Figure - uploaded by Raul Ferrer Conill
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This study investigates the visual objects that are used to either disclose or disguise the commercial nature of native advertising as news articles. We adopt a “material object” approach to explore the potential implications for journalism regarding transparency, trust, and credibility. Methodologically, this study used content analysis covering 2...
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Context 1
... measure how online newspapers differentiate between native advertisement and news content, our team of coders also collected regular homepage news items and standalone news articles for each publication as the baseline to which the native ad lead-items on the homepage and the full-page native ads were compared. These baseline homepages and news items allowed us to define the form of coinciding or disclosing objects in their original design (see Table 2). In this article, we present results on those variables that we consider to be most important visual objects: coinciding objects which help mimic the articles (use of lead paragraph, text size, text font, text colour, background colour, authorship bylines, banners), and disclosing objects, which were used to measure how native ads are disclosed (use of borders, number and explanation of disclosures, stating the advertiser and their logos). ...Similar publications
Patient registration with a primary care providers supports continuity in the patient-provider relationship. This paper develops a framework for analysing the characteristics of patient registration across countries; applies this framework to a selection of countries; and identifies challenges and ongoing reform efforts. Twelve jurisdictions (Denma...
... the separation of advertising and journalism is an essential aspect of professional journalism but is argued to be replaced by a norm of integration, putting journalistic autonomy at risk (coddington 2015;cornia, sehl, and Nielsen 2020). hybrid ads blur the boundaries between advertising and editorial content, as well as between the business side and the editorial staff, when journalists are asked to help producing hybrid ads (e.g., Ferrer-conill et al. 2021;Palau-sampio 2021). this alters the "institutionally sedimented arrangements" (hardy 2021, 865) of news organizations, advertisers, and journalists. ...
... although hybrid advertising in news outlets is not a new phenomenon, it has become more prevalent (serazio 2021). While native advertising became a popular practice in digital news media over the past decade in the United states and many european countries, other forms of hybrid advertising such, as advertorials in printed news media, had already gained ground during the 1980s and 1990s (e.g., Ferrer-conill et al. 2021;sandler and secunda 1993;stout, Wilcox, and greer 1989). these two waves of proliferation reflect two stages of economic challenge in the news industry. ...
... hybrid advertising can intensify this development in several ways. First, it increases integration at the content level, when ads blend in with news (Ferrer-conill et al. 2021). second, hybrid advertising fosters integration at the staff and practice level, as it is increasingly produced in-house and often involves the journalists of news organizations (Palau-sampio 2021). ...
Hybrid advertising, such as native ads or advertorials, is a vital revenue stream for digital news media, but is normatively challenging, since it blurs the boundaries between advertising and journalism. We lack an overview of the types of hybrid advertising that news organizations deem acceptable, and insight into how they discursively legitimize blurring boundaries by publicly promoting such advertising. News media list and promote the advertising forms
they offer to advertisers in their media kits, but communication
scholars have overlooked this rich information source. In a quantitative content analysis of media kits, we examined portfolios of hybrid advertising offered by digital news media and how openly
they promote the hybrid nature thereof. The results show that digital
news media most commonly offer sponsored editorial content
mimicking articles but also various other forms. We develop a taxonomy of the types of hybrid advertising based on their label,
media format, and type of hybridity. News organizations openly
promote the boundary-blurring nature while rarely highlighting
disclosure policies. The bold promotion of ever-more forms of
hybrid advertising discursively contributes to normalizing transgression of the iconic wall separating journalism from advertising and makes it increasingly difficult for audiences, regulators, and scholars to keep track.
... Este aspecto, además, se suma a la crisis de credibilidad que viven estos, en un momento en que su legitimidad está fuertemente cuestionada(Carlson y Locke, 2022). Ello refuerza la necesidad de definir las normas deontológicas que regulen las condiciones de contenido y desarrollo, producción y ejecución para estas prácticas, aún sin definir(Ferrer-Conill et al., 2021).El estudio llevado a cabo presenta algunas limitaciones, que abren nuevas líneas de investigación. En este sentido, futuros trabajos pueden ampliar el marco temporal del análisis, así como el número de medios que apuestan por el branded content informativo en sus versiones digitales. ...
El branded content en su modalidad informativa se fundamenta en publicaciones que imitan el estilo y carácter del contenido editorial, intentando que su condición de patrocinado pase desapercibida a la audiencia. Esta investigación se propone analizar la calidad periodística de estas publicaciones a través de dos objetivos específicos. En primer lugar, se desarrolla una propuesta metodológica cualitativa para evaluar estos contenidos sponsorizados. Este índice contempla diez criterios fundamentales de la calidad periodística y asigna una valoración (<10) en una escala de cuatro niveles (deficiente, mínima, buena y excelente). En segundo lugar, se aplica este índice a una muestra de ítems publicados durante un mes (N=372) en seis de los principales medios digitales españoles. Los resultados evidencian estándares mínimos en el branded content informativo. Sólo uno de los seis medios analizados cumple con los estándares de buena calidad, con una valoración de 6,8, mientras que los restantes presentan niveles pobres de rigor periodístico. Cuatro de los medios ni siquiera alcanzan una valoración global de cinco sobre diez. Desde un punto de vista periodístico, el branded content informativo atiende a la selección de temas de interés para la ciudadanía y a los roles periodísticos de servicio y social. Sin embargo, las fuentes son escasas, están vinculadas a la empresa promotora y, a menudo, resultan poco adecuadas para tratar el tema. El estrecho vínculo entre el contenido y la marca evidencia el riesgo que el branded content supone para garantizar la distancia entre contenidos editoriales y comerciales.
... operativa e indagando sobre cómo innovar en su modelo de negocio, y así poder ampliar sus fuentes de ingresos y rentabilizar sus audiencias (Ahlers, 2006;Kostopoulos, 2020;Cañedo & Segovia, 2022), lo que se traduce en que, aparte de los ingresos por publicidad que se comercializa en el ecosistema digital principalmente en base a coste por mil impresiones (CPM) o coste por clic (CPC) (Lee & Cho, 2020;Johnson, 2023), los medios están potenciado sus modelos de suscripción, la realización de eventos en línea y el desarrollo de nuevos canales y formatos (Fondevila-Gascón, 2012;Papí-Gálvez, 2015;Lauerer, 2019;Price, 2020;Serazio, 2020;Wielki, 2020;Ferrer-Conill et al., 2021;Lee et al., 2021;Beckert, 2023) como el branded content y la publicidad nativa. Estas estrategias buscan reducir la dependencia que siempre han sufrido de los ingresos derivados de las campañas de publicidad. ...
La sostenibilidad financiera de los medios de comunicación es el principal reto que afronta la industria periodística desde la irrupción de Internet y el cambio en el modelo de negocio periodístico. De una fuente de ingresos centrada en la publicidad se está evolucionando de forma decidida hacia fórmulas diversas de modelos de pago, tanto en la versión online de los medios tradicionales como en los surgidos de forma exclusivamente digital. No obstante, los resultados en forma de ingresos no son los esperados, ya que los medios en España acumulan en total un millón de suscriptores de pago, por debajo de las previsiones. La evolución de la audiencia y de los tipos de consumo obliga a innovar sobre posibles vías alternativas de ingresos y de fidelización de las audiencias. En la investigación se sigue una metodología cuantitativa (estadística) y cualitativa (entrevistas en profundidad y teoría fundamentada), en una dinámica de triangulación. Los resultados indican que el lector busca mecanismos alternativos de acceder a los contenidos, y que los medios de comunicación tratan de responder a ese reto adaptando las propuestas publicitarias. Se concluye que los medios deben promover y aprovechar canales alternativos para alcanzar al lector (como las redes sociales o la mensajería instantánea), y explorar y explotar anuncios programáticos directos a públicos concretos y la compra programática como nueva fuente de financiación que complemente las ya existentes.
... The last decade found various billionaires, or "moguls," investing in news organizations as a form of both public service and, potentially, as a driver of profits (Kennedy, 2018). Many news organizations, both new and old, have primarily or partially funded themselves through the publication of native advertising, or branded content that looks and reads like traditional journalism (Ferrer-Conill et al., 2021;Li, 2022). Finally, as is the case with The Athletic, the emergence of venture capital-funded organizations within journalism created newsrooms that both aligned with journalistic norms, but also deviated from them (Usher, 2017). ...
Through the lens of disruptive innovation, the present study explores a potential model for local journalism—one that has proven particularly successful for sports journalism in The Athletic. The present study reports on in-depth interviews with Athletic employees across all facets of the organization ( n = 49), and argues that the key to The Athletic’s success is reflected in its emphasis on implementing a national infrastructure for local reporting, and employing journalists already embedded in local communities. The article concludes with a rudimentary rendering of how this model could be implemented for local news.
... Changes in marketing practices contradict the long-standing normative tradition of separating editorial and commercial content. Newsrooms must maintain their authority and autonomy from commercial actors (Ferrer-Conill et al., 2020;Harlow, 2017). ...
... It indicates that the commercial content aired takes on the form and function of editorial content. They attempt to recreate the user experience of reading news instead of advertising content (Ferrer-Conill et al., 2020). ...
YouTube has increasingly gained popularity among news media outlets. Numerous contents have been uploaded on news media official YouTube channels either in the form of regular or commercial news. In Indonesia, two national news media outlets, and, which initially focused on publishing their articles on their website, have employed so-called mobile journalists who can primarily produce and edit news videos for YouTube. This study is part of our research on the content industry in a disruptive era with mass media in Indonesia as a subject. This research aims to seek editorial and commercial content sources from mobile journalists and the considerations mobile journalists should make when creating editorial and commercial content for YouTube news channels. To answer these questions, we have identified the trending topics on social media and conducted a content analysis. In addition, we observed and YouTube channels and conducted interviews with the news editorial staff. The findings showed that regular news, trending and viral news, unique and in-depth reporting and online events, international news, Q&A with experts based on users' comments, and hot news from other YouTube accounts are the primary news sources for mobile journalists. These are utilized for either business purposes or newsroom agendas. It also discusses what aspects the journalists must consider before producing editorial and commercial content on their YouTube news channels.
... Changes in marketing practices contradict the long-standing normative tradition of separating editorial and commercial content. Newsrooms must maintain their authority and autonomy from commercial actors (Ferrer-Conill et al., 2020;Harlow, 2017). ...
... It indicates that the commercial content aired takes on the form and function of editorial content. They attempt to recreate the user experience of reading news instead of advertising content (Ferrer-Conill et al., 2020). ...
YouTube has increasingly gained popularity among news media outlets. Numerous contents have been uploaded on news media official YouTube channels either in the form of regular or commercial news. In Indonesia, two national news media outlets, and, which initially focused on publishing their articles on their website, have employed so-called mobile journalists who can primarily produce and edit news videos for YouTube. This study is part of our research on the content industry in a disruptive era with mass media in Indonesia as a subject. This research aims to seek editorial and commercial content sources from mobile journalists and the considerations mobile journalists should make when creating editorial and commercial content for YouTube news channels. To answer these questions, we have identified the trending topics on social media and conducted a content analysis. In addition, we observed and YouTube channels and conducted interviews with the news editorial staff. The findings showed that regular news, trending and viral news, unique and in-depth reporting and online events, international news, Q&A with experts based on users' comments, and hot news from other YouTube accounts are the primary news sources for mobile journalists. These are utilized for either business purposes or
newsroom agendas. It also discusses what aspects the journalists must consider before producing editorial and commercial content on their YouTube news channels.
... A larger portion of the traditional advertising is conducted by advertising enterprises; however, the primary native advertising production originates from news organizations. Once news organizations accept commercial sponsors, creating native advertising and branding content becomes another responsibility of journalists (Ferrer-Conill et al., 2020). Here, journalists have the capabilities to create effective native advertisements, as it follows news style, layout, and forms (Zhou & Xue, 2019). ...
... The integration of advertising and news has broken long-held professional norms for editors and deprived journalists of reporting autonomy to a significant degree (Wang & Li, 2017). Moreover, critics argued that the rise of native advertising has influenced editors to face new realities that they may have to write unauthentic content (Ferrer-Conill et al., 2020). Hence, in the case news organizations take part in native advertising production activity, then it becomes challenging for journalists to follow the code of journalist professional ethics. ...
... Thus, to some extent, native advertising deceives people by mixing advertising messages within regular information (Ferrer-Conill et al., 2020). To ensure transparency and avoid deceptiveness, regulators have to update policy so that consumers' rights can be protected. ...
... Zamith, Mañas-Viniegra and N uñez-G omez (2021) use neuromarketing analysis of eye tracking to assess how users read combinations of headline, text and image. Ferrer-Conill et al. (2020) compare the visual features by which native advertising is distinguished from news items. This innovative study examines the contradictions between "coinciding" visual objects which help to mimic news articles such as "lead paragraph, text size, text font, text colour, background colour, authorship bylines, banners," and "disclosing" objects that identify and distinguish native advertising "use of borders, number and explanation of disclosures, stating the advertiser and their logos." ...
Sponsored editorial content is material with similar qualities and format to content that is typically published on a platform or by a content provider, but which is paid for by a third party. The growth of sponsored content in digital journalism over the last two decades has attracted wide-ranging research into developing practices, arrangements and their industrial, cultural and societal consequences. This introduction to a special issue on sponsored editorial content discusses the phenomena and how it has been understood and addressed by academic researchers, industry practitioners, regulatory agencies and civil society stakeholders. The article discusses definitions and definitional debates, provides a mapping of research approaches and findings, and identifies paths for future research, including those developed by authors for this special issue.
Nativno oglašavanje sve je zastupljeniji alat tržišne komunikacije organizacija i brendova. Riječ je o sadržaju oblikovanom na način da nalikuje uredničkom, dakle ostalim novinarskim formama (primarno vijestima), s ciljem privlačenja čitatelja prilagođenim uređivačkim sadržajem, uz istovremeno promoviranje brenda oglašivača, njegovih proizvoda te vrijednosti. To je posebice prisutno u suvremenom digitalnom okruženju, gdje su ti tzv. hibridni oblici medijskog sadržaja najvidljiviji, pri čemu se izdvajaju sponzorirani sadržaj, sadržajni marketing, brend novinarstvo te nativno oglašavanje koje je u srži ovog rada. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi osnovna obilježja nativnog oglašavanja na odabranim najčitanijim internetskim portalima u Republici Hrvatskoj, na kojima je pored ljudske obrade teksta primijenjena strojna analiza sadržaja nad 543 identificirana članka. Rezultati analize pokazali su kako je ICT industrija najzastupljenija industrija među oglašivačima i da nativni sadržaj u hrvatskom medijskom prostoru primarno nastaje unutar medijske kuće te da ga potpisuju specijalizirani marketinški timovi. Većina oglasa u uzorku hrvatskih internetskih portala pridržavala se uzusa dobre, ali i obvezujuće prakse jasnog označavanja oglašivača, dok u slučaju portala to nije bio slučaj. Najveći broj nativnih oglasa dosegnuo je između 10 i 20 tisuća te između 5 i 10 tisuća čitatelja pa se unatoč tomu što je riječ o najučinkovitijim oblikom online oglašavanja u digitalnim medijima, otvara pitanje može li se isto ustvrditi i u hrvatskom kontekstu. Zaključno, nativni oglasi na hrvatskim internetskim portalima pretežno imaju subjektivno pozitivan sentiment, no postoje varijacije svojstvene pojedinim industrijama. Tako je sentiment oglasa u ICT i financijskoj industriji pretežito pozitivan, dok u zdravstvenoj industriji prevladava subjektivno negativan sentiment.