Fig 2 - uploaded by Carlo Fiorina
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XY-cut view of the KIWI-B-4E reactor in OpenMC with the control drums oriented at 0° (shutdown orientation).
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... deterministic methods. In addition, the small size of the core allows for full-core simulations with reasonable computational resources. In this work, a full core model has been developed using the Monte Carlo code OpenMC [11] and the ENDF/B-VII.1 nuclear data library. An XY-cut view of the OpenMC model is reported in Fig. ...
Context 2
... mentioned before, the core experienced high-temperature gradients during operation, thus introducing strong spatial reactivity effects, such as Doppler broadening, coolant void/moderating effects, or mechanical deformations. Second, several fuel elements of the core are cut by the peripheral graphite reflector as seen in Figure 2, which is not accurate. According to Ref. [3], the peripheral elements have been manufactured with an irregular shape to fill the space between the core and the reflector. ...
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