FIGURE 1 - uploaded by Fucheng Yao
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| (a) Variations of pond water temperature; (b) Variations of lipid content in the overwintering Pomacea canaliculata population with a size-gender structure (juveniles, female, and male adults) from November 2021 to April 2022. Mean survival and standard errors (n = 4) for each group were also shown.

| (a) Variations of pond water temperature; (b) Variations of lipid content in the overwintering Pomacea canaliculata population with a size-gender structure (juveniles, female, and male adults) from November 2021 to April 2022. Mean survival and standard errors (n = 4) for each group were also shown.

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Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck 1822), a freshwater gastropod indigenous to lower Del Plata Basin of Argentina, has become the most destructive and invasive rice pests in south China since its introduction in the 1980s. In Guangdong, the main production areas for double rice, most of P. canaliculata overwinter in paddy field ditches after late‐rice h...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... minimum monthly water temperature (T min ) was below 20°C from November to the end of April, with the lowest in January (6°C). The maximum monthly water temperature (T max ) exceeded 20°C during the observed months (Figure 1a). At low temperatures under 17.5°C, over 50% of the P. canaliculata entered into a state of diapause temporarily, and under 10°C, snails began to withdraw into their shells. ...
Context 2
... seasonal pattern of glycogen was similar for glycerol ( Figure 5). Season change of lipid in the snails exhibited an opposite tendency to water temperature ( Figure 1b). The amounts of lipid increased during autumn, reached a peak of 79.833 mg·100 mg −1 in January and decreased, followed by a partial re-accumulation after March. ...