[a-e]: The performance metrics of AODV over four mobility models (RWP, RPGM, GMM, and MGM) under CBR traffic type for parameter 6. Figure7 a-e, shows the performance metrics of AODV over four mobility models (RWP, RPGM, GMM, and MGM) under CBR traffic type for parameter 6. In Fig. 7a, the throughput of AODV became lower when the traffic source is higher. This protocol is highest in throughput with RWP and lowest with MGM and GMM. Figure 7b, shows the PDF of AODV became lower due to the number of packet loss are decreased. This protocol is highest in PDF with RWP and lowest with MGM and GMM because in RPGM, the group leader in each group determines the group motion behavior and each member in group deviates its speed and direction randomly from that leader. Figure 7c, shows the no. of packets loss in GMM and MGM is highest while in RPGM and RWP is lowest, the loss packet is increased when the traffic source increased. In Fig. 7d, the NRL in Figure. is increased when the traffic source is increased. The NRL in RPGM is low and in MGM is high. Figure 7e, shows the AED of AODV is increased when the traffic source is increased. This protocol with GMM and MGM shows highest AED but with RPGM gives lowest AED.

[a-e]: The performance metrics of AODV over four mobility models (RWP, RPGM, GMM, and MGM) under CBR traffic type for parameter 6. Figure7 a-e, shows the performance metrics of AODV over four mobility models (RWP, RPGM, GMM, and MGM) under CBR traffic type for parameter 6. In Fig. 7a, the throughput of AODV became lower when the traffic source is higher. This protocol is highest in throughput with RWP and lowest with MGM and GMM. Figure 7b, shows the PDF of AODV became lower due to the number of packet loss are decreased. This protocol is highest in PDF with RWP and lowest with MGM and GMM because in RPGM, the group leader in each group determines the group motion behavior and each member in group deviates its speed and direction randomly from that leader. Figure 7c, shows the no. of packets loss in GMM and MGM is highest while in RPGM and RWP is lowest, the loss packet is increased when the traffic source increased. In Fig. 7d, the NRL in Figure. is increased when the traffic source is increased. The NRL in RPGM is low and in MGM is high. Figure 7e, shows the AED of AODV is increased when the traffic source is increased. This protocol with GMM and MGM shows highest AED but with RPGM gives lowest AED.

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The current study presents the simulative study and evaluation of MANET mobility models over UDP traffic pattern to determine the effects of this traffic pattern on mobility models in MANET which is implemented in NS-2.35 according to various performance metri (Throughput, AED (Average End-2-end Delay), drop packets, NRL (Normalize Routing Load) an...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... The NRL in RPGM is low and in MGM is high. In Fig. 6e, the AED of AODV is increased when the traffic rate is increased. This protocol with GMM and MGM shows highest AED but with RPGM gives lowest AED. Figure7 a-e, shows the performance metrics of AODV over four mobility models (RWP, RPGM, GMM, and MGM) under CBR traffic type for parameter 6. In Fig. 7a, the throughput of AODV became lower when the traffic source is higher. This protocol is highest in throughput with RWP and lowest with MGM and GMM. Figure 7b, shows the PDF of AODV became lower due to the number of packet loss are decreased. This protocol is highest in PDF with RWP and lowest with MGM and GMM because in RPGM, the ...
Context 2
... protocol is highest in throughput with RWP and lowest with MGM and GMM. Figure 7b, shows the PDF of AODV became lower due to the number of packet loss are decreased. This protocol is highest in PDF with RWP and lowest with MGM and GMM because in RPGM, the group leader in each group determines the group motion behavior and each member in group deviates its speed and direction randomly from that leader. ...
Context 3
... protocol is highest in PDF with RWP and lowest with MGM and GMM because in RPGM, the group leader in each group determines the group motion behavior and each member in group deviates its speed and direction randomly from that leader. Figure 7c, shows the no. of packets loss in GMM and MGM is highest while in RPGM and RWP is lowest, the loss packet is increased when the traffic source increased. In Fig. 7d, the NRL in Figure. is increased when the traffic source is increased. ...
Context 4
... MGM and GMM because in RPGM, the group leader in each group determines the group motion behavior and each member in group deviates its speed and direction randomly from that leader. Figure 7c, shows the no. of packets loss in GMM and MGM is highest while in RPGM and RWP is lowest, the loss packet is increased when the traffic source increased. In Fig. 7d, the NRL in Figure. is increased when the traffic source is increased. The NRL in RPGM is low and in MGM is high. Figure 7e, shows the AED of AODV is increased when the traffic source is increased. This protocol with GMM and MGM shows highest AED but with RPGM gives lowest ...
Context 5
... NRL in RPGM is low and in MGM is high. Figure 7e, shows the AED of AODV is increased when the traffic source is increased. This protocol with GMM and MGM shows highest AED but with RPGM gives lowest AED. ...