Figure 1 - uploaded by Roberto Ranzi
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(a) Precipitation gauge at Pantano d'Avio (Brescia province, see also Figure 7b) monitoring site. The tank is inside a heated housing made by SIAP (Italian weather instruments manufacturer). On the left, the heating device, activated by a thermostat, here set to 4 °C. (b) Cancano monitoring site, where a CAE PMB2 electronic tipping-bucket heated gauge (yellow circle) is installed besidea heated mechanical SIAP one (red circle). (c) Electronic tipping-bucket heated gauge model CAE PMB2 at the Aprica Magnolta (SO) monitoring site.

(a) Precipitation gauge at Pantano d'Avio (Brescia province, see also Figure 7b) monitoring site. The tank is inside a heated housing made by SIAP (Italian weather instruments manufacturer). On the left, the heating device, activated by a thermostat, here set to 4 °C. (b) Cancano monitoring site, where a CAE PMB2 electronic tipping-bucket heated gauge (yellow circle) is installed besidea heated mechanical SIAP one (red circle). (c) Electronic tipping-bucket heated gauge model CAE PMB2 at the Aprica Magnolta (SO) monitoring site.

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Precipitation measurements by rain gauges are usually affected by a systematic underestimation, which can be larger in case of snowfall. The wind, disturbing the trajectory of the falling water droplets or snowflakes above the rain gauge, is the major source of error, but when tipping-bucket recording gauges are used, the induced evaporation due to...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... Region owns a dense meteorological monitoring network, part of which is a legacy of the former National Hydrological Service SIMN (Servizio Idrografico e Mareografico Nazionale, decommissioned in the nineties) and it is still composed of the original manual and mechanical devices, such as the mechanical tipping-bucket rain gauges with paper ink recorders manufactured by SIAP (Villanova (BO), Italy) (Figure 1a,b). With the transfer to regional administrations of the responsibility of environmental monitoring services from the national level to the regional level (ARPA Lombardia, the regional Environment Protection Agency), electronic devices and digital recording systems were installed in addition to the old ones, sometimes adjacent to the old manual stations. ...
Context 2
... the transfer to regional administrations of the responsibility of environmental monitoring services from the national level to the regional level (ARPA Lombardia, the regional Environment Protection Agency), electronic devices and digital recording systems were installed in addition to the old ones, sometimes adjacent to the old manual stations. In many cases rain gauges manufactured by CAE (San Lazzaro di Savena (BO), Italy) (PMB2 model, Figure 1c) were chosen, so these are now the newest instruments in Lombardy. ...
Context 3
... the manual rain gauges and tipping-bucket heated recording gauges, the underestimation is systematic and varies from 15% to 66%; windy sites (Cancano and Pantano d'Avio) are those with the highest errors, above 50%, while in low wind conditions or wind-covered stations the average error is around 25%. The wind effect is responsible for about half of the total underestimation encountered for the Cancano mechanical tipping-bucket gauge SIAP model ( Figure 1b) and Pantano d'Avio manual gauge in a SIAP heated housing (Figure 1a), since these instruments have no wind shielding device; in fact, the same instrument installed in low wind sites shows about halved errors. For the majority of the sites, the lack of wind data makes it difficult to comment more precisely on the influence of the wind. ...
Context 4
... the manual rain gauges and tipping-bucket heated recording gauges, the underestimation is systematic and varies from 15% to 66%; windy sites (Cancano and Pantano d'Avio) are those with the highest errors, above 50%, while in low wind conditions or wind-covered stations the average error is around 25%. The wind effect is responsible for about half of the total underestimation encountered for the Cancano mechanical tipping-bucket gauge SIAP model ( Figure 1b) and Pantano d'Avio manual gauge in a SIAP heated housing (Figure 1a), since these instruments have no wind shielding device; in fact, the same instrument installed in low wind sites shows about halved errors. For the majority of the sites, the lack of wind data makes it difficult to comment more precisely on the influence of the wind. ...

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... The above findings highlight that gauge estimates are generally lower than plain reanalysis estimates in the mountains. It is important to take into account that automated measurements tend to underestimate the amount of precipitation, especially snow, depending on the type of gauges used and the wind speed (Grossi et al., 2017;Kochendorfer et al., 2022). Rasmussen et al. (2012) mentions errors from 20% to 50% for solid precipitation. ...
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... These two signals are correlated with a Spearman rank correlation of = 0.58, ( = 0.0001), which is satisfying considering the lower elevation of the meteorological station and the disturbing effect of measurement errors. In a recent study by Grossi et al. (2017) biases between 15% and 66% were observed in solid precipitations measured at rain gauges belonging to the same region. On the other hand, summer ablation increased steadily with time (i.e., it became more negative) as shown in Fig. 5b, with smaller oscillations around the moving average with respect to . ...
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Tipping bucket rain gauges (TBRs) continue to be one of the most widely used pieces of equipment for rainfall monitoring; they are frequently used for the calibration, validation, and downscaling of radar and remote sensing data, due to their major advantages—low cost, simplicity and low-energy consumption. Thus, many works have focused and continue to focus on their main disadvantage—measurement biases (mainly in wind and mechanical underestimations). However, despite arduous scientific effort, calibration methodologies are not frequently implemented by monitoring networks’ operators or data users, propagating bias in databases and in the different applications of such data, causing uncertainty in the modeling, management, and forecasting in hydrological research, mainly due to a lack of knowledge. Within this context, this work presents a review of the scientific advances in TBR measurement uncertainties, calibration, and error reduction strategies from a hydrological point of view, by describing different rainfall monitoring techniques, summarizing TBR measurement uncertainties, focusing on calibration and error reduction strategies, discussing the state of the art and providing future perspectives of the technology.
... Thus, 9 of 21 snow accumulates in the funnel, whose storage capacity is not usually large, and measurement is delayed until it thaws. Likewise, in hail conditions, much of the precipitation is lost due to bouncing of the hail in the funnel [90][91][92]. ...
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Tipping bucket rain gauges (TBRs) have been, and apparently will continue to be one of the most widely used pieces of equipment for rainfall monitoring, being frequently used for the calibration, validation and downscaling of radar and remote sensing data, due to their major advantages–low cost, simplicity, and low energy consumption. Thus, many works have focused and continue to focus on their main disadvantage–measurement biases (mainly in wind and mechanical underestimations). However, despite arduous scientific effort, calibration methodologies are not frequently implemented by monitoring networks operators or data users, propagating bias in databases and in the different applications of such data, causing uncertainty in the modeling, management, and forecasting in hydrological research, mainly due to a lack of knowledge. Within this context, this work presents a review of the scientific advances in TBR measurement uncertainties, calibration, and error reduction strategies from a hydrological point of view, by describing different rainfall monitoring techniques in Section 2, summarizing TBR measurement uncertainties in Section 3, focusing on calibration, and error reduction strategies in Section 4, a discussion and perspectives in Section 5, and conclusions in Section 6, providing an overview of the of the state of the art and future perspectives of the technology.
... In particular, products such as IMERG, MERRA-2, or ERA sometimes show a certain underestimation of the snowpack, which makes these instruments unreliable for the purposes of a detailed analysis of snow depths [15,16]. Similarly, it is also complex for heated rain gauges to be able to count the snow water equivalent (SWE), since there are interactions with the wind that can generate underestimates in quantity when not properly shielded by special devices [17][18][19]. Precisely in relation to the possibility of snowfall being blown away by the wind, there are studies evaluating the preferential accumulation of wind-borne snow in mountain or glacial environments [20]. Because of these problems in accurately counting snow, recent efforts are being made to create models that can simulate snow cover and in some cases, predict it in relation to other climatic variables [21]. ...
... In this case, on the other hand, data were obtained from weather stations equipped with sonar to assess the depth of the snow and from manual weather stations, where the measurements were taken in the presence of the operator. Data from heated rain gauges were deliberately discarded because they are very often inaccurate due to the strong winds in a mountain environment, which generate significant underestimates when counting the snowpack thickness [17,27]. Moreover, in this part of the Apennines in central Italy, detailed snow cover studies had never been carried out, given the fragmentary and scarce data. ...
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... Snow measuring systems based on the quantification of precipitation must have heated systems, producing evaporation losses when precipitation is weak. In addition, strong winds decrease the snow collected in snow gauges when wind shields are not installed, causing losses of ~20%-50% (Grossi et al., 2017;Masuda et al., 2019;Rasmussen et al., 2012). Similar values have been found in the Cantabrian Mountains, where the underestimation of snow precipitation using the Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET) network is similar to that in the Pyrenees, but less than those in other areas of the Iberian Peninsula (Buisán et al., 2017(Buisán et al., , 2022. ...
... Another source of uncertainties is the measurement of precipitation itself since wind and evaporation can lead to an underestimation of precipitation (Rodda and Dixon, 2012;Grossi et al., 2017). However, the errors are generally higher for solid precipitation than for liquid precipitation and largest at windy sites (above 50 %) (Rodda and Dixon, 2012;Grossi et al., 2017). ...
... Another source of uncertainties is the measurement of precipitation itself since wind and evaporation can lead to an underestimation of precipitation (Rodda and Dixon, 2012;Grossi et al., 2017). However, the errors are generally higher for solid precipitation than for liquid precipitation and largest at windy sites (above 50 %) (Rodda and Dixon, 2012;Grossi et al., 2017). Since we use measurements from AWS2 in the valley, snowfall is less frequent. ...
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The energy and mass balance of mountain glaciers translate into volume changes that play out as area changes over time. From this, together with former moraines during maximum advances, information on past climate conditions and the climatic drivers behind during glacier advances can be obtained. Here, we use the distributed COupled Snowpack and Ice surface energy and mass balance model in PYthon (COSIPY) to simulate the present state of an Italian glacier, named Fürkeleferner, for the mass balance years 2013–2017. Next, we investigate the local climate during the time of the last “Little Ice Age” (LIA) maximum glacier advance using COSIPY together with the LIA glacier outline retrieved from moraine mapping and a digital elevation model (DEM) adapted for the glacier’s geometry at the time of the LIA as a benchmark. Furthermore, the glacier’s sensitivity to future air temperature increase of +1 K and +2 K is investigated using the same model. For all simulations, meteorological data of closely located climate stations are used to force the model. We show the individual monthly contribution of individual energy and mass balance components. Refreezing during the summer months is an important component of the energy and mass balance, on average about 9 % relative to total annual ablation. The results from simulating past climate show a 2.8 times larger glacier area for Fürkeleferner during the LIA than today. This further implies a 2.5 K colder climate, assuming that the amount of precipitation was 10 %–20 % in excess of today’s value. Concerning further temperature increase of 2 K, the glacier would only consist of the ablation area implying sustained mass loss and eventual total mass loss. Even under current climatic conditions, the glacier area would have to decrease to 17 % of its current area to be in a steady state. We discuss the reliability of the results by comparing simulated present mass balance to measured mass balances of neighboring glaciers in the European Alps and with short-term measurements on Fürkeleferner itself. In conclusion, we are able to show how the glacier responds to past and future climate change and determine the climatic drivers behind.
... mountainous areas), which may cause erroneous performance assessments especially in cases of localized and severe events, and a too low fraction of heated rain-gauges, which may cause an underestimated and delayed detection of precipitation in case of snowfalls (e.g. Grossi et al., 2017;Mair et al., 2016). On the other hand, surface temperature T A B L E 1 RMSE and correlation index (R) computed for the three parameterizations of the soil temperature at 12.00 m depth against the measurements in Potsdam station, Germany sensors amount to about 1000 and include data from the high-resolution regional network Dewetra as well as from the SYNOP stations (that are not assimilated within SPHERA). ...
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Abstract A new convection‐permitting regional reanalysis, SPHERA (High Resolution REAnalysis over Italy), has been developed over Italy and the surrounding seas using the COSMO model at 2.2 km horizontal resolution. The reanalysis system is nested in the global reanalysis ERA5; upper‐air and surface observations are assimilated at the convection‐permitting scale by the COSMO nudging scheme. Before the complete production of the hourly three‐dimensional fields and surface/soil parameters over the period 1995–2020, general issues regarding the reanalysis set‐up needed to be addressed over a shorter test period. These include the identification of the best approach to downscale the lateral boundary conditions from the global driver, and the definition of the bottom boundary condition related to deep soil temperature. With respect to the downscaling methodology, the results show a clear benefit in using lateral boundary conditions directly from the global ERA5, despite the large resolution difference between the two modes (1:15), instead of providing them from an intermediate resolution COSMO‐based reanalysis. Moreover, the soil bottom boundary condition for temperature is reconstructed from the shallower ERA5 soil, using a site‐dependent method based on a delayed running mean of the ERA5 temperature at the deepest soil level. Finally, an evaluation of SPHERA has been performed with respect to the skill in simulating daily precipitation over 2 years. Compared with ERA5, SPHERA shows a higher ability in simulating moderate and intense events, markedly during summer, in terms of skill scores, frequency of occurrence and bias.
... Because of slow falling, snow hydrometers are more susceptible to deflection by wind-induced turbulence around the gauge, making snowfall measurements prone to large systematic errors (Rasmussen et al., 2012). In windy conditions, the underestimation of snowfall accumulation frequently ranges from 20 % to 50 % or even higher and additionally depends on other variables, such as exposure and the type of rain gauge (Rasmussen et al., 2012;Buisán et al., 2017;Grossi et al., 2017). Other systematic error sources are related to physical processes, such as evaporation from a bucket, wetting, and splashing. ...
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The RainGaugeQC scheme described in this paper is intended for real-time quality control of telemetric rain gauge data. It consists of several checks: detection of exceedance of the natural limit and climate-based threshold as well as checking of the conformity of rain gauge and radar observations, the consistency of time series from heated and unheated sensors, and the spatial consistency of adjacent gauges. The proposed approach is focused on assessing the reliability of individual rain gauge observations. A quantitative indicator of reliability, called the quality index (QI), describes the quality of each measurement as a number in the range from 0.0 (completely unreliable measurement) to 1.0 (perfect measurement). The QI of a measurement which fails any check is lowered, and only a measurement very likely to be erroneous is replaced with a “no data” value. The performance of this scheme has been evaluated by analysing the spatial distribution of the precipitation field and comparing it with precipitation observations and estimates provided by other techniques. The effectiveness of the RainGaugeQC scheme was also analysed in terms of the statistics of QI reduction. The quality information provided is very useful in further applications of rain gauge data. The scheme is used operationally by the Polish national meteorological and hydrological service (Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute).
... On the other hand, (Berndt andHaberlandt, 2018, Ly et al., 2011) argue that, topographical impact was indispensable for only temperature reconstruction at all temporal resolutions and station densities, but it was less clear for daily to monthly P. Furthermore, all spatial interpolation techniques can perform poorly in regions with insufficient high-elevation data, due to inaccurate estimation of local lapse rates (Ruelland, 2020). Considering all above reviews, it can be concluded that the basin average observed P estimates are underestimated owing to the under-catch P and unevenly distributed lowdensity (approx. 1 gauge/2235 km 2 ) climate station network especially at high altitude areas which are the main active parts of the basins (Azmat, 2015, Grossi et al., 2017, Ranzi et al., 2003, Winiger et al., 2005. Moreover, the P increases with elevation up to 4500 m in Himalaya mountainous range and then start to decrease (Immerzeel et al., 2015) whereas the climatic stations are installed up to 3000 m elevation. ...
The study presents a comprehensive assessment of the key terrestrial water budget (TWB) components and their recent temporal trends using observed and gridded datasets across Upper Jhelum Basin (UJB) for the period of 2003-2014. Different gridded datasets were used for precipitation-P (APHRODITE, CHIRPS, PGMFD, ERA-5, and MSWEP), evapotranspiration-ET (MOD16A2, SSEBop, GLDAS-NOAH, TERRACLIMATE and DOLCE), Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) derived terrestrial water storage (TWS) and observed discharge (Q) measurements. Firstly, gridded P and ET datasets were assessed through detailed spatiotemporal analysis against reference datasets and considering their adequacy to close the TWB. The imbalance in TWB and associated uncertainties of each component were also computed to understand the potential of gridded datasets for water budget studies. Finally, TWB components were subjected to trend analysis to evaluate temporal trends and their statistical significance over the study period. Overall, ERA5-Pand DOLCE-ET relatively performed better and hence considered to be the most appropriate to present the hydrological spatiotemporal variability across UJB. The imbalance in water budget was mainly associated with higher uncertainties in P especially during wet periods. The results of temporal trend analysis showed a) insignificant mixed trends for annual P with increase and decrease in monsoon and winter P, respectively b) mixed yet statistically significant trends for ET in different parts of basin at annual and seasonal scale c) significant decreasing trends for TWS throughout the UJB in winter and annual scale d) increasing trends for Q in all months of the year except January and February. Despite the imbalance in water budget estimation due to large uncertainties in gridded P, ET, and TWS datasets, the study underlines the important information about TWB dynamics and their spatiotemporal variability over UJB which can be used as the knowledge base for further impact assessment studies.