FIG 1 - uploaded by Chenchen Liu
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(a) Elastic metamaterial with PDMS frame and both L1 and L2 insets. (b) Side profile of the elastic metamaterial (c) L1 inset. (d) L2 inset.

(a) Elastic metamaterial with PDMS frame and both L1 and L2 insets. (b) Side profile of the elastic metamaterial (c) L1 inset. (d) L2 inset.

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Though additive manufacturing and novel optimization techniques have led to many recent advances in elastic metamaterials, difficult fundamental challenges (e.g., narrow bandgaps) and practical challenges (e.g., dissipation and friction) remain. This work introduces simple and hierarchical resonant metamaterials made of soft polydimethylsiloxane ru...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... elastic metamaterials include a "frame" with a rectangular grid of square unit pockets and steel insets connected to the former with slender PDMS beams. The resulting structures are depicted in Figs. 1(a) and 1(b) for the case of a PDMS frame and Fig. 14 for an epoxy frame. We remark that more unit cells usually means better wave attenuation performance but achieving this effect using the least number of unit cells possible (i.e., with a compact structure) is attractive for real world ...
Context 2
... details of the computational domain used to model the metamaterial are depicted in Fig. 15 for Configuration 2. Its dimensions are directly obtained from the experimental sample, with the exception of the beams. These are idealized as two sets of identical rectangles for the L1 and L2 units, with thicknesses chosen to match their measured average effective stiffness in the longitudinal direction (3250 N/m and 2840 N/m, ...
Context 3
... signs seen in the TL curves from the purely elastic model in Fig. 5 (deeper and narrower bandgaps, enhanced transmission peaks, and low estimates for bandgap frequencies) indicate that viscoelastic effects play a large role in the experimental results. Using Models 1 and 2 as described in Sec. III for the constitutive relation of the PDMS phase, Fig. 10 shows the TL results after adding viscoelasticity to the numerical model in Configurations 1, 2, and 3. Compared to the completely elastic model, the addition of viscoelasticity causes bandgaps to shift to higher frequency, reduce their depth, and increase their widths, in greater agreement with the experimental results. The observed ...
Context 4
... studies 9 and can be intuitively understood from the massspring model in Fig. 4. Indeed, for the limiting cases of zero and infinite damping coefficient, the effective stiffness of the SLS element of the resonator ranges between k r 0 and k r 0 þ k r 1 , respectively, and is thus always increased by the addition of Maxwell arms. The results of Fig. 10 also depict locations and widths of the first bandgap in all configurations that are very close to each other for Models 1 and 2. This, therefore, indicates that the experimentally available DMA data are sufficient for such purposes. We recall that both Model 1 and 2 match the experimental storage and loss modulus data in the lower ...
Context 5
... detailed comparison between the TL curves in Fig. 5 with the purely elastic model and those of Fig. 10 with viscoelastic constitutive relation further shows that the bandgap widening effect of viscoelasticity is useful for combining bandgaps in multiresonant structures. More specifically, Configuration 3, where L2 insets are added to every odd column (i.e., it is a combination of Configurations 1 and 2), clearly depicts three bandgaps ...
Context 6
... is a combination of Configurations 1 and 2), clearly depicts three bandgaps in Fig. 5(c), at frequencies that are consistent with the bandgap of the single resonator in Configuration 1 and the two bandgaps of the hierarchical design in Configuration 2. With the addition of viscoelasticity, the first two bandgaps of Configuration 3 merge, as shown Fig. 10(c). This results in an ultrabroad low-frequency bandgap, in strong agreement with the experimental TL ...
Context 7
... we seek to understand the role of external dissipation (friction) on the TL curves, for which time-dependent simulations are performed with Coulomb friction applied to the resonators. The results are shown in Fig. 11, where it is observed that friction further reduces the depth of some of the bandgaps, though this behavior does not appear to be monotonic throughout the whole frequency range examined. Yet, contrary to what occurs with viscoelasticity, frictional effects do not seem to increase or shift the range of bandgap frequencies (to this we ...
Context 8
... the range of bandgap frequencies (to this we remark that care needs to be taken when choosing the time step in the numerical simulations with friction and that a too large time step may artificially induce a shift in the bandgap frequency). A fully analogous effect is observed when including friction in the one dimensional mass-spring-model of Fig. 4. In Fig. 12, the elastic case with no dissipation is shown for reference along with the results for three friction coefficients. As seen, the attenuation effect within the bandgap is greatly reduced with friction and this effect monotonically increases with the friction coefficient. Again, no shift of the bandgap frequency is observed with the ...
Context 9
... better understand the effects of beam stochasticity on the TL diagram for Configuration 1, we examine two cases, both using the viscoelastic Model 1. The first, shown in Fig. 13, considers that each of the four beams have random beam widths drawn from a Gaussian distribution, with 10% and 20% of the beam width as the standard deviation for subfigures (a) and (b), respectively. In either case, the variability on the TL curve is not found to be significant as compared to the deterministic case, and only a mild ...
Context 10
... (mixture of Hexion Epon TM 828 and its cross-linker Epikure TM 3223 in weight ratio of 3:1) was injected into the PDMS outline and subsequently cross-linked at 60 C for 2 h. The steel parts, with masses of 8.5 g and 9.8 g for the L1 and L2 insets, respectively, were then inserted manually at the desired locations. The completed sample is shown in Fig. 1 for the PDMS frame and Fig. 14 for the epoxy ...
Context 11
... and its cross-linker Epikure TM 3223 in weight ratio of 3:1) was injected into the PDMS outline and subsequently cross-linked at 60 C for 2 h. The steel parts, with masses of 8.5 g and 9.8 g for the L1 and L2 insets, respectively, were then inserted manually at the desired locations. The completed sample is shown in Fig. 1 for the PDMS frame and Fig. 14 for the epoxy ...
Context 12
... this section, we include a schematic of the computational domain, which is shown in Fig. ...

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