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A virtual TV set combines images from the real world with a virtual environment in order to obtain images that give the impression of the real elements, such as actors or physical objects, being present in a computer-generated scene. Thus, the audience has the feeling of the talents being present in a place where they are not. One of the most relev...
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A virtual TV set is a studio that is able to combine recorded actors and objects with computer generated virtual environments in real time. In order to achieve this combination seamlessly, in an ideal configuration, several elements such as cameras, objects and people should be tracked so that all their actions on the stage have a corresponding eff...
... The study presented in Caputo and Giachetti (2015) compared the efficiency and usability of various manipulation modalities, involving one or two hands: besides direct manipulation, the authors analyzed interaction through abstract GUI elements such as finger pointers and handlebars. According to other experimental tests (Méndez et al. 2019), a tangible interface seems to provide the most effective and natural interaction modality, since the absence of a physical reference makes the interaction less intuitive. ...
Gesture-based touchless devices are becoming a widespread alternative to traditional gaming devices such as joysticks or gamepads. However, the impact of such devices on the user experience has to be evaluated, especially if we consider that most users are more familiar with classical handheld gaming controllers. In virtual reality applications, they influence not only the traditional usability, but also the user perception related to some peculiarities of immersive environments. In this paper, we evaluate both these aspects by comparing the user experience with the Myo armband touchless interface and the Vive controller distributed with the HTC Vive headset. We focused on a virtual navigator we developed for HTC Vive to allow users exploring the organs of the human body and navigating inside them. We recruited 78 subjects to test the virtual environment and asked them to fill in a questionnaire: we combined two generic purpose questionnaires focusing on the system usability (UMUX and SUS) and a presence questionnaire, which was specifically designed for virtual environments. We conducted a statistical analysis to study the effects of a touchless interaction on the user experience. The results revealed a better usability of the Myo armband, even though the effort to learn how to use the two devices is similar. In particular, difficulties in using Myo have a significant impact on immersion and adaptation in the virtual environment.
... Other studies have evaluated the usability, effectiveness and efficacy of Kinect-based interfaces in various applications, such as PowerPoint presentations [26] and virtual TV sets [27], where computer-generated objects are combined in real-time with real elements and three types of interaction are provided: virtual object selection, virtual object manipulation and natural gesture interaction. ...
... In the latter a real element manipulated by the user is tracked by an infrared camera and replaced by a virtual object in the same position. According to some experimental tests [27], this seems the most effective and natural interaction modality, since the absence of a physical reference makes the interaction less intuitive. ...
Natural user interfaces have been widely adopted in several application fields. In particular, they are employed in learning environments to increase the motivation and the engagement of students.
... Ongoing research also takes into account dynamically changing settings due to movement of real people, virtual entities and the camera [6]. Here, mutual occlusion effects have to be taken into account, which can only be achieved, if all participants are tracked and rendered in the correct order [7], [8]. Usually the live image from camera is mixed with the computer-generated image in a 2D-compositing process or as a flat billboard in a virtual scene. ...
Cómo citar este artículo en bibliografias / Referencia E CastellóMayoCastellóMayo, A López Gómez, R Méndez Fernández (2019): "La transferencia de conocimiento desde la universidad innovadora. Un modelo de gestión de la información en el contexto digital: el caso de estudio PIEDD". Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 74, pp. 537 a 553. La transferencia de conocimiento desde la universidad innovadora. Un modelo de gestión de la información en el contexto digital: el caso de estudio PIEDD Knowledge transfer from the innovative university. A model of information management in the digital context: the PIEDD case study Enrique Castelló Mayo [CV] [ ORCID] [ GS] Profesor. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, USC (España) Antía López Gómez [CV] [ ORCID] [ GS] Profesor. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, USC, (España) Roi Méndez Fernández [CV] [ ORCID] [ GS]. Profesor interino. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, USC, (España) Abstracts Para seguir cumpliendo con la imperiosa necesidad de generar y transferir conocimiento e innovación, las universidades deben cumplir con las crecientes demandas de una sociedad que está experimentando un imparable proceso de migración digital mundial. En este sentido, desde su creación en 2009 hasta la actualidad, la Plataforma para la Innovación y Experimentación en Diversidad Digital (PIEDD) de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela ha desarrollado proyectos de I + D en el entorno de la innovación tecnológica y la formación profesional en el contexto del diseño, generación y gestión de todo tipo de contenido digital, lo que avala una experiencia precursora de colaboración entre casi un centenar de prestigiosos investigadores que trabajan en los campos disciplinarios heterogéneos y concomitantes como la informática, NTIC, física aplicada, matemáticas, periodismo y comunicación audiovisual y publicidad. [EN] To continue fulfilling the imperative need to generate and transfer knowledge and innovation, universities must meet the growing demands of a society that is undergoing an unstoppable process of global digital migration. In this sense, since its creation in 2009 to the present, the Platform for Innovation and Experimentation in Digital Diversity (PIEDD) of the University of Santiago de Compostela has carried out R&D projects in technology innovation and vocational training in the context of design, generation and management of all kinds of digital content, which constitutes a pioneering experience of collaboration between almost one hundred prestigious researchers working RLCS, Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 74-Páginas 537 a 553 [Investigación Financiada] |