Figure 2 - available via license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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(a) Location of the study site in the Arctic (b) Visual extent of TerraSAR-X passages on Qikiqtaruk Herschel Island (c) Ice Creek study site including the location of measurements. The black crosses were revisited during each TerraSAR-X acquisitions (Imagery provided 135
Source publication
Changes in snowpack associated with climatic warming has drastic impacts on surface energy balance in the cryosphere. Yet, traditional monitoring techniques, such as punctual measurements in the field, do not cover the full snowpack spatial and temporal variability, which hampers efforts to upscale measurements to the global scale. This variability...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... Island (69° 35' N, 139° 06' W) is located about 2 km off the Yukon Coast in the northwestern Canadian 115 Arctic (Fig. 2). With an approximate area of 108 km 2 , this island has a rolling topography (max. altitude: 183 m a.s.l.), dissected by numerous geomorphological forms such as gullies, valleys and polygonal soils (Short et al., 2011;Stettner et al., 2018). The permafrost on Qikiqtaruk-Herschel Island is continuous with a high ice content. Ground ice ...
Context 2
... this paper, we performed our measurements in the Ice Creek catchment (area of 1.54 km 2 ) located at the eastern end of the 130 island (Fig. 2). The digital elevation models from ArcticDEM (2 m res.) indicates average slopes of 2.9° with maximums of 13.2° at altitudes ranging from 5 m to 94 m ( Porter et al., 2018). Preprint. Discussion started: 13 October 2021 c Author(s) 2021. CC BY 4.0 ...
Context 3
... sampling strategies were used for the snowpit characterization (Table 1). First, detailed snowpit measurements were conducted along predefined locations at an average distance of 200 m between each site (Fig. 2c). The snowpit locations in 140 the centre of the Ice Creek catchment as well as location at the outlet of the catchment were revisited during each TerraSAR-X (TSX, see 3.3.) acquisition so that soil characteristics remain unchanged between snow sampling and satellite ...
Context 4
... and ranged between -0.44° (2014)(2015) and -1.32° (2015)(2016). The decrease generally started in 305 January, when the average air temperature is at its coldest (-20 °C) Preprint. Discussion started: 13 October 2021 c Author(s) 2021. CC BY 4.0 License. . Pixels values were extracted from GPS dataset (see Fig. 2c), where NColtsfoot = 33, NDryas = 140, NLupine = 118, NShrub = 29. Winter period (mid-September to mid-May) is shows in shaded area. Windows pixels size is 1x1 pixel (5x5m). (c) Meteorological data from Qikiqtaruk Herschel Island station (dataset from Environment Canada (2021)). The meteorological station is not equipped with a ...