysis of herbaria vouchers, a total of five species of Cactaceae is herein recorded: Brasiliopuntia brasili...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... subsp. violaceus. Fig. 2e-f Shrubs solitary 8-13 cm tall. Cladodes subglobose, non-branched, 9-13 ribbed, ribs 2-3.5 cm high, oblique transverse folds, distal areolas 5-10 mm between each other, spinescent, spines 10-12, 15-25 mm long. Glochids absent. Leaves transformed in spines. Apical cephalium with white trichomes and spinning brown bristles. Flowers ...
Context 2
... and Melocactus violaceus subsp. ritteri N.P. Taylor due to occur in the coastal region of Brazil, mainly in restinga (vs. occurrence restricted to the rocky outcrops of the interior of the Bahia state). The species is classified as vulnerable (VU) according to Goettsch et al. (2015). In the study area, the species is often found in open areas. Fig. 2g-h Climbing shrub. Cladodes cylindrical, branched, not articulated, ribs absent, spines 1-10 central, 10-30 mm long, 6-20 radial, 7-40 mm long, cylindrical. Leaves well-developed and functional, alternate, petiole 3-5 mm long, glabrous, lamina 2.5-7 × 0.5-3 cm, elliptic to narrow-elliptic, glabrous. Glochids absent. Inflorescences in ...

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