a Setup of the in-situ testbed and associated methodology for the characterization of the 2D cutting process; b in-situ high speed image of the chip formation during orthogonal cutting of Ti-6Al-4V

a Setup of the in-situ testbed and associated methodology for the characterization of the 2D cutting process; b in-situ high speed image of the chip formation during orthogonal cutting of Ti-6Al-4V

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The residual stress state in the sub-surface of machined components can significantly impact the properties and performance of parts, such as tribological properties, fatigue life, and dimensional distortion. The evolution of residual stresses depends on the selected process parameters and tool geometry, which affect the thermo-mechanical load impo...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... stresses after the machining of Ti-6Al-4V. The input variables, such as the occurring forces F c and F f , the effective friction μ e , and the equivalent width of contact a of the Hertzian pressure, can be determined based on coupled high-speed microscopy and dynamometry. The configuration of the in-situ testbed is schematically illustrated in Fig. ...
Context 2
... Diego, CA, USA) equipped with a coaxial microscope (Mitutoyo M Plan APO 20× magnification objective, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki, Japan) and a custom LED light source with an ultra-high intensity of 6000 lumens, the 2D cutting process of Ti-6Al-4V could be recorded in in-situ mode. For this purpose, high-speed images of the chip formation were obtained (Fig. ...