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| WEF Nexus Index world map with a focus (in glyphs) on selected countries (interactive website at Latest available data as of August 2019.
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The call for measuring synergies and trade-offs between water, energy, and food is increasing worldwide. This article presents the development and application of a country-level index that has been calculated for 181 nations using open databases. Following an assessment of 87 water-, energy-, and food-related indicators, 21 were selected to constit...
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... Fetanat et al., (2021) developed a decision-making WFE framework for energy recovery from WWTPs, but other resources, such as treated wastewater and nutrients, were not covered. Yi et al. (2020) and Simpson et al. (2022) developed composite indicators to measure and monitor the individual performances and the linkages between the three sectors at a national level and the provincial scales. However, this may not serve the decision-makers to design and monitor the resource recovery solutions at a WWTP scale. ...
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The increasing pressure on resources and the persistent failure to address global malnutrition are evident challenges. A significant contributing factor is the decline in the quality of production resources, particularly water. As a result, many countries and their experts have prioritized the need to balance resource consumption. To address the research gap regarding balanced and optimal resource use, various methodologies have been developed over time, culminating in nexus studies. This study aimed to investigate the what, why, and how of conducting water-energy-food nexus (WEFN) studies. The research employed a sequential mixed-methods approach, integrating content analysis with the Analytical Network Process (ANP). The findings reveal that the objectives of WEFN studies encompass a wide range of interests, which can be systematically categorized into seven principal domains: system sustainability assessment, integration of planning and decision-making processes related to resource consumption, optimization of resource use, management of resource consumption systems, development of theoretical frameworks for the nexus, evaluation of the impacts of resource consumption, and assessment of associated risks. Notably, the results indicate that system sustainability assessment is the most critical reason for conducting WEFN studies. Furthermore, the analysis of WEFN methodologies identified simulation as the most effective technique within the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) framework. In the context of the ANP technique, statistical analysis and simulation emerged as the most important methods. This research advocates for using a diagram to facilitate the selection of the optimal method for conducting a WEFN study.
... (a) The connections and various important factors in the W-E-F nexus in Central Asia and (b) W-E-F nexus index of Central Asian countries, based on[19]. ...
The escalating demand for water, energy, and food, coupled with the imperative for sustainable development, necessitates innovative solutions to address the complex interdependencies within the water–energy–food nexus. In this context, agriculture and photovoltaics (Agri-PV or Agri–voltaics) systems have emerged as a promising approach to promoting sustainable agricultural practices while enhancing energy efficiency and food production. However, limited research, especially on the technical aspects of Agri-PV, has resulted in a knowledge gap regarding how to model and determine the suitability of Agri-PV for different crops based on local conditions. This study presents a novel approach to modeling and simulating Agri-PV systems for various major crops in developing countries, using Uzbekistan as a case study. It provides a blueprint for selecting suitable Agri-PV systems. The research investigates the technical feasibility of Agri-PV technology tailored to Uzbekistan’s agricultural landscape, with broader implications for Central Asia. Employing a systematic methodology, the study begins by selecting appropriate sites and crops for Agri-PV system testing, ensuring the relevance and applicability of the research findings to the local context. Using advanced software tools such as PVSyst, the study accurately calculates photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) values specific to selected crops, bridging a significant knowledge gap and providing empirical data essential for informed decision making. The methodology further incorporates an in-depth analysis of economic and technical considerations in selecting PV modules and inverters, enhancing the scientific accuracy of the study. By strategically modeling Agri-PV systems based on parameters like row density, module distance, and tilt angle, this research aims to optimize the integration of photovoltaic technology with agricultural practices in Uzbekistan. Moreover, this study helps to understand the impact of Agri-PV systems on the water–energy–food nexus, providing valuable insights into the potential benefits and challenges specific to the region. The study identifies the positive impact of Agri-PV on major crops and provides a suitable design and modeling approach for sustainable farming practices.
... In order to obtain an efficient and appropriate depiction of the WEF Nexus, a set of WFE indices was proposed. Among these indices that can be applied on the national and regional level are The Pardee RAND Food-Energy-Water Security Index [33], The WFE nexus index for crop production systems [2], The WEF Nexus Index [34,35], and the Composite WEF Nexus Index [36]. ...
... The WEF Nexus Index is developed following the method created by the European Commission JRC Competence Centre [34,35]. Three key indicators per each sector, revising its availability, accessibility, and sustainability, are used based on the sustainability development goals SDG 2, SDG 6, and SDG 7. The selected parameters for water resources include water scarcity, water access, and sustainable water use. ...
... The Water, Energy, and Food (WEF) Nexus Index is a composite indicator that aggregates 21 globally available indicators. The WEF Nexus Index was estimated for 171 nations [35]. ...
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region's food, water, and energy resources are facing significant stress. It is predictable that there will be increasing demand for these resources in the upcoming years. Due to the interface between the three sectors, the nexus approach allows for more integrated and effective planning, policymaking, scrutinizing, and evaluation related to the three sectors’ strategies. This chapter encapsulates the concept of the Water-Food-Energy Nexus (WFEN) and its challenges. It illustrates a set of indicators and indices that decision-makers can use as a methodology framework tool to assign priorities toward sustainable development goals. The first section of the chapter illustrates the concepts of the water, food, and energy nexus (WFEN), demonstrates some of the challenges faced by the WFEN sectors in the MENA region, discusses the relationship between the WFEN and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and provides examples of the application of the WFEN nexus approach. The second section of the chapter gives a picture of a set of indicators and indices that can be applied to analyze and evaluate the sustainability of the water, food, and energy sectors. The framework and application of a significant water, food, and energy index that considers their security and efficiency are illustrated. The index considers six dimensions that are: (i) availability, (ii) accessibility, (iii) utilization, (iv) stability for assessing WFE security, (v) consumption, and (vi) impact dimensions for evaluating the WFE efficiency of the MENA region. This index is based on quantitative data and is represented by a single numeric number that can be applied to compared and evaluated countries or regions.
... Invertir en empresas que contribuyen a los ODS relacionados con el nexo AEA puede proporcionar beneficios tangibles en términos de impacto social y ambiental, además de retornos financieros (Simpson et al., 2022). La investigación y los datos generados en torno al nexo AEA son valiosos para guiar las decisiones de inversión en el mercado bursátil (Li et al., 2019). ...
... Las inversiones bursátiles en el nexo AEA ofrecen un equilibrio entre sostenibilidad, impacto social y retorno financiero. Estas inversiones se posicionan como una elección inteligente para inversores que buscan resiliencia, sostenibilidad y alineación con tendencias globales y necesidades futuras (Endo et al., 2017;Zhang et al., 2018;Chen et al., 2019;Wang et al., 2022;Simpson et al., 2022;Li et al., 2019). La creciente conciencia sobre la importancia de la sostenibilidad y el impacto de las interdependencias en el nexo WEF hacen que estas inversiones sean no solo una opción estratégica, sino también un imperativo para los inversores en el futuro. ...
El objetivo principal de este estudio es evaluar la rentabilidad y los riesgos asociados al portafolio del nexo agua, energía y alimentos (AEA) en el escenario pospandemia. Para ello, se empleó una metodología cuantitativa y trans- versal, basada en el análisis de una variedad de commodities que representan estos sectores, tales como bonos de agua de California; petróleo crudo Brent, gas natural, maíz, soja y café. El análisis se realizó mediante un algoritmo desarrollado en Python, enfocado en evaluar la rentabilidad, el riesgo del portafolio y la Frontera de Eficiencia de Markowitz. Los resultados mostraron que, aunque existen oportunidades de rentabilidad en el portafolio del nexo AEA, también se presentan riesgos significativos para la obtención de dicha rentabilidad. Un hallazgo clave del es- tudio es que, a pesar de la creciente demanda de recursos eficientes y sostenibles, la inversión en estos sectores requiere una gestión estratégica y considerada. Se sugiere la necesidad de una cuidadosa selección y diversifi- cación del portafolio, alineando las inversiones con principios de sostenibilidad para garantizar su viabilidad a largo plazo. El estudio concluye destacando la importancia de desarrollar modelos predictivos más robustos y aboga por investigaciones futuras para un análisis más integral de las dinámicas entre agua, energía y alimentos y su impacto en los mercados financieros.
... The Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) regions have embraced the WEF nexus approach to promote sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development in areas with limited or contested resources availability. These areas are seen as nexus 'hotspots', being rich in water resources, high-value land for agricultural production, and renewable energy resources [7,8], but are experiencing rapid population growth and development and are thus facing acute WEF resources challenges. ...
... The "Water-Eenrgy -Food nexus" includes investigating the interconnectedness of these three resources, as well as their synergies, conflicts and the repercussions that arise from their management [1] [2]. The nexus can be impacted by variables such as climate change, population, land, and policies Fig. 1 [3]. The Nexus discussions were centered on the approach as a comprehensive and multidimensional approach that includes multiple stakeholders and abides by the stated principles [4]. ...
... A composite indicator or index is created to provide a comprehensive view of the context being examined, for example, the WEF nexus [3]. The WEF Nexus Index value serves as a reflection of a country's level of equitable access to and availability of these three critical resources [6]. ...
The WEF Nexus Index’s quantitative perspective provides a way to evaluate the trade-offs that need to be taken into account for sustainable development. Morocco’s natural resources are being impacted by climate change, and the demand for energy, water, and food are increasing the pressure on these resources. Academics are becoming more interested in measuring the synergies and trade-offs between this resource. The purpose of this paper is to offer an interpretation of how the Morocco WEF Nexus Index has changed over the course of 5 years, as determined by open databases. The index’s value decreased and Morocco’s ranking deteriorated during this period, as evidenced by the results. The results are useful for evaluating Morocco’s progress in managing integrated resources and aiding in decision-making and policy development. On an interactive website, A group of visual representations linked to WEF Nexus Index has been put together.
... Để xây dựng chỉ số tổng hợp đánh giá mối liên kết giữa nước, năng lượng, lương thực cần có một khung đánh giá hệ thống. Theo đó, đánh giá mối quan hệ WEF lấy con người làm trung tâm là cách tiếp cận phổ biến được các nghiên cứu trên thế giới sử dụng để xây dựng chỉ số đánh giá mối quan hệ WEF [24,32]. Trong đó, "nhu cầu" ngày càng tăng và "quyền tiếp cận" không đồng đều của các cộng đồng trên thế giới đối với các nguồn tài nguyên quan trọng như nước, năng lượng và lương thực đứng ở vị trí trung tâm của khung này. ...
... Trong đó, "nhu cầu" ngày càng tăng và "quyền tiếp cận" không đồng đều của các cộng đồng trên thế giới đối với các nguồn tài nguyên quan trọng như nước, năng lượng và lương thực đứng ở vị trí trung tâm của khung này. Khung được đề xuất này đặc biệt phù hợp để áp dụng trong bối cảnh thế giới đang phát triển nhanh và liên tục như hiện nay do tập trung vào các Mục tiêu Phát triển Bền vững (SDGs) 2, 6, và 7, cũng như thể hiện rõ được vai trò toàn diện của quản lý và chính sách trong thúc đẩy bảo vệ môi trường và phát triển bền vững [32] (Hình 3). Hình 3. Khung liên kết WEF lấy con người làm trung tâm [24]. ...
... Mỗi trụ cột của WEF bao gồm hai trụ cột thành phần là "khả năng tiếp cận" và "tính sẵn có", có tầm quan trọng như nhau. Trụ cột thành phần về khả năng tiếp cận liên quan đến phân bổ công bằng và đồng đều các nguồn tài nguyên WEF, trong khi trụ cột thành phần về tính sẵn có tập trung vào hiện diện vật lý thực tế của tài nguyên [32]. Mỗi trụ cột thành phần bao gồm một nhóm các chỉ số cụ thể và các trọng số tương ứng mô tả khả năng tiếp cận hoặc tính sẵn có của nguồn tài nguyên liên quan đến WEF (Bảng 1). ...
... The importance of the WEF nexus becomes increasingly evident as a growing body of literature is dedicated to its systematic study (Simpson et al., 2022;Sargentis et al., 2022a,d). Over the past decade, scholars and experts have recognized the multifaceted nature of the interactions within the WEF nexus, acknowledging its role in shaping sustainable resource management strategies. ...
... This comprehensive approach ensures that the implications of decisions in one dimension are thoroughly understood in the context of the entire nexus. By considering these dimensions together, we gain insights into the complex nexus of relationships and dependencies, paving the way for more informed and integrated approaches to resource management (Yang and Yamazaki, 2013;Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 2014; Leck et al., 2015;Chang et al., 2016;Endo et al., 2017;Albrecht et al., 2018;Zhang et al., 2018;Hamidov et al., 2022;Simpson et al., 2022). ...
The water–energy–food (WEF) nexus is a basic element of prosperity, yet it is not equally distributed on the land. Human progress has optimized the function of the WEF nexus to bridge the inequality gap. In order to understand this progress, this study compares the preindustrial and modern agricultural practices in an area in Greece. Interviews were conducted with an elderly man who lived in the 1950s, and the process was quantified in units of WEF. The same procedure was also carried out with modern farmers for modern agricultural practices. In comparing the past and present agricultural processes, it is observed that today, a farmer can feed approximately 100 times more people. This feat has been achieved as modern practices push the land with energy sources in multiple ways (fuels and fertilizers). However, energy indices such as energy ratio, net energy gain, specific energy, and energy productivity do not seem to be improved. Furthermore, farmers prefer to pump underground water for irrigation, instead of utilizing the nearby river, as was done in the past when the river provided both energy to the watermill and an abundance of water for irrigation. In addition, as the price of wheat is dependent on the stock market, even in 2023, there are risks to food security, the cultivation of wheat was not economically efficient for farmers in this area in 2023.
... A recent collaborative effort between researchers, policy makers and practitioners has produced the WEF Nexus Index, using the methodology developed by the European Commission JRC Competence Centre on Composite Indicators and Scoreboards. It serves as a valuable tool to quantify a country's performance in managing its WEF resources and to identify areas of strength and weakness in WEF resources (Simpson et al. 2022). ...
... In this sense, our examination of environmental impact reveals a positive balance: the − 176,413 t of CO 2 eq captured by the cultivated plant mass compensate for the emissions produced in the agricultural system, thus contributing to the improvement of the environment and the mitigation of climate change. The WEF nexus index (Simpson et al. 2022) for Axarquia could not be calculated because the data required are not available at a local level. Future research should incorporate more detailed analysis of this nexus for a better understanding of the net CO 2 eq balance. ...
This research explores the dynamic interplay of water, energy, and carbon in Axarquia, Spain (1990–2030), focusing on the escalating water deficit and rising emissions. It seeks to comprehend the impact of subtropical crop expansion on regional resources. A comprehensive methodology integrates data on water demand, alternative sources and energy-intensive processes. Key methods include assessing the influence of subtropical crops on water requirements by calculating the FAO 56 crop coefficient (Kc), the total annual energy (GWh) as a consequence of the volume of water demanded, identifying the predominant water sources and quantifying CO2 emissions by calculating the carbon footprint balance, providing a holistic view of regional resource dynamics. The methodology developed here can be adapted to basins elsewhere and can be a useful tool to help the design of water management policies in basins where the balance of the Water, Food, Energy nexus is of particular interest. The study reveals a substantial 30% surge in water demand due to exponential growth in subtropical crops. Additionally, energy-intensive processes linked to alternative water sources contribute to a projected surge in emissions (2022–2030), indicating significant regional challenges. Axarquia faces imminent challenges with a widening water deficit and escalating emissions. However, the region emerges as a vital carbon sink, evidenced by the net carbon balance. With 176,413 tCO2eq sequestered by cultivated plant mass, the study underscores the potential for environmental improvement and climate change mitigation in the region.