Figure - uploaded by Colleen Harmeling
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Customer engagement marketing—defined as a firm’s deliberate effort to motivate, empower, and measure customer contributions to marketing functions—marks a shift in marketing research and business practice. After defining and differentiating engagement marketing, the authors present a typology of its two primary forms and offer tenets that link spe...
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... For marketing practitioners, these platforms present opportunities to expand communication channels with customers while fulfilling objectives related to customer relationship management and business promotion (Bai and Yan 2020). In response to these trends, an increasing number of studies have focused on how CE on social media impacts brand-related and customer-related outcomes (Harmeling et al. 2017;Schivinski et al. 2016). Additionally, many researchers (e.g. ...
... Given the growing number of online users and increasing attachments to digital tools, CE conceptualization has been extensively investigated in extensive studies (e.g. Harmeling et al. 2017;Verleye et al. 2014;Brodie et al. 2013Brodie et al. , 2011Hollebeek 2011;van Doorn et al. 2010). Diverse dimensions have been identified in these studies, but the CE conceptualization may nonetheless be consolidated into three major dimensions, namely, behavioural, affective and cognitive (Lim & Rasul 2022). ...
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Customer engagement (CE) within social media has emerged as a focal point in marketing research due to its significant impact on brand and firm-related outcomes. However, effective measurement methodologies for CE behaviours remain underexplored in this context. Building upon the existing concept of CE behaviour proposed by Brodie et al. (J Serv Res 14(3):252–271, 2013), and the CE cycle theory, this paper introduces an operational definition that supports an entropy-based CE behaviour measurement framework, offering a nuanced reflection of social media dynamics. The proposed measurement approach, among the initial attempts to integrate the multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) weighting method into brand marketing analytics, ensures a reliable and rigorous assessment of CE performance with brands. Additionally, a range of analytical methods, including regression modelling using dummy variables, sentiment analysis, and hierarchical clustering algorithm, were synthesized to assist the objective evaluation of brands’ impacts on CE behaviour outcomes. A peer group of six luxury brands were chosen to analyse their impacts on engagement performance independently. Key findings from this application demonstrate the approach’s ability to compare the engagement performance of different brands, offering a significant tool to differentiate engagement behaviour levels while providing actionable insights for brand marketing initiatives.
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A total of 458 respondents who use social media platforms to access sports team-related information were reached via purposive sampling. Confirmatory factor analysis and covariance-based structural equation modeling were conducted to evaluate measurement and path models. This study also attempted to detect whether there is an indirect effect of sponsor brand awareness on the purchase intention of sports consumers.
The relevance, value and credibility of social media information significantly and positively affected sponsor brand awareness among the respondents. Such awareness favorably influenced their attitude and perceptions toward sponsor brands. This awareness also indirectly influenced their purchase intention through brand image as a mediator. As well, brand image strongly and directly affected purchase intention.
By identifying the importance of sports team information posted on social media platforms, this study guide sports teams and sponsors in crafting high-quality social media content that enhances brand awareness, brand image and positively shapes consumer attitudes, ultimately driving purchase intention.
... Over the last two decades, researchers have shown increasing interest in the topic of consumer engagement. However, previous studies have failed to agree on a unifying framework for competing variants in multiple contexts, including for brand engagement (Hollebeek, 2011b;Hollebeek et al., 2014), customer engagement (Brodie et al., 2011;Harmeling et al., 2017;Kumar & Pansari, 2016), brand community engagement (Algesheimer et al., 2005), and online media engagement (Calder et al., 2009) in the behavioral research stream (Beckers et al., 2018;Harmeling et al., 2017;Jaakkola & Alexander, 2014;Kumar & Pansari, 2016;Van Doorn et al., 2010), the psychological research stream (Calder et al., 2009;Higgins, 2006;Mollen & Wilson, 2010), and the multidimensional research stream (Alvarez-Milán et al., 2018;Hollebeek, 2011a;Hollebeek et al., 2014;Vivek et al., 2012). ...
... Over the last two decades, researchers have shown increasing interest in the topic of consumer engagement. However, previous studies have failed to agree on a unifying framework for competing variants in multiple contexts, including for brand engagement (Hollebeek, 2011b;Hollebeek et al., 2014), customer engagement (Brodie et al., 2011;Harmeling et al., 2017;Kumar & Pansari, 2016), brand community engagement (Algesheimer et al., 2005), and online media engagement (Calder et al., 2009) in the behavioral research stream (Beckers et al., 2018;Harmeling et al., 2017;Jaakkola & Alexander, 2014;Kumar & Pansari, 2016;Van Doorn et al., 2010), the psychological research stream (Calder et al., 2009;Higgins, 2006;Mollen & Wilson, 2010), and the multidimensional research stream (Alvarez-Milán et al., 2018;Hollebeek, 2011a;Hollebeek et al., 2014;Vivek et al., 2012). ...
... The behavioral research stream views engagement in terms of consumer behaviors (Beckers et al., 2018;Harmeling et al., 2017;Jaakkola & Alexander, 2014;Kumar & Pansari, 2016;Van Doorn et al., 2010) and has generally adopted van Doorn et al.'s (2010) definition of engagement as "the customers' behavioral manifestation toward a brand or firm, beyond purchase, resulting from motivational drivers" (p. 253). ...
Companies increasingly use social media influencers to engage with consumers and to promote their products. However, despite growing research interest in these parasocial relationships, the nature of parasocial engagement has not yet been comprehensively conceptualized. This study integrated previous studies within a para-social engagement framework with three dimensions: cognitive processing, affection, and behavior. It used a mixed-methods approach: a meta-analysis of 117 studies with a total of 47,647 respondents and an exploratory qualitative study of 25 interviews. Current accounts of parasocial engagement were extended by identifying influencer characteristics (i.e., expertise, trustworthiness, social attractiveness, physical attractiveness, and congruence) as key elements of the construct. The study findings confirmed that the dimensions of parasocial engagement are collectively related to brand associations and purchase intentions, and that the impact of par-asocial engagement on purchase intention is dependent on the product characteristics (i.e., involvement and purchase frequency) and the content type (i.e., picture vs. video). Theoretical and managerial implications of these findings are discussed, and an agenda for future research is proposed.
... However, firms also seek to stimulate Customer Engagement through FGC (Brodie et al., 2013;Goh, Heng, & Lin, 2013;Hanson, Jiang, & Dahl, 2019;Harmeling, Moffett, Arnold, & Carlson, 2017;Kumar et al., 2016;Sheng, 2019), which is considered an indicator of marketing performance in social networks (Ji, Li, North, & Liu, 2017;Lee & Park, 2022). Customer Engagement has been widely studied through various lenses (Santos, Cheung, Coelho, & Rita, 2022), one of which establishes that user interaction in terms of likes, comments, and shares depends on the characteristics of the messages that each brand posts (Schultz, 2017). ...
In a social-media context, brands need to understand how to frame their messages, so that a topic can be quickly recognized, promoting higher levels of user engagement. However, knowledge about the link between content type and its engagement is not sufficiently studied. We first explore hotel Firm-Generated Content (FGC) and its inherent themes using topic modelling; we then use an ad hoc metric to investigate the engagement levels associated with each topic; thirdly, we compare the relevance attached to the topics with their engagement levels. In total, 44,448 corporate tweets from 62 hotel brands were analyzed to identify 14 topics, one of which had not previously been uncovered. Notably, there was a positive correlation with engagement for content related to hotel management activities and, among smaller groups, to sustainability. The results will expand FGC-related investigation within the hotel sector and will be of interest to firms seeking effective communication strategies.
... It is worth noting that several studies have explored the application of the PDCA cycle in the Fuzzy domain and the Neutrosophic domain [24,137,392]. • Check (C): Evaluation criteria such as "ROI Improvement [206]" and "Engagement Increase [157]": ...
Body-Mind-Soul-Spirit Fluidity is a concept rooted in psychology and phenomenology, offering significant insights into human decision-making and well-being. Similarly, in social analysis and social sciences, frameworks such as PDCA, DMAIC, SWOT, and OODA have been established to enable structured evaluation and effective problem-solving. Furthermore, in phenomenology and social sciences, various logical systems have been developed to address specific objectives and practical applications. This paper extends these concepts using the Neutrosophic theory, revisiting their mathematical definitions and exploring their properties. The Neutrosophic Set, an extension of the Fuzzy Set, is a highly flexible framework that has been widely studied in fields such as social sciences. By incorporating Neutrosophic Sets, we aim to improve their suitability for programming and mathematical analysis, providing advanced methods to tackle complex, multi-dimensional problems. We hope that this research will inspire further studies and foster the development of practical applications across various related disciplines.
... Based on this, according to the classification of resources based on the resource conservation theory, this study identified two key resources, positive emotions and quasi social relations, which correspond to psychological resources and relationship resources respectively, as important variables for studying the relationship between anime short video ""cuteness"" perception and customer integration. The experiential customer integration marketing theory (Harmeling et al., 2017) emphasizes that experiential events can promote long-term customer integration by driving lasting changes in customer beliefs and attitudes. During this process, customers need to invest a significant amount of emotional and cognitive resources. ...
Anime short video marketing activities are increasingly frequent, but the research on its mechanism is relatively scarce. Based on the resource conservation theory and experiential integration marketing theory, this study constructs a chain mediation model of anime short video "cuteness" perception influencing customer integration through positive emotions and quasi social relations. Collect data through questionnaire survey method and use multiple analytical methods for empirical testing. The results show that anime short video "cuteness" perception has a significant positive impact on customer integration, in which positive emotions and quasi social relations play an important mediating and chain mediating role. This study provides theoretical support and management enlightenment for enterprises' anime short video marketing practice, and also points out the limitations of the study and future prospects.
... This sense of happiness fosters emotional connections (Blackston, 1995), paving the way for brand love-a deep emotional predisposition toward a brand (Batra et al., 2012;Carroll & Ahuvia, 2006). These emotional bonds facilitate consumer engagement, defined as the intensity of an individual's participation in and connection with the masstige brand or the offering organization, as reflected through cognitive, emotional, and behavioral dimensions (Das et al., 2022b;Harmeling et al., 2017;Junaid et al., 2019). ...
... Medical schemes, a vital component of South Africa's healthcare sector, play a significant role in providing access to private healthcare services. Governed by the Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998, these non-profit entities pool member contributions to fund healthcare services, ensuring financial protection against the rising costs of medical care (Council for Medical in the market (Harmeling et al., 2016). This section provides a literature study that analyses three key aspects of digital marketing techniques and their significance in the healthcare sector. ...
The health insurance sector has undergone a significant transformation due to the quick development of digital technology, and digital marketing techniques are essential for improving client retention, satisfaction, and engagement. In an increasingly competitive marketplace, digital platforms empower insurers to deliver personalised and readily accessible services, thereby addressing consumer demands for convenience while fostering loyalty and trust. This study examined the impact of digital marketing strategies, specifically focusing on mobile applications and social media, and email marketing to the improvement of consumer engagement in the health insurance industry. It utilises Scheme A and B case studies to illustrate these effects using a purposive sampling method. Using a case study approach, the research analysed the digital marketing strategies of both schemes, with a focus on mobile app usage, social media engagement, and email campaigns. Scheme A saw an 85% increase in daily logins and a 14% growth in social media followers, while Scheme B experienced a 39% rise in app downloads but showed limited social media engagement. This shift from email marketing to mobile and social media platforms is evident across both schemes. The findings of the study highlights the need by health insurers to prioritise mobile and social media marketing to strengthen customer engagement and loyalty, leveraging personalised and continuous digital interactions. The study advances knowledge of how digital marketing affects consumer engagement in the health insurance industry.
... Firstly, since the focal mechanisms of engagement lead to directing more attention, passion and energy towards a value proposition, the engagement experience can be associated with customers' voluntary contributions to co-creation. Secondly, considering that engagement reflects customers' proactive interactions and efforts that exceed regular transactional expectations (Harmeling et al., 2017) and translates into resource development and co-creation , it can be anticipated that engagement drives enhanced business benefits. ...
There is an ongoing challenge to map the efficacy of e-retailing strategies in building both value co-creation opportunities for online customers and customer value for companies. Based on the service-dominant (S-D) logic, an integrative model is provided that connects the impact of convenience and personalisation strategies (CPSs) on an e-retailer's performance – by offering co-creation opportunities and customer engagement.
The survey instrument is validated and the model is tested with data from active online customers using a novel methodology that blends artificial neural network (ANN) analysis with partial least squares (PLS) in both the measurement model and the path analysis.
The findings robustly support the model and yield evidence of the contribution of CPSs in effective value propositions, the interface between the S-D logic and customer engagement, and the direct effect of customer engagement on tangible forms of value for companies.
This study is the first scholarly effort to provide a comprehensive understanding of how and why CPSs can maximise customer value for the e-retailer, while simultaneously testing the customer value/engagement interface with a new blended ANN-PLS method.
... After its introduction by Harmeling et al. (2017), CEM has seen rapid uptake in the literature (Alvarez-Milán et al., 2018;Vivek et al., 2019). Defined as "a firm's deliberate effort to motivate, empower, and measure customer contributions to [its] marketing functions" (Harmeling et al., 2017, p. 312), CEM nurtures customers' (resource) contributions to the organization, revealing its strategic nature. ...
By strategically cultivating customers' engagement, Customer Engagement Marketing (CEM) boosts the firm's relationships with its customers. However, CEM's isolated customer focus overlooks the importance of cultivating other firm stakeholders' (e.g., employees' or suppliers') engagement with the firm, exposing a pertinent gap in the literature. Addressing this gap, we conceptualize Responsible Stakeholder Engagement Marketing (RSEM) as a theoretical subset of the broader corporate social responsibility (CSR) concept. We define RSEM as a firm's deliberate strategic effort to stimulate and empower its stakeholders to make responsible contributions to the firm, other stakeholders, and the environment. We also develop a framework and an associated set of propositions that are informed by stakeholder theory, which suggest that a firm's internal (vs. specific external) stakeholders' need for the firm's social responsibility differentially affects its instrumental, compliant and moral RSEM strategy, thereby uniquely impacting (a) its stakeholders' contributions to the firm, other stakeholders, and the environment, and (b) the firm's triple bottom-line performance. We conclude by discussing key implications that arise from our analyses.